Adult Acne Support | HealthUnlocked

Adult Acne Support

1,152 members111 posts

Old people shouldn’t have to worry about Acne and Wrinkles!

I’m 76 today and I constantly have acne on my chin and sometime on my forehead. ...

Acne and life.

I’ve had horrible Acne since 15 Left awful deep scars Had people laugh comment...


I am so depressed about this and doesn't want to see any people,I started wearin...

Hormonal Acne - Something finally worked for me!

Hi everyone! I'll try keep this as short as possible. I suffered from acne pret...

A mole I’ve had since kid is turning lighter in color.

Hello guys I’m currently on roaccutane 80mg/day in my third to forth month on th...
Boho2Bizon profile image

Blushing on accutane?

Hi all. My dermatologists just started me on 10mg isotretinoin three times a wee...
Sunbeam_87 profile image

2nd month of roaccutane and acne’s got 10 x worse

Hi there, I’m in my 6th, nearly 7th week of taking roaccutane. Was initially on ...
Khan10 profile image

Sore/tender/cracked lips Isotretinoin

Hi folks I have been on isotretinoin for 2 months now (2 x 20mg) the big issue I...
Nosugref profile image

Isotretinoin (roaccutane) making skin worse?

My daughter has been on 40mg for just over 4 weeks and her skin has become much ...
sultirepden profile image

Hair removal laser treatment whilst on isotretinoin

I'm currently on 20mg of isotretinoin. Does anyone know if I can have hair laser...
Selina12 profile image

Coming Off Lymecycline

I have been on lymecycline for about 8 months now, and am worried I am going to ...
zcleape profile image

Tattoo after isotretinoin?

Hi guys! I’m new here. I have a tattoo booked in next week for my 21st birthday ...
Jhake1 profile image

Isotretonoin advice

Hi. I’m 19 and just starting my second round of isotretonoin. My acne came back ...
Yuiio profile image

Side effects

My 13 year old daughter has been taking roaccutane for 3 months 1 month 30mg and...
Lollipop21 profile image

Tips on starting Roaccutane

Hi, I have suffered with acne for around 10years now! After trying everything th...
LauraR91 profile image

Roaccutane and food?

My 15 year old daughter has just started on roaccutane. I’m “trying” to get he...
Nmsb profile image

Ance at 18

Im 18 and I never had acne up until I became 18 and im not sure what the cause o...
kefwi profile image

Lymecycline, will it work?

Hi I have been on lymecycline for 2 months now and I have noticed a small change...
Hidden profile image

Side effects

Hi My daughter is 13 on roaccutaine for 7 weeks her mood and personality has cha...
Hidden profile image

Back ache from roacctane-

Hello , my daughter( aged 14 ) has been on roacctane now for 3 weeks . She i...
Candyflo profile image

Liver damage Isotretinoin

36 years old and started Isotretinoin in December 2020. Started on a 30mg dose b...

Texture skin help had problem

After i finished my second accutane cure i had problem with texture skin. I chan...

Rocutane / isotretinoin- Sligh Skin recess on Upper Back/Lats and Muscle Pain - Is this worrying?

Hi All, been using Rocutane since Dec 31, 20MG dose. I'm 38, with moderate acne ...

Concerned parent

My 14 year old son started on 30mg of roaccutane on October 14. First few weeks...
Nic1978 profile image

Acne problem

I have a infection in my intestinal. Can they cause acne ? Sorry for messy face....

Intestinal infection cause acne

I have proteus mirabilis and candida albicans. They are detected from my stool. ...

Isotretinoin starting during lockdown?

Hi! I'm 35 and been battling my skin basically forever.....I got referred for i...
Nb112 profile image


Hi everyone, I’ve been on roaccutane since July, unfortunately upping my dose ...
Bloop45 profile image

What to do if Accutane is stopped

My 14 year old daughter had to stop this medication after 5 weeks due to her blo...


My 14 yr old daughter has been taking Isotretinoin 30 mg for 6 weeks now. Her sk...
Fircom2020 profile image
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Welcome to the Adult Acne Support community! This community is for people who are experiencing acne in adultho...

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