Duloxetine and sore gums: Hi everyone... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Duloxetine and sore gums

misspicky82 profile image
49 Replies

Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is well as can be ☺️ I was wondering if anyone on Duloxetine or Amitriptyline experiences sore gums? I went to the dentist yesterday and they think it could be one of the medications that I'm taking, possibly Duloxetine or Amitriptyline. As I've taken both of them together I couldn't really decifer which one it could be but I know it's one of them as it was after starting these that my gums have been so so sore! It's very painful, if I touch some parts of my gums, they feel really bruised and tender. My dentist says there really isn't much build so she doesn't think it's due to plaque build up. She was very resistant to clean my teeth yesterday because of how sore my gums are but I asked if she would do, but hell I'm paying for it now with a part of my gum really really tender.

So my question really is, does anyone else have this issue? And which one do you think the biggest culprit is.

I was told a change in medication may be needed but I'm hesitant to change as both these medications are helping somewhat with my pain and definitely with my sleep. I take the Amitriptyline for neuropathy and the Duloxetine for Fibromyalgia pain and depression.

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misspicky82 profile image
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49 Replies
Tamsam22 profile image

Hi I take both medications and have never had a problem.

I was told I could have one or the other but not both , I just take amitriptyline now and that’s ok for me , no gum problem but we’re all different and react differently hope you get sorted 😊

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Applespearspeaches

Yeah see I don't see why I need to be on both, they do the same things so I asked if I could come off Amitriptyline as the Duloxetine helps me more but my GP said no. Mind you I'm seeing a new GP now who really wants me to have control in my care and he just seems to care a lot more so I'm seeing him In 3 weeks so I'll ask him then if I can have a trial off Amitriptyline

Yassytina profile image
YassytinaFMA UK Volunteer in reply to misspicky82

Glad you are seeing a different doctor, fresh ears and hope he takes on board your care, im on duloxtene too, I did try cutting down but then I kept getting viruses, virals , this winter so I went back too 60mg at night, I hope the appointment goes well in 3 weeks x

fabpup01 profile image

Hi Misspicky, sorry that you are suffering so much with your mouth issues. If it helps I’m on amitriptyline, have been for a number of years but have had no side effects at all. Sending gentle hugs and hoping you can get it sorted soon

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to fabpup01

Thanks Fabpub, I'll keep you updated

Noodlenan profile image

Hi misspicky

I was on amitriptyline for years and was always getting mouth issues which eventually caused gum disease.

In a review gp took me off them and after much trial and error with so many alternatives I am now on one that helps as much as these things can.

As for the gum disease with my dentists help and much hard work from myself we have evicted that - but it took a lot of effort from both of us.

I am now on duloxetine and the only side effect for me is weight gain.

We are all very different in how our bodies deal with medication and when the devil within us flares how we react to even more chronic pain than our daily struggles.

My advice would be talk to your gp they can offer alternative options.

Hope you get sorted xx

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Noodlenan

I do think it's the Amitriptyline, I have constipation from Duloxetine but I take Laxido each day which helps. I also have weight gain, I'm actually going thru my clothes at the moment after doing some decorating I needed to move everything out of my bedroom and I now have a little less storage space. It's just so depressing going thru all my fave clothes that I know I just need to get rid of now as I've been saying for the last 3 years I'll get back in them..... but I haven't and I've tried to exercise and eat better but I'm just in too much pain and my mobility is affected now so I've just got to face the fact I'm never going to fit in them again 😪 but we have to do what we are dealt with in life I suppose xx

Noodlenan profile image
Noodlenan in reply to misspicky82

I feel Avery word of that !

Gentle hugs 🤗

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Noodlenan

Gentle hugs to you too, 🤗 ❤️

Loobielu profile image

Hiya, I've taken both in the past separately and neither caused me gum pain either. I do however find it very uncomfortable to have my teeth cleaned, scraped etc so my dentist is happy to give me an injection before hand to numb things. Costs extra but worth it. Hope you find a solution, it almost feels like we are constantly trying to find something which annoys our bodies the least! 😤. It's exhausting x

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Loobielu

Yes my dentist wasn't really wanting to clean my teeth due to the pain and she said there wasn't really much build up on my teeth anyway but I said I really wanted them doing as it wasn't done at my last check up. It has irritated part of my gum but it's starting to settle a bit now. The things we have to go thru as if we didn't already have enough to deal with on a daily basis! You're right, it is exhausting 😴 xx

