costochondritis : Hi I am going through the second... - NRAS


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Freddiefan profile image
19 Replies


I am going through the second bout of this in 6 weeks, sooo painful.

I’ve been prescribed Naproxen and omeprozole along side. The first time was a very sudden onset which after a call to 111 on a Sunday evening resulted in a blue light ambulance to A /E to rule out a heart attack.

The A/E doctor told me it might be RA related, has anyone else experienced this?

I am unable to sleep lying down so spending my nights on our sofa with my feet up.

Will appreciate any comments or advice.

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Freddiefan profile image
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19 Replies
Madmusiclover profile image

Yes I get this on and off but not as badly as you! Hope it improves soon. Not being able to sleep properly is awful. Worth asking for stringer painkillers in the meantime I would have thought.

Freddiefan profile image
Freddiefan in reply to Madmusiclover

Thank you for your reply, will speak to my GP today

Grizzly-bear profile image

I get it related to my vasculitis. It typically flares and goes on it’s own but other than that I’d need Prednisolone. I’m on rituximab which works for most of my vasculitis symptoms but Costochondritis is one of those things that will randomly flare on it’s own, though I don’t have it as bad as I did before I started treatment where it would feel like I had broken ribs and hurt to breathe

LilyBear4548 profile image
LilyBear4548 in reply to Grizzly-bear

I’ve been having that lately and I was wondering if it is costochonsritis. The pain in my back and under my ribs is unbearable at times. Are there any other symptoms of it? Also will an x ray be able to tell if I have it.

Grizzly-bear profile image
Grizzly-bear in reply to LilyBear4548

Nothing appeared on my chest x ray when I had a flare but it would hurt to move, breathe, laugh. Rest never helped it though it would be worse at times than others. I also got little lumps on my sternum and ribs and was worried about breast cancer but got told it was Costochondritis due to my vasculitis

Karen12 profile image

Costochondritis was my first symptom and is still what causes the most debilitating flares for me. When bad it affects my breathing and feels like I’m being crushed or 10 people are trying to give me a huge hug all at once! Sorry you are going through this. The fact it is classed as “self limiting” causes it to be dismissed unfortunately.

Freddiefan profile image
Freddiefan in reply to Karen12

Thank you for your reply, it does feel like you are being crushed doesn’t it, shame it can be dismissed by some drs

I had a very similar experience to you, I had a sudden flare that my husband thought I was having a heart attack and called an ambulance . Its extremely scary isn't it.

I have found getting ice on my ribs as quick as i can helps a little, because it's so painful I tend to get in a panic,so now if an attack hits I keep telling myself I can get through it. I'm aware this sounds a bit feeble but when the pain hits its easy to loose your mind a tad !

I spoke to my consultant,she wasn't remotely concerned, I was a bit shocked !

If I sit back too fast and knock my back, where summer dresses with elastic around the bust or ribs etc this triggers it too sometimes so I'm careful about what I wear/ do.

You are not alone xx

Hope it happens less and less

Freddiefan profile image
Freddiefan in reply to Marionfromhappydays

Thank you for your reply, it does indeed help to know that others have experienced this awful condition x

Runrig01 profile image

I have ankylosing spondylitis, and my ribs are fused, with no chest expansion. I regularly get this, and feel like I’m trapped in a vice, or getting a bear hug. I’m fortunate that one of my gps appreciates how painful it is, and prescribes oramorph. I find ice helps, and always have a few ice packs in the freezer. I was also shown some gentle stretches for that area, which does help as well, by breaking up the inflammation. Hope it settles soon for you.

