Does Anyone Ever Feel Like There Body... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Does Anyone Ever Feel Like There Body Is Heavy Like Wearing Deep Sea Dive Suit When Walking

Fibroguy66 profile image
24 Replies

Really feeling like I have mentioned above & was wondering if anyone else feels the same in the physical nature etc.

Most oddest of feelings I must say.

I'm not over weight at all infact I have a very good athletic physique

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Fibroguy66 profile image
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24 Replies
Mgt8 profile image


Seems to happen to me first thing in the morning before I've had any exercise. Gentle flexing and drinking enough water seem to help me.

Hope you find some more answers on here.

Have a good day 😊

Fibroguy66 profile image
Fibroguy66 in reply to Mgt8

Hello It's the most oddest of feelings for sure.

Feels like immense pressure forcing itself down on me daily

VintageMustard profile image
VintageMustard in reply to Fibroguy66

I get the feeling of an invisible weight pressing down on my shoulders. I also often feel as if I have been sedated which makes me feel extremely tired.

Bbay247 profile image
Bbay247 in reply to Mgt8

It feels like invisible weights. I have this feeling in the mornings and evening when my legs have been in a rested position for long.

Fibroguy66 profile image
Fibroguy66 in reply to Bbay247

Dreadful feeling we in due daily

Uellow22 profile image

Hi Fibroguy66,

Oh yes indeed I do feel like this often, it's a horrible feeling but I tend to use this as a sign to STOP & take things slower (where possible).

You are not alone with this, in fact I think it was one of my first signs that something wasn't right before being diagnosed with fibro.

Take care.


Fibroguy66 profile image
Fibroguy66 in reply to Uellow22

Thanking you kindly From the bottom of the sea 😂

Gee it's so disabling

Kindest Regards

Fishandchips12 profile image

I get that all of the time it's like walking through treacle exhausting 😩

Patdoyle profile image
Patdoyle in reply to Fishandchips12

Exactly how I feel and it’s a signal to take it easy

Loonywoman profile image

I have not been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Waiting for a follow up phone call from neurologist who, when I briefly met him in January, focused solely on eye pain and referred me for an MRI which detected a small lesion near my trigeminal nerve. But, I have pain in many parts of my body and often remark to my husband that I feel like I'm wearing a diving suit.

Lovecavatese profile image

hi, I’m also slim, killing myself fighting against pain and that heavy feeling to tone up and strengthen. Aerobic exercise is limited due to this exact feeling. Take care and try and pace yourself. Have a good day 🤗

Fibroguy66 profile image
Fibroguy66 in reply to Lovecavatese

Thanking you kindly

hazelcats profile image

I call it my wearing my concrete overcoat. It never goes away completely. It is always worse in the morning , but with me 24hrs a day.

Fibroguy66 profile image
Fibroguy66 in reply to hazelcats

I feel like I weight 20st it's horrible

birdy53 profile image

get this most days rare I wake up feeling light

Fibroguy66 profile image

Fibromyalgia is spiteful indeed.Feel like I'm made of concrete

Elaine200756 profile image

My legs get that really heavy feeling like wading through concrete. It's exhausting and I can do little if any activity. It makes me feel anxious.This happened to me in the beginning and it ended up where I was unable to walk. Although it's not been that severe again it's scary. My GP thought I had MS like my sister but the MRI was normal, thank goodness.

These days it just means I have to rest and sleep. You're not alone with this. Take care xx

Fibroguy66 profile image
Fibroguy66 in reply to Elaine200756

I get tired very quickly after just doing the simplest of things etc.Never used to be this way.

I'm only 58 but feel 90 odd etc.

Worries me sick.

Awaiting a new trial of prescribed drugs soon from the private sector.

There side effects include tiredness & sprint toilet runs tut

Elaine200756 profile image
Elaine200756 in reply to Fibroguy66

It's truly horrendous and I relate. And unfortunately, that's the problem with medication, they have side effects that we can well do without.All I would say to you is to listen to your body. This isn't something you can push through. Don't let yourself feel guilty either. That's something I've had to get rid of 🙏

Fibroguy66 profile image
Fibroguy66 in reply to Elaine200756

It sure is a struggle indeed.It's not living it's surviving 😞

1499 profile image

Yes you have described it so well!!! I saw a drawing once in a fibro magazine of a woman and there was the replica of her lying on the floor attached to her ankle and at times I honestly feel I am dragging another body along with me it is horrible having absolutely no energy at times or dealing with the pains. I often say the exhausting can be worse at times. Healing hugs throw that diving suit away lol. Xx

Ellenlow18 profile image

yes my legs feel too heavy to walk sometimes and i end up tripping all the time as I don’t lift my feet properly. I struggle trying to fold bedclothes etc as my arms get so sore

Fibroguy66 profile image
Fibroguy66 in reply to Ellenlow18


I feel ancient and I'm only 58.

Good body build 😂 so bodywork good for year,just needs the interior sorting 😂

I feel like I've been filled with concrete

Labradoodlelove profile image

I get these symptoms whilst walking my two dogs, I start off okay but towards the end my legs feel like lead and I feel as if I need new batteries 🤣 you kinda get used to having to pace yourself and as I’ve said in previous comment you have to change your lifestyle looking at dietary methods to suit you, I came off processed and sugar and it’s helped me considerably, sugar is one of the main causes of inflammation. My diet consists of white meat and fish, vegetable and whole meal rice. It’s all about experimenting for your own personal lifestyle. I did monthly food plans to see what helped, it’s certainly a challenge but very beneficial.

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