90% good news: Ralph doing well and... - British Heart Fou...

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90% good news

Gardenview10 profile image
44 Replies

Ralph doing well and happy with progress. Last Tuesday SALT said leave cuff down for 24 hours from Thursday to Friday morning, and if that went well, leave it down all weekend unless he was in distress. Then the plan was to put in a fenestrated cuffless trachy this Wednesday coming. Best laid plans etc. Last Tuesday night the cuff on his trachy got a puncture and went down Tuesday night. So as he'd already done 24 hours by last Wednesday, ENT decided to bite the bullet and put in the fenestrated cuffless one wednesday afternoon a whole week early. He's been fine although says it takes getting used to breathing through nose and mouth again as well as neck breathing.Here's where it gets interesting. ENT said before he comes home they're going to try capping the trachy which means covering it up and breathing alone. Says that can take a few weeks but once he can have it capped for 72 hours he could have it out altogether. Still may not be able to eat or drink though.

SALT came on Friday and was thrilled he'd got the new trachy. We said he may get it out before home and he said maybe not. He gave Ralph a teaspoon of water to drink, he didn't cough, but they had no idea if it went the right or wrong way. So either this Tues or the Tue after he'll give Ralph a swallow x-ray. They get him to swallow barium mixed with either water or yoghurt and take x-ray video where it's going. From my memory barium is a nightmare to swallow so think he'll find it hard. If it's going wrong way he won't recommend having trachy out even if not eating or drinking if he gets a cold etc his airway would be compromised. There are exercises he will give him to see if it improves. So obviously all those electric shocks he had haven't worked. So we're sort of on limbo until after the x-ray results. After that we'll start our trachy training ready for him coming home with one.

Obviously we'd prefer without, but we want him safe, he's worked so hard to survive.

SALT also said if nothing else works he'll refer him to Nottingham hospital for an outpatient appointment so the big guy can see if an operation would help, BUT we aren't sure about that. It was the intubation tube and sedation that started all this. We'll wait and see what happens in the next few weeks. The speed it's moving he could be home by end of July.

Best news of all, because it's cuffless and fenestrated ( holes in it) he can SPEAK, only on out breaths so takes a while but it's wonderful

It wore him out to start with but it's getting better each day.

If you're still here thanks for reading such a long post.

See you later 👋

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Gardenview10 profile image
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44 Replies
Plastow48 profile image

Great to hear your update and even better to hear the news about getting home at end of July. Hope all continues to go well. Remember to take care of yourself too.Gentle hugs and prayers. Jenny

Hylda2 profile image

Slow and steady.

Di 🙏

Traveldreams profile image

Happy days, dare I say that it feels like the end of this tunnel is in sight? I know he’s not there yet but it seems like he’s made more progress this past couple of weeks than all the other post op time. You’re a pair of fighters that’s for sure. Sending much love x

Cavalierrubie profile image

It’s so good to hear that Ralph can speak to you, and the wonderful progress he has made so far. I pray for you that his swallow is going the right way and that he doesn’t have to have any more operations. You are at the point of counting the weeks away for his home coming which is so hopeful and must make you so relieved and happy. You must send us a photograph of his homecoming as l am sure we would all like to see that day. God bless.

Catwifie profile image

Great progress! Good to read your update Sue! Take care of yourself! 😘

Cat04 profile image

How wonderful that he can speak again albeit exhausting and having to learn a new way to do so. There'll be no stopping him now! It all sounds good news and great progress especially when you look back to those early dark days and compare those with now and see how far he's come. Your love & support has got him through this awful journey.And a prospective coming home time schedule too, exciting (if slightly daunting) news. You both will manage because you both have the will, love & strength to do so.

Love and hugs to you both xx

Callie456 profile image

Thanks for the update, great to hear of the steady progress in the right direction 👍 It must be so wonderful to hear his voice! ❤️

Gardenview10 profile image
Gardenview10 in reply to Callie456

It really is and he sounds like he usually does which is even better 😉

Lezzers profile image

Fabulous news

Spanl5 profile image

So pleased to read this bulletin with such positive progress. It has been a long hard struggle to get this far and I hope the good news continues at pace. Take care of yourself too. Love to Both Jan xx

Rosie1066 profile image

so pleased for you both.

cappachina profile image

This sounds so promising you must both be over the moon I hope improvements now continue on a long straight road to him being at home with you Well done Ralph and you too

weepip profile image

It must be amazing to be able to hear him again xx

Gardenview10 profile image
Gardenview10 in reply to weepip

It absolutely is amazing 🤩

Cassiedogoman profile image

still looking out for your posts and so happy for you and your family that Ralph is making progress, its been a long haul for you and your dedication and his determination is paying off, keep safe and well yourself and i hope Ralph get home soon,

