Angiogram on Tuesday: I'm booked in for... - British Heart Fou...

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Angiogram on Tuesday

Gillph profile image
59 Replies

I'm booked in for a coronary angiogram on Tuesday and, as usual with me, worrying my socks off about it! I think I'd like to watch what's going on, I hate pain with a vengeance and at the moment sleep is not my best of friends. Many of you will have gone through this procedure but can anyone tell me how to keep rising panic down? Thanks.

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Gillph profile image
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59 Replies

There are similar posts to yours that appear on here from time to time. In my view the overall experience is that there is nothing to worry about, and that I can vouch for having undergone two angiograms. Whilst there are undoubtedly some risks, as for any intrusive procedure, you are in the hands of experienced health professionals many of whom carry out this procedure on a day to day basis on many 'customers' and basically know what they are doing.

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to Lowerfield_no_more

Thank you

roughquest profile image
roughquest in reply to Lowerfield_no_more

The initial entry is a surprise, but there after it’s just uncomfortable. Be apprehensive but don’t be worried 👍 I would arrange a lift/collection rather than drive home after as I felt wiped out after.

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to roughquest

Thanks as I have arranged a lift and overnight. Roll on Wednesday!

Lowerfield_no_more profile image
Lowerfield_no_more in reply to Gillph

In addition to the wisdom of not driving from the hospital after you are discharged (my cardio team insisted I was picked up from the ward by someone and certainly not leave on my own and drive home) be aware that if you are stented during the procedure you are not allowed to drive for seven days after the procedure under DVLA rules.

andrew290171 profile image

I had 2 in 2 months. It's fine. Not painful at all. All over before you know it. Back to normal in day or two. Just to remember it's a very very common procedure

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to andrew290171

Almost getting to the stage of looking forward to it! Not.

andrew290171 profile image
andrew290171 in reply to Gillph

Hope it all goes well take care

FakeNews profile image

Tell your cardiologist that you are nervous and they will give you something to relax you during the procedure. Once they had given me something I didn’t feel a thing.

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to FakeNews

Will most certainly do. Thank you

Dyllibobs profile image

I had something to relax me when I had mine. I was aware of what was happening & It was slightly uncomfortable but not painful. Tell them how you feel & they'll look after you

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to Dyllibobs

thank you - I am really beginning to feel a lot less worried than a couple of days ago.

sjs1me profile image

Hi Gillph, just my experience from March but may help. Staff were brilliant. Procedure didn't hurt at all. Be aware that when you enter the theatre there will be quite a few people there. A little bruising afterwards in my arm as they used the radial artery in my wrist. Fascinating experience. Hope that helps.

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to sjs1me

I’m pretty sure I’m going to watch it happening as it’s so extremely clever. Thank you

Larneybuds profile image
Larneybuds in reply to Gillph

I watched both of mine and found it fascinating but obviously that's not to everyone's taste. They actually asked me if I wanted sedation and I said no. Personally I would say that the initial point of entry was slightly uncomfortable but after that I didn't feel a thing and the staff were amazing. You will be in fantastic hands so try not to worry but don't be frightened to ask for sedation if you really feel you need it. Take care xx

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to Larneybuds

thank you

Larneybuds profile image
Larneybuds in reply to Gillph

You will be fine 👍xx

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to Larneybuds

I think I will be. What a wonderful platform this is for soothing nerves!

Larneybuds profile image
Larneybuds in reply to Gillph

It is...people on here can give good sound advice when they have experienced the things people post about. I found it invaluable when I was due for my OHS and after xx

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Gillph

I wanted to watch both of mine after a heart attack but they wouldn't let me. I was sedated. The worst part was fitting the cannula in my wrist. After that I felt nothing at all. You have a pressure bandage fitted where the cannula was which is released very slowly. One of mine was done too soon so I had a massive bruise from wrist to elbow. I was first into the cath lab and home for lunch. Just had to wait for the sedative to wear off - helped by tea and toast. Oddly I didn't bother about the one right after the heart attack but when I went back a month or so later for the second one I was a gibbering wreck. The nurses were great and said that was a very common reaction.

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to Qualipop

I think I might be a bit disappointed if I can’t see what they’re doing but do be it. NHS staff are invariably superb!

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Gillph

Yes I was disappointed but it is their choice. Anything like that fascinates me.

Henry20 profile image

HiI had this 6 years ago and at the end, I was told that, in the middle of the procedure, they heard a strange noise. Apparently, I was gently snoring for a few minutes. And I thought I had been sort of conscious the whole time!

You'll be fine, just breath deeply and think of a happy place.


Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to Henry20

oh good heavens - that made me giggle!

gorillaqueen profile image

Hi my personal experience was I didn’t feel a thing and felt very calm. I watched it on the screen when I could see without obstruction, I did opt for sedation so that probably helped a good deal. I had a tiny pin prick mark on my wrist afterwards which you could barely see and was soon back on the ward enjoying a nice lunch.

The staff were amazing and really good at making you feel relaxed and calm. I wish you well and hope your experience is the same as mine and many others good luck 🍀🍀😊🌞X

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to gorillaqueen

Thank you and all of the replies have been so positive that I now consider myself quite a wimp for worrying so much!!

gorillaqueen profile image
gorillaqueen in reply to Gillph

Not a wimp at all it’s not knowing what to expect. Good to hear you are reassured. Hope all goes well X.

