Covid - great !: Four years I've dodged... - British Heart Fou...

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Covid - great !

SilverSurfer20 profile image
33 Replies

Four years I've dodged the dreaded virus then tested positive this morning. Not what you need with atrial fibrillation and just 8 weeks post open heart surgery.

Anybody been in the same boat ? Advice greatly appreciated

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SilverSurfer20 profile image
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33 Replies
BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

First well done going this long without catching it :-)

The thing with the virus now is usually it is a lot milder than the first couple of years so fingers crossed it will not be to bad

Another positive is even though you could have done without it if you were going to catch it 8 weeks before surgery you will be back to normal can take 10 days in some to test negative so you have plenty of time

Rest up if you feel you need to and just ride it out take painkillers if needed if you do get a cough not all do and at any time you think it has gone on your chest don't delay getting a Doctors appointment to get antibiotics but that is what the worst scenario could be which hopefully wont be needed

Let us know how you get on :-) x

SilverSurfer20 profile image
SilverSurfer20 in reply to BeKind28-

Sage advice BeKind. Thanks for that

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to SilverSurfer20

Hello :-)

I managed to get it twice and never leave the house and you know how I am but I was fully recovered in 10 days so you will be fine :-) x

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to BeKind28-

Nice to know you're still around

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to Qualipop

Hello :-)

Thank You :-) x

Carercmb profile image
Carercmb in reply to BeKind28-

Pleased to find you back supporting us with your sensible answers . Hope all is well with you.

You have been missed xx

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to Carercmb

Hello :-)

I am not back as such just have a look now and again but thank you that is kind of you :-)

I hope you are well to :-) x

Furryears profile image
Furryears in reply to BeKind28-

Sorry to jump in Bekind28 but it’s lovely to see you on here ♥️

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to Furryears

Hello :-)

Thank You :-)

Hope you are keeping well :-) x

Furryears profile image
Furryears in reply to BeKind28-

I’m ok thank you it was just so lovely seeing you back on with a very positive reply x

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to Furryears

:-) x

Bruce67 profile image

I caught covid in my local hospital, whilst waiting for my ohs, so had 5 days in an isolation room because of it! This added to my total stay time bringing it up to a 31 day stint. I had virtually no symptoms either. Never a good time to catch it, but the severity of it varies greatly from person to person... hopefully you won't suffer too much!

SilverSurfer20 profile image
SilverSurfer20 in reply to Bruce67

Thanks Bruce. To be honest I don't feel too bad, it's no worse than a bad cold. Hopefully it'll lift in a few days

Suebedoo profile image

My husband and I caught it right at the beginning of lockdown. He caught it in hospital after having cabg and we put a lot of his symptoms down to his open heart surgery especially as we knew very little about Covid at the time. It was only when I went down with it and was struggling to breathe that we realised what had happened. I hope you recover quickly and you don’t suffer too much

SilverSurfer20 profile image
SilverSurfer20 in reply to Suebedoo

Thanks Sue

JeremiahObadiah profile image

Sorry to hear that. It’s annoying for you that you had avoided it for so long and succumbed now.

You will probably be totally fine but it’s good that you know that it is covid so that you can be aware of your breathing and check your oxygen levels and get help if you feel that you are getting ill from it. (And also not pass it on to others )

Look after yourself well and let your body recover from the virus and the operation.

Best wishes

SilverSurfer20 profile image
SilverSurfer20 in reply to JeremiahObadiah

Thanks Jeremiah

HHH2017 profile image

I cannot believe your post hasn't been blocked! Has normal service resumed at last?!

2 of my healthy strapping sons had it recently and it was very bad. One ill for a month and the other rushed to A&E. Both caught on flight home from youngest's stag weekend along with several others. A young child coughed continuously throughout the flight 🤦🏽‍♀️

Its still about so I remain caustious in a practical way.

Hope the strain you have is mild and you don't get too much pain & discomfort from coughing etc. Take care.

SilverSurfer20 profile image
SilverSurfer20 in reply to HHH2017

Thanks HHH. Sounds like your sons had a much worse time of it. I feel rough but no worse than a heavy cold makes you feel

gladliz profile image
gladliz in reply to HHH2017

Children are walking germ factories.😱Every time I see a friend of mine who is on Grandchildren minding duties, she is either sniffling, coughing or both with sneezing thrown in for good measure. 😷

Turnipgirl profile image

I suspect we all had it back in 2019 before it was official but thought we had bad colds!

roughquest profile image

Don’t underestimate it, it tried its best to finish me off! I still have heart and lung damage 3 years on. Just give yourself plenty or rest and recuperation time 👍

SilverSurfer20 profile image

Cheers Rough

Qualipop profile image

If you're only 8 weeks post surgery, coughing is going to hurt. Have a pillow ready to hug to your chest. My friend just had it and was 3 weeks before she tested clear although she felt far better in the 2nd and 3rd week. WIshing you well.

SilverSurfer20 profile image

Thanks for that Qualipop. And have no fear I have a coughing pillow right by my side!

Catkin-blake profile image

if it gets worse may be worth contacting yr gp about possibility of anti viral treatment

SilverSurfer20 profile image

Thanks Catkin. Fingers crossed I'll be ok.

Zindolo profile image

I had my OHS to replace a calcified aortic valve (or at least that's what they told me) in 11/2020 and have had COVID at least twice since then, probably 3X. And atrial fibrillation seemed to be a big problem for me; they kept me in hospital for 10 days instead of the typical 6. The first time was like a moderately annoying head cold for a few days. The second time it was so mild that I really didn't think I had anything other than some mild allergies, but I had all these free test kits so I figured I might as well use one and was amazed when it tested positive! But the point is, COVID had very minimal effects on me even tho I seemed prone to afibrillation, so I don't think you have to worry. I have been good about getting all the vaccinations; I think I've had 5 so far but none in a while now.

SilverSurfer20 profile image
SilverSurfer20 in reply to Zindolo

Thanks for the reassurance Zindolo. This feels pretty mild, so maybe like you I won't be too impacted. I'm up to date with all my vaccinations too and that could be the difference. I lost a few friends to Covid back at the start so testing positive was just a bit alarming

Furryears profile image

sorry no advice but I wish you a speedy re recovery

I never had Covid until last year and I was a year post op by then I was poorly but got through it


SilverSurfer20 profile image

Thanks Furry. I'm three days in and it feels no worse than a bad cold. Hopefully that's as bad as it gets

valeriep profile image

Interesting that you caught it after your op. I firmly believe that I had the virus in November 1999, but dismissed it as a chest infection at the time. I didn't catch it again until December 2022 about 7 weeks after an operation to clear my carotid artery, which left me with severely depleted vitamin D levels. There's a theory (unproven) that vitamin D can help mitigate the severity of the symptoms, and possibly even prevent catching it in the first place, so I've wondered since if my low vitamin D levels left me vulnerable. Perhaps the same thing happened to you? Wishing you all the best for a speedy complete recovery anyway.

SilverSurfer20 profile image
SilverSurfer20 in reply to valeriep

Thanks Valerlep. I think it was irony did for me. Pretty sure I caught it in a crowded bus on my way back from hospital after my 6 weeks post op check up

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