Anti-arrhythmics and NeuroPsychiatric... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Anti-arrhythmics and NeuroPsychiatric Symptoms

MeganMN profile image
13 Replies

Anyone have experience with the antiarrhythmics and neuropsych symptoms (anxiety, depression, agitation, etc.). I stopped flecainide for that very reason and am suspecting the same now with propafenone. Has anyone else experienced this side effect?

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MeganMN profile image
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13 Replies
BobD profile image

Sorry, never with either.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

I had it when I took Digoxin for a short time pre a cardioversion. Was fine on Flecainide which I was on for many years. I'm blessed with a happy nature, just not a person to feel down and woolly headed as I was with the Digoxin. A friend gets on with it well. I hope you can find something that suits you.


Bagrat profile image

What a horrible side effect. I was having panic attacks and anxiety for several years before AFib turned up. Having said that, initially I was relieved to have a physical reason for my feelings and AF episodes don't happen often and now very brief on flecainide.The anxiety and panic I have never attributed to flecainide in my case. They may well be connected BUT are intermittent and it may be 4-6 weeks before anxiety ( often related to quite debilitating physical symptoms for 3 days or so) causes an issue. I suspect Flec could lower threshold for anxiety rather than cause it directly but that's just a theory that suits my situation🤣

Regardless of cause I guess management is the key

mjames1 profile image

Not with the anti-arrhythmic's per say, but did experience some anxiety and agitation with the beta blockers often prescribed along with Flecainide as nodal blocking agents. As soon as I switched from a beta blocker to the calcium channel blocker, Diltiazem, those neuroPsychiatric symptons disappeared. I should add that with me, the formulation of Diltiazem made a difference. I did experience some anxiety and agitation with the extended release capsules, but did not with the fast release tablets. I attribute that to a more even delivery with the tablets taken 4x/day versus the capsules 1x/day.

So if this is the case with you, then it might make sense to revisit Flecainide with Diltiazem (tablet form), as overall Flecainide seems to have the best profile of efficacy vs the side effects you mention. Flecainide almost completely stopped my afb, various tachycardia's as well as my ectopics.

If not, hopefully your body wlll adjust over time.


opal11uk profile image

I am now on Propafenone, probably 6 months, with no ill effect but I do have anxiety about the World today and the terrible state we are in but I think that is only natural, for me it might be best to stop reading the newspapers and watching the News!!!

Karendeena profile image

I suffer anxiety, sleep problems and irritability (I get very short tempered and easily angered), I put it down to the Sotalol. Hopefully I am going to be able to reduce/stop this now I have had an ablation.

2023AFibber profile image
2023AFibber in reply to Karendeena

Yes all w sotalol, add hair loss itchy scalp

Efka profile image

My husband got anxiety ( jitteriness in the whole body and thoughts) on Amiodarone, got even worse on withdrawal (was only on them for 1 week and took 1 week to wash out). Tried a second time and same again.

Since then (all this in the last few months) he has tried entresto and eplerenone and both has made him jittery and slightly anxious (among other side effects).

Not sure what’s going on just super sensitive to ex meds now it seems (he takes multiple supplements fine has done for years). Currently trying to stabilise without rx meds but will have to try some again in a while…

Linley profile image

I have always had anxiety issues since a little girl ,now I am an old girl I still have anxiety but never had depression possibly because I keep active. Been on Flecainide for only a month no probs if anything psychologically feel better that the Flec maybe keeping the PAF at bay. Wish you good luck for the future

AussieHeart profile image

Hi #MeganMN … what dose are you on? Prior to my ablation I was put on a combo of Bisoprosolol 2.5mg (1/2 tablet at night) and Flecainide 50mg (1/2 tablet morning and night). This relatively low dose turned me into the Duracell bunny. I dropped too much weight on it and needed dietary intervention as it caused muscle and appetite loss. We tried dropping the Biso to 1/4 and Flec to 1/2 daily but I was still buzzing around with boundless nervous energy. I could eat two bake dinners daily and still lose weight! It was crazy. Given my HR was hitting 200 they soon suggested ablation. The weight came back post ablation but not muscle due to wastage which I’m finding difficult to rebuild. If I was to be put on BBs again, I will refuse Flecainide because of the “rare” side effects you and I mention here. Demand to be switched to a different rate control drug. AF treatment is trial and error because we all react differently to medication. Sending you a virtual hug!

2023AFibber profile image

I just found out anti arrhythmia meds can cause anxiety attacks. Have been waking in the night w them. Not listed in any of the side effect info. Found it on another forum. As far as the other, yes depression. Check, good site for SEs etc.

MeganMN profile image

I'm on the basic starting dose of 225mg twice daily. I don't think I will be staying in it. I've been waking up with night sweats and anxiety, and the ectopics and tachycardia are not improved, so I am guessing that we will be trying something new in Monday. I just seem so sensitive....

etheral profile image

Ask your EP about Tikosyn. Best etheral

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