About - MPN Voice | HealthUnlocked

MPN Voice

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About MPN Voice

MPN Voice provides information and emotional support to patients with Myeloproliferative neoplasms.

MPNs are chronic diseases affecting the levels of blood cells in the body, the three main types are Essential Thrombocythaemia (ET), Polycythaemia Vera (PV) and Myelofibrosis (MF). People affected by MPNs often feel isolated and need support and accurate information about their MPN, MPN Voice provides this support and information via the website, patient forums and this online forum at HealthUnlocked which gives people with a MPN a place to ask questions and discuss their condition, symptoms, medication and other related concerns with fellow patients.

Guidelines Highlights

Be kind, respectful, and understanding of one another to create a safe space.
Actively listen & have in mind that everyone deals with their own private challenges in different ways.
Post from your own experience.
"For me, this worked..." rather than "You should do this..."
This is a space for peer to peer and emotional support.
The community does not replace the relationship or advice given by your healthcare professional.
Provide your sources of information.
Use well-known sources of information and add the URL to your reply or post.
No political content.
Let's focus on individual health experiences.
This community should not be used for commercial or personal promotion.
No selling, no spam.
View detailed guidelines

Moderation team

Debinha profile image
Mazcd profile image
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Supporting people with MPNs

Content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them.

Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked.