Breathless: 8 months on Pred. Currently at 8.5. I... - PMRGCAuk


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Dinahmite profile image
38 Replies

8 months on Pred. Currently at 8.5. I am getting increasingly breathless on even a very short walk or going up the stairs. The fatigue is also worse. I have had this on and on off since having PMR but it has got a lot worse recently. I'm due to go to France for a week in 6 weeks time with family and am concerned about what to do. Anyone else getting fatigue with breathlessness?

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Dinahmite profile image
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38 Replies
Rubyju profile image

Yes, both. 16 months into the disease and down to 7mg. The fatigue is a real problem. I have to take afternoon siestas most days and I'm not even 70 yet!

Dinahmite profile image
Dinahmite in reply to Rubyju

Yes long afternoon siesta! I don't sleep but I do listen to sudiobooks!

SnazzyD profile image

Hello, did the breathlessness start quickly and get worse or had it been a slow burner from the start? Did it start with any kind of illness like a viral infection?

I think you need to get medical opinion for sure because breathlessness is caused by a number of things not related to Pred or PMR. However, there are two things that spring to mind that are related and those are possible increase in autoimmune activity and possibly in the larger vessels. Also, poor adrenal function can be a big issue around this dose and down. Have a read of this from the FAQ’s which is essential reading for all sub-10mg’ers.

I wouldn’t sit on this hoping for an easy answer here or hoping it’ll go away, especially with your trip coming up.

Dinahmite profile image
Dinahmite in reply to SnazzyD

Thank you. I shall investigate.

Nanaofblib profile image
Nanaofblib in reply to Dinahmite

That is exactly how I was, but they said mine was my thyroid 😔, I also lost an incredible amount of weight, 3 yrs later, thyroid removed, I am no different, it's beyond a joke😔I have also now put on 3stone because removing my thyroid pushed everything the other way, blood tests last week , and the nurse says everything is fine, I give up.

SheffieldJane profile image

I have had a couple of phases of this. A few years ago my husband insisted on calling an ambulance, for my breathlessness. I had all the cardiac tests which was their main concern. Nothing was found. I have had PMR for 4 years and non cranial GCA for a further 4. I am having mild breathlessness currently and wondered about a link with hay fever or the pollen count. I have been thinking it is Pred related no doctor has been prepared to commit to a definite opinion. The fatigue has been present for years. I manage it with afternoon naps and pacing activity. At worst the breathlessness is always at night. I have found sleeping propped up helpful, with a fan blowing in my face. I bought one of those finger clip measures for blood oxygen. It always reads as normal. This reassures me. Have the cardiac tests though, that’s important.

Dinahmite profile image
Dinahmite in reply to SheffieldJane

Thank you.

PMRpro profile image

Like Snazzy I'm concerned about the breathlessness and I think you need to get medical advice asap. You don't really indicate how breathless you are but since it has worsened recently you need to find out what is causing it.

How bad is it? Is it just you get to the top of the stairs and think "phew" or do you just need to slow down a bit on a hill? Did it worsen suddenly? Do you have any pain? Can you talk in full sentences even when it is bad? Do you get breathless at rest? Are you getting any palpitations before or along with it?

This isn't intended to scare you but the last time someone came on the forum with severe breathlessness we told her to go to the doctor immediately, she didn't and it got worse over a weekend - we told her to call 999. She didn't. Her family did when she collapsed. It turned out to be a pulmonary embolism. You cannot tell what it is without a medical professional examining you - and sooner rather than later.

Dinahmite profile image
Dinahmite in reply to PMRpro

Thanks. It is a lot better when I only breathe through my nose and dont try to talk on a walk. If I talk or beathe through my mouth I have to stop and lean against a wall. I know it's not Angina as I had full a catheter angiography 18 months ago before I had PMR. The breathlessness died away and didn't return until I had PMR

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Dinahmite

That was 18 months ago, things change. You need an emergency GP appt tomorrow. No arguments from a receptionist.

Dinahmite profile image
Dinahmite in reply to PMRpro

Will do.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Dinahmite

Actually a lot can happen in 18 months - especially with angina… my hubby had it for 17 years so I saw a lot of changes. Agree with PMRpro.. you need it checked asap.

Dinahmite profile image
Dinahmite in reply to DorsetLady

Thank you. I guess I will have to.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Dinahmite

Please do… if it’s not that, at least you knock it off the list

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to Dinahmite

I agree with both DL and PMRPro.

random901 profile image

Hi Dinahmite (love the name!) I'm on 17.5 pred. Had the fatigue ever since starting them, but recently breathlessness also - nothing severe, but stopping to chat to neighbours tend to lean against a wall. Had major heart surgery 2 years ago, after severe breathlessness turned out to be a thoracic aneurism, owing to undiagnosed GCA, & apparently now all is well ( good review 2 months ago). I don't get breathless at night or when at rest, only when I exert myself. Worth getting it checked out, though.

Dinahmite profile image
Dinahmite in reply to random901

Thank you. I'm getting throughly bored with the whole business of PMR. I seem to be doing OK and then something else comes along but I am keeping my eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel. Even though that seems quite distant right now.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Dinahmite

At least there’s a light! 😊

piglette profile image
piglette in reply to Dinahmite

You will feel a lot happier once you have seen a doctor and they can check what is causing your symptoms. Good luck.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Dinahmite

Occasionally it feels as if it disappears altogether - but it is only a bend in the track and you will navigate your way around that too.

