Mr. Electric Blog

Your monthly electric bill reveal can be, well, shocking. Have you ever found yourself staring at your power bill, wondering what you could have done to keep your energy costs down? We've all been there, and while there are many ways to conserve electricity, it's important to note that...Continue Reading

A 2023 survey we conducted revealed a growing affinity for electric vehicles amongst U.S. homeowners.

The reason for the shift toward electric vehicles (or EVs) may not come as a big shock for commuters and frequent drivers who are accustomed to cars that run on gas.

After all,...Continue Reading

Overloading an electrical circuit can cause some serious problems. While that may seem obvious, chances are that you’ve caused a circuit overload at least once in your life.

The good news is that most modern homes are equipped to handle circuit overloads. In most cases, it will trip your...Continue Reading

The holidays are a great time of year, but they're not stress-free by any measure. So when it's time for family and friends to come visit, you'd probably like your Christmas lights to stay in working order.Continue Reading

The holidays can be an exciting time of year for you and your family. They can also put your electrical system through more stress than usual. In particular, elaborate displays of holiday lights can be too demanding for your outlets and circuits.

Thankfully, there's something you can do...Continue Reading

An overloaded circuit can cause big problems in your home. Whether it’s frying your devices, cutting power to an important area of the home, or causing a fire, an overload is something you want to avoid whenever possible.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways that you can prevent...Continue Reading

For many around the world, January 5 or 6 marks the Epiphany ‒ the final day of the 12 days of Christmas and the time for all holiday decorations to come down. For others, the second week of January is a typical time for the holiday lights to be unplugged and stored away until next year....Continue Reading

Last updated: 9/12/2023

At Mr. Electric, one of the most common holiday questions we get from concerned homeowners is, “How many lights can I string together?” Hoping for an easy rule-of-thumb, it’s easy to become frustrated by the answer, “It depends.” Considering the vast differences...Continue Reading

There's nothing more festive than decorating your home with twinkling, colorful Christmas lights. But festivity quickly turns to annoyance when holiday lights won’t stay on. Keep reading to learn what to do if your Christmas lights fuse bulb keeps blowing.

Why Do Christmas Lights Blow...Continue Reading

It’s the universal condition: every holiday season, homeowners across the country dig boxes of holiday decorations out of their attics or basements only to discover miles of burned-out Christmas lights! When you’re hanging your Christmas decorations and preparing for guests, the last thing you...Continue Reading