Sljp0000 profile image

So happy to read this Sue. I think about you and Ralph and you're in our prayers often. God bless you xx

Digger0 profile image

Brilliant news! Well done Ralph! I was hoping I had mot missed an update from you this week. I bet he las loads to say - how will you shut him up now :) xx

Gardenview10 profile image
Gardenview10 in reply to Digger0

Within 10 minutes he'd told me off twice, I almost called Dr back to put a cuffed trachy back 😜😂

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Gardenview10

He will have nearly 5 months of catching up to do :)

Gardenview10 profile image
Gardenview10 in reply to Digger0


Vms49 profile image
Vms49 in reply to Gardenview10

lol sounds about normal for a marriage

Tos92 profile image

This is really great news and to think that he might be home sooner is even better!

Thank you for the update Sue x

Valentina98 profile image

I'm so pleased he can talk a little now,

Onwards and upwards, July will soon be here. ❤️

Gardenview10 profile image
Gardenview10 in reply to Valentina98

6-7 weeks he'll be home fingers crossed x

Valentina98 profile image
Valentina98 in reply to Gardenview10

I'll have everything crossed for you x

Purpled profile image

fabulous news. Don’t get wearing him out Sue he has worked so hard to get this far 😁

Gardenview10 profile image
Gardenview10 in reply to Purpled


Greenthorn profile image

Don't worry. We are all here. We'll never leave you! ❤️

Gardenview10 profile image
Gardenview10 in reply to Greenthorn

Good, can't wait for him to be home, but obviously anxious. Ward sister says she doesn't care what the drs say they won't sign off on his discharge until they are completely satisfied we are 100% competent and confident, and also all the equipment we need is delivered, lol. Thank goodness his feed is on prescription and thankful for NHS as to buy enough for a week for him from Amazon is almost £170!!!

Cat04 profile image
Cat04 in reply to Gardenview10

Have you thought about claiming PIP for Ralph?

Gardenview10 profile image
Gardenview10 in reply to Cat04

Don't think we'd get PIP but will be putting in a claim for attendance allowance when he has his date for coming home.

Cat04 profile image
Cat04 in reply to Gardenview10

PIP under state pension age AA over state pension pension age (66) Wasn't sure how old Ralph is but went under! If you get PIP before age 66 it will continue after age 66 but if you claim after 66 it will only be AA going forwards. PIP can be worth a lot more £££s per week than AA.

Gardenview10 profile image
Gardenview10 in reply to Cat04

He'll be 66 next January....please God....

Cat04 profile image
Cat04 in reply to Gardenview10

You can claim now for PIP, so don't wait for him to be discharged from hosp, but it will only be payable from when he gets out. It takes ages for a claim to be dealt with so do it now, it gets backdated to the date of claim or date of discharge as appropriate. Otherwise you may miss out some payment.CAB can assist with a claim, it is quite daunting but well worth it.

Bet you are planning a big celebration 🤞and a catch up silver wedding party xx

AmandaLouise77 profile image

Thanks for updating Sue, that's all great news, he is such a strong man! It seems that now all the intervention is 'little fixes and tweaks' all adding up to get him home. This is so fantastic!

Manderson27 profile image

So pleased to hear that he is doing so well. Coming home is sure to help his recovery psychologically as well. As a lot of us know being in hospital even with minor issues is not conducive to relaxation and rest. Home is where the heart is after all.

ETHEL103 profile image

I'm so pleased for you both x

Gardenview10 profile image
Gardenview10 in reply to ETHEL103


Rhinos67 profile image

We love reading your posts especially when there is so much good news in them 🥰Joanne

Qualipop profile image

Reading that gave me the biggest smile in weeks. There's light at the end of the tunnel. When he does go home I bet we will hear the nurses cheering for him. The pair of you deserve medals.

Gillph profile image

This sounds like considerble progress. Well done to Ralph and how lovely you are able to hear his voice again. Big hugs to you both

Elsabounre profile image

This is again wonderful news..just the fact that he was able to speak..I am so happy for the progress he is making...I truly believe that with a bit more time, he will be able to swallow and eat again..and what a well deserved triumph that would be...his strength and will power is a testament to how much he does want to go home and be with you...and I will continue to pray that he can do that..you have also shown such bravery..and love which is why he is trying so hard..stay positive...and let us hope it is only going to get better from now on...

pauljusa profile image

Better and better 🙂

Stent2024 profile image

that’s fantastic news sue

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