Dinahmite profile image
Dinahmite in reply to PMRpro

Yes. I believe so.

cmToddy profile image

Hi. I had this problem for a while and it was my iron level which had fallen. If I everything is said to be fine then maybe get your ferratin checked.

greengages profile image

please have it checked. An MRI on torso for an entirely different reason showed I have ground glass opacity, can be nothing but can be something. Been referred to chest specialist as over the months and further scans it’s not resolving. I get out of breath and have to keep clearing throat as well as tired all the time. Good advice been given to you, don’t leave it. Hope it’s resolved quickly

Alazarin profile image

yes. I experienced breathlessness, was told it was not a pred side effect. Had all the tests X-rays etc. Nothing showed. It has reduced as dose lowered. There seems to be no info, but many seem to experience it. At least get it checked.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Alazarin

"was told it was not a pred side effect"

Someone hadn't been reading the literature! It can be ...

Lclmlbls profile image

I also suffer from breathlessness particularly when walking up the slightest of inclines and I have occasional palpitations. I recover quite quickly after resting for a few minutes. I often have sit for a few minutes after any physical activity. I’ve had ecg, lung scan and blood tests, none of which showed any particular reason for it. I’m due to have a 24 hour heart monitor on 26th June. I hope to find a reason and a cure but things move very slowly in the NHS.

Raewynne profile image

I think you should get a check up.I have developed heart problems since being on prednisolone. Could be anything but I can only walk short distances without needing to catch my breath. I'm working on getting stronger!

WilfDog profile image

I really think a GP appointment is needed for a full check, especiallyif you are goingaway for 6 weeks. I'm on long term pred and have been for 50 years on and off. Over the last 5 years and more so the last two, ive had palpatations that have nearly made me collapse. I've had a few investigations and found my BP was extremely high. Blood pressure tabs have helped but I still feel very fatigued and I'm worse going up a hill, with a feeling of heaviness. I'm not totally out of breath, but struggle on hills. My consultant has now asked my GP's to refer me to a cardiologist. As many have said there are lots of questions to answer, so an urgent appointment is needed. Good luck. Hope you get sorted before your hols x

agingfeminist profile image

I have had breathlessness after walking a short distance for several years of this PMR journey. I had it checked out when it first developed, a few months into PMR.

I still have it four years later and I came off the pred 1 month ago (shh don't tell the PMR)....I had a major check up six months ago (including an angiogram) when I had a mild heart attack. All absolutely fine.

My doc thinks it might be related to the muscle myopathy I have which makes it exhausting to walk 100 meters on the flat. I can't climb a kerb and certainly not stairs. Walking and talking induces breathlessness more quickly. None of the docs have made any other suggestions and are not interested in it.

I hope yours turns out to be completely uninteresting.

Dinahmite profile image
Dinahmite in reply to agingfeminist

Me too. Thank you.

Flivoless profile image

I had a sudden onset of breathlessness going up an incline but not on the flat, or trying to play a bit of garden cricket with the grandchildren, when I was on 5mg of Pred. I was convinced it was adrenal insufficiency but it turned out it was atrial fibrillation (heart at a permanent 130 BPM) leading to heart failure. So get it checked.

Dinahmite profile image
Dinahmite in reply to Flivoless

I've had AF for more than 20 years with few problems. Don't know what's causing this.

Sueloobyloo profile image

Hi there, I had a bout of breathlessness and it seemed to come on me while taking steroids, I was so breathless that I had to go into hospital for four days. My whole body had expanded and I couldn’t hardly walk with the swelling especially in my feet and ankles, it was horrendous!! They tried various medications plus water tablets furosemide, but to no avail. They checked my heart, had a ct scan and said everything seemed normal, but my legs were that swollen, they started to seep liquid and my legs were splitting open. I ended up going to my GP and he prescribed me Bumetanide 1mg and I lost 2 stone in a matter of weeks and I was able to walk better and breathe better and he told me that I was filling up with water hence what I was suffering, I hope this helps you but I’m not sure if there’s a connection.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Sueloobyloo

Interesting - obviously a GP experienced in dealing with unusual cases! Apparently it works when other things haven't!

Dinahmite profile image
Dinahmite in reply to Sueloobyloo

Goodness. That sounds dreadful. Glad you got the help in the end.

Numptybrain profile image

you really do need medical advice ASAP, I don’t wish to worry you but my breathless was caused by pleural/ pericardial effusions which I had no idea about and I’ve been suffering with for over a year, I’m still struggling but prednisone is helping. Please get medical advice asap

Take care

Wendy xx

Dinahmite profile image
Dinahmite in reply to Numptybrain

Thank you Wendy.

hi, I’m only 57, I’ve had GCA for nearly 5 years so I’ve been on pred the same amount of time. I am also suffering from chronic fatigue and breathlessness, bearing in mind I’ve been diagnosed with FM (which I blame for most aches and pains) since the GCA. However, I found the simple things like tying my shoelaces, getting dressed and also walking and talking etc.,

As time went on I noticed a pain in my chest that was also be in my arm and or in my jaw. To cut this short, my doctor referred me to cardiology and prescribed statins, a spray and aspirin, I then had to go to hospital with suspected unstable angina, I have microvascular angina. It doesn’t show up in most of the tests.

You really need to get it checked. Please don’t leave it.

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