Anxiety is Destroying my Career - Anxiety and Depre...

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Anxiety is Destroying my Career

Desperate4Happiness profile image

I've been dealing with depression for over 35 years and must recently, severe anxiety. I see a therapist and am on anti-depressants and anxiety meds.

I've worked all my life but now am finding it difficult to work effectively. I'm terrified because I'm not in a position to quit and find what might be a less stressful role. I can't afford a paycut. But every day that I feel like I'm failing I fall into a deeper level of depression and anxiety.

Will this ever end?

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Desperate4Happiness profile image
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12 Replies
GrillMan profile image

I understand your situation. I gave up my career due to anxiety and depression. For me, it was an unhealthy environment and I ended up going on SSDI. I'm sorry that you feel trapped right now. My hope for you is that more options will make themselves known, and that you will improve. Don't let go of hope and keep trying. You are doing the best that you can do.

Desperate4Happiness profile image
Desperate4Happiness in reply to GrillMan

Thank you for the encouragement. I get up every morning and do everything in supposed to start on a positive note and mindset but by the end of each day I'm ready to give up again. I have a great support system but I've gotten tired of burdening them with my issues because I know they have their own worries to deal with. It finally occurred to me to today to seek a support group and that's how I ended up here.

Thank you for sharing and for your advice. I wish you well.

cashew78 profile image

I feel your struggle; I've also been dealing with depression going on 35+ years. It's affected my work and career(s) for that entire time. I'm thinking the depression stems from poor parenting that put a lot of garbage and their neuroses on me instead of dealing with it themselves. Now I find myself struggling to get by, be comfortable enough, allow myself to accept that I deserve better, and not let those demons derail my life anymore. I wish I had an answer for you. For me the struggle is where I find some meaning and some drive to go on. I wish you luck and hope you find something that lets you get away from the anxiety and depression, even if only for a little while.

Desperate4Happiness profile image
Desperate4Happiness in reply to cashew78

I'm sorry for the circumstances that led to your current state but am glad that you've been able to analyze the reasons behind it and take stance to get past it. I applaud you for that.

For me, every day is a roller coaster ride that leaves me physically ill and angry. While I certainly don't wish this misery on anyone else, it makes me hopeful that we can all lift each other up and along on this site.

Celtic274 profile image

Im sorry to hear your having such problem with depression and anxiety a lot longer than most problem have so im glad to see you looking for help have you tried councilling with the correct help you can get better its a case of seeking out whats better for you are you sleeping well if not short term sleeping aid might help you just be careful what one your given ! Do you have a support network at home dont try to beat this on your own have you got some one you can rely on that you can confide in that will understand how you are feel ! I trully wish you all the best good luck and get well soon 🙂

Desperate4Happiness profile image
Desperate4Happiness in reply to Celtic274

Thank you. I do have a great support network but it's hard for me to keep going back over and over again knowing that they all have their own problems to deal with. Some of it is due to pride, part of it is sheer disappointment in myself for not being able to beat this thing. It seems like the more I push myself the worse I get. My docs have suggested sleeping pills but I don't want to take them because I'm already on lots of other meds for physical health issues. I've also had to face that with every new health diagnosis I receive the deeper I sink into this depression and anxiety. I just don't know what else to do to get through this.

Thanks for your kind words.

gajh profile image

Hello and Welcome. I am so glad you have joined us. You can get a lot of support here.

Mohammad-341 profile image

same here

AlsoStonesFreak profile image

I feel you and hope it doesn't eventually destroy my career when I get one. We're your friends here.

Desperate4Happiness profile image
Desperate4Happiness in reply to AlsoStonesFreak

I know most days will continue to be an unpredictable ride for me but I'm already amazed at how much better I feel today than yesterday knowing this supportive team is here to rally around each other.

Thank you ALL.

faucet profile image

Im sorry you are feeling like that, its a terrible feeling. I was in that situation for the last 4 years of working. I eventually had to leave and go on benefits because I just could not handle the anxiety and depression. Less $ but I mentally could not function at work anymore so I know how you feel and its hard. I was rescribed 1mg of lorazapam which did help with the anxiety which I am still on plus Mirtazapam. Still far from where I used to be but functioning somewhat. Hopefully you have a Doctor you can reach out to for help and my best wishes for you and there is lots of good advice here.

Desperate4Happiness profile image
Desperate4Happiness in reply to faucet

Thank you. I'm thankful that you were able to get some relief from the stress but also acknowledge that four years was a long time to cope with that situation.

My meds keep increasing as my anxiety keeps creeping up so I'll have to make some tough decisions soon.

Thanks for the reply.

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