About - CLL Support | HealthUnlocked

CLL Support

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About CLL Support

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia Support cllsupport.org.uk is a patient-led charity founded in the UK in 2004. We support patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) and Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (SLL) and their families/carers.

CLL Support encourages education whilst working for access to treatments that will improve CLL outcomes. We provide information about developments in CLL/SLL treatment and research along with opportunities for awareness raising and mutual support, including the opportunity to meet at UK conferences several times each year.

CLL Support at HealthUnlocked brings together a supportive international online community to allow those living with CLL/SLL and their family/carers to share their experiences. The group is supported by Admins, Volunteers and international information, resources and perspectives.

Please take the time to read our Community Guidelines where you’ll also find privacy and online safety tips and community contact information: healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo...

When you post, choose carefully whether you want your post to be read only by our community or searchable and readable by anyone on the internet (which is how you probably found us). See the previous link for more details.

Next, our welcome post is a good place to start:


Our other Pinned Posts answer Frequently Asked Questions: healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo...

Finally, please update your profile, including where you live, to help us better help you: healthunlocked.com/profile/...

Thank you

Moderation team

AussieNeil profile image
Newdawn profile image
CLLerinOz profile image
Jm954 profile image
AussieNeil profile image
pkguk2 profile image
JigFettler profile image
lankisterguy profile image
PaulaS profile image
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CLL Support Association is run by unpaid volunteers. we are reliant on the generosity of members and others to maintain the high level of service and support which many find really valuable.

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