Bisacodyl: Taken Senna, Fybogel and Laxido and... - IBS Network

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HI1237 profile image
5 Replies

Taken Senna, Fybogel and Laxido and haven’t had any bowel movements. I’ve seen people say to take Bisacodyl as this is quite strong. What are people’s experiences with this? Does it work? When is the best time to take it?

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HI1237 profile image
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DJK99 profile image

Hi there -

I've had seriously bad constipation since 7yrs old.. if I'm not eating a high fibre, very healthy diet... and lots of water...

So - please make sure you are drinking, without fail, at least 2.5 litres of water (ie not coffee, tea.. that would be on top of the 2.5 litres of water) every single day... and, of course, don't eat white bread, white rice and fast food...that's like eating cement. Our bodies need lots of red, orang, green veg, ditto colour of rainbow fruit and whole foods ie wholemeal bread (or sourdough if you have IBS!), potatoes with the skin left on, wholemeal rice etc - and, a game changer.. a tablespoon or linseeds on your high fibre cereal or sprinkled on your toast or whatever... every day. Forgive me if you do all that... I have a friend who has had seriously severe constipation for years.. and I recommended the water increase and it was completely successful. she did 3 litres a day...

Your bowel needs water to get things moving - but you may also have dysmotility, as I do? So... I drink tons of water all day as I have Sjogrens which is all about dehydration.. of everything.. so glug glug glug.. but also, I have been taking Bisacodyl - two at night for years... but it wasn't until I was prescribed Macrogol (that is the name of the ingredient.. not the brand) that my system emptied every day... Cannot tell you how happy that made me and my body...

So maybe talk to your GP or gastro about this.. or just buy a box of the sachets in Boots and see how your bowel movements will return, along with the aforementioned changes and yes, the Bisacodyl, will mean your (I'd bet on it!) bowel movements change to daily.. I have one sachet of Macrogol each night before bed with the Bisacodyl,. and if I'm really bunged up (as I was pre the linseed seeds) I will take another sachet in the morning.. and bingo.. everything moves. If you are very constipated you might need two sachets at night until things right themselves. Read the information sheet in the Macrogol Box - the brands are Laxido, Movicol, Molaxole.

Best to discuss with your GP - OR if you want to get straight on it, and you don't have any other very serious health conditions, just talk to the pharmacist at Boots or your local pharmacy... they will be able to advise you.

Do let us know how it goes.

All the best, D

XDjames profile image

As I say elsewhere, I treat this stuff (sodium picosulfate) like nitro-glycerine (as seen in movies....). It's the most powerful stuff I've found to clear me out. Use with care, start low dose. But yes, drink loads and eat fibre -as much as you guts can stand.

iloveglee profile image

Definitely agree with the diet things. Plenty of fruits, veggies, wholemeal bread etc and plenty of fluid. And if that is not enough, fybogel taken regularly should help. Start slow though, half a sachet a day, moving up gradually to two sachets I find helpful

Biscocodyl is very good if you are seriously bunged up, taken a little while to start working, and don't be without sight of a loo once it does!! I have not had personal experience with this, but a family member has.

KristKras profile image

Don't overdo the fibre! Fibre can actually be overdone and make you more constipated. Have you tried bisacodyl suppositories? These work pretty well and quicker than the laxative tablets. Sometimes it is variable for me with whether bisacodyl works quickly with 1-2 tablets or sometimes up to 4-5. Yes, I also agree with drinking plenty of water. Get plenty of exercise if you can and eat a healthy diet. Fibre is fine but not too much.

DJK99 profile image
DJK99 in reply to KristKras

Yes totally agree re the fibre... don't have too much and personally I wouldn't go near Fibogel again, just awful for me... because it needs MORE water to get round and out of the system... fibre absorbs water... but if you have little water in your bowel and system generally then it turns into a large ball of cement... and then if you have the laxatives on top, without having litres of water every day (and Macrogol, if required, like me as my guts completely struggle to get the water into my bowel) then the laxative will push the bolder of fibre around your guts... and that takes a long ole v painful time... I'm sure no one wants that, as I went through for 2.5yrs after being prescribed Fibogel by a doctor who didn't understand all this.. and that I had Sjogrens which means severe dehydration and inflammation (but anyone can get these issues with out without a diagnosis).

I cannot stress enough, eat a naturally high fibre diet, drink 2.5 litres for women and 3 for men on top of your tea and/or coffee each day.. and then the laxatives... as I do feel Fibogel isn't required if you''re eating a nicely fibre filled diet ie lots of fruit and veg (but not too much if you have IBS etc.. I only have two kiwis, half a banana and some cherries a day - more than that and I'm bloated city - along with lots of greens and carrots, mushrooms (if you can), radishes, avocado, potatoes with skin left on(where the goodness is).. and my own own made muesli/granola with pumpkin and sunflower seeds for breakie with another new found friend Activia yoghurt (vanilla is delicious..), recommended by an ex NHS Dietician, turned private Nutritionist (v good if anyone wants here details and lives in Sussex - but she can do it remotely) - doesn't have to be bowls of bran... tried that stuff for years in my ignorant times.. awful - but can work for those who are well hydrated I'm sure.

We're all different.. but I can honestly say, it's trial and error for me.. but the absolutely no go's are white flour, white rice etc, pastries, pointless calories and no fibre, just get stuck in the system.. so I have wholemeal or wholemeal spelt sourdough bread (my other new friend!! - Waitrose do a spelt sourdough with half white and half wholemeal spelt flour which is the best I can find), wholegrain brown rice, etc.

Sorry am a bit evangelical about it all... but feel so strongly about helping others with all this, as we clearly all do..

All the best, D.

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