Here’s some of the exercises I do

Gilliancheche profile image
Gilliancheche in reply to Runrig01

Thanks for the link. Useful to have some exercises to try. It makes me feel a little more in control of the situation to have something to try to do to improve things.

ageddancer profile image

Sorry to hear about your nasty pain. I also have RA (my "friend" Arthur as I call it) and have experiencing Costochondritis for many months now. I visit a very good chiro every 4/5 weeks and she works at the "rusty gates" of my front and back ribs. I did have one slipped rib. I read all I could (and his various pieces on You Tube ) from the NZ man Steve August and he makes this problem very clear and how to help. He does sell an item he designed but its expensive so I now use a rolled up towel and work on many given exercises to help myself. I cannot wear a bra as it hurts across the bottom of my ribs....I am more comfortable in a seamless very soft leotard. I find it so tiring and restricting but at the moment not as painful as yours. By discussing this with one another is such a great relief and very informative. Gentle but big hugs .

RosieA profile image

I have Undifferentiated connective tissue disease, with an inflammatory arthritis element. Costochondritis has been and is a major problem for me. Sadly, it affects many other areas of my ribs now and is a constant part of my life. I am learning to live with it but it does affect many aspects of my live- I am constantly vigilant about any strain I place on the ribs cage, I can't wear tight clothing around the chest or waist ( waistbands tend to put pressure on the lower ribs), I have to think carefully about any exercise. I can not longer sleep in certain positions and woke myself up in agony after moving onto my stomach during sleep. I'm still paying for that mistake.

After successive 3 years of it, the consultant is of the opinion that two things are happening -disease not quite under control (we're talking about increasing meds) and damage. Sorry, I can't be more positive. It is a terribly under-rated problem with debilitating results - let's face it our ribs never rest.

The only thing that helps for me is a heat pad (either sitting back against it or placed directly on the costo joints, rest, rest and more rest. I use the heat pad at night (small electric job) and place pillow over chest to provide protection when sleeping. Avoid lifting stuff ( like full kettle) reaching high etc until the joints start to calm down. So hope that helps a little. You have my sympathy. xx

Jackie1947 profile image

Fortunately over time it went away but I can remember thinking I had had a heart attack twice. I have RA and no connection was made. Hope like mine it will eventually go or you are referred to the appropriate clinician

allanah profile image

Yes a lot but I call my rheumy helpline as I have been given oral but often steroid therapy by infusion. Ice packs ard my saviour too x

ageddancer profile image

Hi just returned from a rheumatology appointment and rheumy Doctor says it is unusual for an "Arthur" sufferer to get costochondritis (which I have).

Freddiefan profile image
Freddiefan in reply to ageddancer

Oh ok , thanks for telling me. I’ll check with rheumatologist next week

Gena_Diaz profile image

Hello.... I have had costochondritis these last 4 months. Burning pain in the chest that prevents walking quickly and climbing small slopes. I thought I had had a heart attack. Solution: many doctors prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatories but after much searching for the solution I have learned that the problem is in the back, this is what the best physiotherapists who have managed to cure it say. You have to do exercises to relax the upper back, where the ribs join the vertebrae. A Spanish boy, like me, recommends several stretches but the one that has worked best for him has been the typical and simple exercise of holding a broomstick, or cane, behind the neck with both hands and pulling it back for a few seconds, ( do it several times) ; Then he drops his arms to his butt, (sorry... hahaha), and pushes them back and up, several times, resting for 3-5 seconds. We have to feel that the shoulder blades come together and contract; The first series is done by holding the broom handle with the palms facing up and the second with the palms facing down. In 3 days I have already noticed a lot of improvement. These exercises adding an anti-inflammatory in cream or oral form are sure to make the problem disappear or almost not bother you. Greetings.

-Very good exercises in Spanish: good exercises in English:

I hope they help you. Regards.

postscript: you should always stretch after doing weights or sports that put a lot of tension on the chest such as rugby, kite surfing, etc.

Jackie1947 profile image

I've had a couple of bouts but not for a while now. I thought I was having a heart attack and rang for an ambulance which came quickly. No blue lights. Second time I took myself to hospital as I knew it was that. Yes RA/ Fibromyalgia is known to cause it plus other things . No more problems since then. Hope you feel better soon.

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