Silvasava profile image

Had mine through the femoral artery in my groin. Slightly uncomfortable to begin with but that was all. Only thing that really bothered me was the room was very cold. Incision healed quickly. HTH

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to Silvasava


Silvasava profile image
Silvasava in reply to Gillph

You'll be fine TBH I was bricking it before hand !

Stent2024 profile image
Stent2024 in reply to Silvasava

I agree the cath lab was freezing . My teeth were chattering

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to Stent2024

It’s June so I shall wear thermal underwear as long as I can!

Stent2024 profile image
Stent2024 in reply to Gillph

They give you a blanket , was ok after a few minutes

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Stent2024

Agreed- cath lab freezing

Kazaroony profile image

I had mine following a heart attack 3 months ago. I had a stent fitted. You can see everything that’s happening and if there’s a blockage they will show you on the screen. To me it was like looking at a sonogram of a baby. I couldn’t tell what I was looking at 😂 Tell them that you are nervous. They gave me some diazepam which helped. The tube goes in at the wrist and up your arm but you just feel tugging but no pain. My whole procedure from start to finish took 30 minutes. Like someone said before, you won’t be able to drive for 7 days. Mine was a month because I had a HA. You’ll be fine, you’ve got this!

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to Kazaroony

This a wonderful post to read - thank you!

Cocoadonkey profile image


My husband had one recently and was very nervous as when they did it previously he had suffered a cardiac arrest and was in an induced coma.

They did give him some mild sedation and he also finds rescue remedy good for anxiety which he has suffered with on and off since his arrest.

Good luck

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to Cocoadonkey

Thank you - I hope your husband is doing well now. What a fright for you both!

Cocoadonkey profile image
Cocoadonkey in reply to Gillph

Thanks. Yes he is doing really well. Other than tablets he is back to normal. Just some occasional anxiety but that is to be expected.

Good luck. You will be fine.

Herestous profile image

Hello, are you having an angiogram or angioplasty? I was nervous for angiogram, even practiced holding my breath lol. It doesn't hurt & the team was very kind. If you are having a stent that is ok, they sedate you & you just's too big to worry about. Take care & I wish you a comfortable procedure.

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to Herestous

Just a diagnostic angiogram at this stage. I think I’m frightened about what may be found but I’m hanging on to the thought that all the ‘baddies’ are known and this will be clear. Thank you for your reply

Deejay62 profile image

Hi I had one done 20yrs ago and I can hardly remember it. I assume I was nervous at the time, but I got through it. It’s natural to be nervous. These procedures have improved a lot since I had mine. Try and keep yourself busy if you can. Tell yourself at least you will find out what’s going on with your heart at the end of it.

All the best.

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to Deejay62

Many thanks

Dizzydory profile image


I had this procedure done earlier this year and like you I was getting more anxious the closer the time came. I received lots of support from this forum and came to the conclusion that waiting for the procedure was worse than the procedure itself! It is really interesting to watch and you only feel a few pin pricks to start with. The staff are great and totally put you at ease. Take some deep breaths and try to keep busy to take your mind off things. When it’s all done you’ll be wondering why you got so worked up about it. 😃

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to Dizzydory

Thanks indeed - I loathe waiting for tests and dread impending results. 🤞🤞all will be well this time. Support is incredibly helpful!

Silvertail profile image

You'll be fine. I've had three angiograms, two through the groin and one through the wrist. I was terrified at the thought of it but there was really nothing to worry about. The only discomfort was when they injected the local anaesthetic. It was interesting to watch on the screen. Best wishes .

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to Silvertail

Thank you so much

TheMiloKid profile image

I had mine done 9 years ago through my arm I did feel it and told him and he gave m more pain relief and I was good to go. Did see it on screen but really cant remember too much about it. Hope all goes well x

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to TheMiloKid

I’ll be so pleased to get to the other side of this!

Stent2024 profile image

I had angiogram with stent fitted in January . It’s a very straight forward procedure and doesn’t hurt , plus you can have sedation which kinds of makes you feel you’re not really there . You’ll be fine . Good luck

dipt profile image

I had an angiogram through the thigh area no pain what-so-ever. In some cases depending on the person inserting it there can be some bruising after . Good luck

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to dipt

Thank you - that’s helpful to me.

Blackknight57 profile image

the worst thing is having a catheter in your veins fitted. I’m sure you already had such.

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to Blackknight57

oooerrr! Forewarned is forearmed if you'll pardon the pun.

Blackknight57 profile image

good luck Tuesday.

polenta profile image

I had one years ago and it was a very easy procedure, and they went in through my wrist. I only had to sustain from lifting anything heavy for a week. Was given the same sedation they give for colonoscopies and went home a few hrs later. Not sure if they keep you if a stent needs to be placed.

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to polenta

It’s diagnostic only I think - to ascertain if my planned valve surgery needs to be more complicated. 🤞🤞it doesn’t! I’m going to post an update on Wednesday as so very many people have been so extremely helpful to me. You included.

zoecat21 profile image

Hiya, just to say I'm the biggest chicken going, so when I had my cardiac arrest 3 months ago they gave me an angiogram and I was pooping myself.... and I didn't need to be. The only thing that might be a discomfort is when they put the contrast into your vein and my experience was a warm sensation and that's it. No pain, no discomfort and the cath team are amazing and will put your mind at ease

Gillph profile image
Gillph in reply to zoecat21

It all went swimmingly well. No pain at all but I'm pleased it's done and dusted! Can stop worrying about it now.

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