Donna_1 profile image

Hi Misspicky, I suffered with sore gums that gradually became worse. I saw my dentist over the course of 8 months and he said he did not know what the cause was and that it wasn't gum disease. Finally in desperation I saw my GP ( as you need to see a dentist initially for anything gum related before seeing a GP usually). My GP immediately said he suspected it was oral lichen planus and referred me to a specialist. Apparently it's autoimmune related. I'm now on a steroidal mouthwash which helps. This, of course may not be what you have but mine started with extremely sore red gums..patches of white and eventually spread to my inner cheeks and eventually mouth ulcers. It's made worse by eating anything "sharp" like toast or crisps...and anything hot or spicy flares it up.If yours gets worse and your dentist can't help I'd mention it to your GP. (Also I'm not on any meds) Hope this helps..Good luck x

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Donna_1

Thanks Donna, I will mention that to my GP when I. See him next month. I. Do also have a sore tongue and get some blisters at the inside of my cheeks too, I can deal with them but the sore gums is horrendous, and yes things like crisps, they really hurt don't they! Xx

Donna_1 profile image
Donna_1 in reply to misspicky82

It does sound very similar! I get the little blisters too...hopefully they can diagnose and sort it soon for you! Xx

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Donna_1

Thanks Donna, you've been really helpful. Take care of yourself xx

YMEPLEASE profile image

Hi misspicky,, I am on diloxetine and I am struggling with sore gums so bad that I can't chew on food much even soft food. Also sore tongue often with blisters or purple brusing on my tongue and I have no idea what is causing it, not been to dentist yet for it

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to YMEPLEASE

I have all this too. Book an appointment with your dentist as soon as you can. I tried using medical grade mouth washes and softly brushing my gums but nothing worked. You need to see a dentist before you can see a GP so book an appointment as soon as you can see what they say, tell them all the medications you're taking. I got prescribed a cream for cracks at the corner if my mouth too, said its angular cellulitis or something like that, but I'm sure I've read that can be a symptom of Fibromyalgia when I. Was doing some research before I got diagnosed xx

Nipper11 profile image

I would read through the leaflets linked to these drugs and speak to a Pharmacies in your local community and see if they advise you to go back to your GP . It might go away in time. It could be linked to nerve pain which can happen due to the Inflammatory conditions. Before you change anything do these simple checks. Change to soft toothbrush to see if that helps. And use a Gum mouthwash which will support the healing of the Gums and pain.

There have been many times my drugs have be blamed for symptoms which have been something esle. 🤔

do some research yourself on both drugs .

I feel sure you will be able to confirm after research validates your outcome . Take GP advise if you are unsure .

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Nipper11

Hi Nipper,

I've looked at both drugs and they both say can cause dry mouth, but Amitriptyline says sore gums. I've tried all the usual treatments for sore gums, as much as I could anyway with them being so sore and I've used medical grade mouth washes but nothing has worked like it has done in the past. I've never had these issues before taking these meds but my theory now after the research is I'm thinking that Amitriptyline seems to be the worst one for mouth issues. I don't really understand why I'm on both meds tbh as they both do the same thing. I think I'm going to ask for a trial off the Amitriptyline for a few weeks and see how I get on. I'm next seeing my GP in 3 weeks time. I'm only on 10mg Amitriptyline so wouldn't need to wean if it.

Nipper11 profile image
Nipper11 in reply to misspicky82

Bless you . Great you done your research. I take Amitriptyline and never had this issue 😒. I hope your GP give you some like Amitriptyline with less side effects. I too only take a low mg at night 🌙. Hope things improve for you very soon . Take care. Xx

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Nipper11

Thanks Nipper x

Polly1999 profile image

Yes, I had lots of problems and was on both. My gums pealed too but not sure if that was bicarbonate of soda in a toothpaste.

Plus I was down to 5hrs sleep a week on them, incontinence and lots of other problems.

If you think you’re having side effects go back to the doctors. I thought they were all fibro problems.

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Polly1999

Hi Polly, I've got an appointment in 3 weeks so I'm going to speak to my GP them about the issue. The dentist was adamant that it's medication related as she couldn't see any plaque build up that would be making my gums so sore. I did ask a different GP a while back if I could come off the Amitriptyline after I'd been put on Duloxetine as from what I've read, they do the same anyway so I don't really understand why I'm on both. They could at least trial me off it and stay on the Duloxetine so I can if that helps. I'm only on 10mg Amitriptyline at night time. I just don't want to be on so many meds, I feel like a walking pill popper these days 😪

Polly1999 profile image
Polly1999 in reply to misspicky82

I hope they can help you.

Mum and I both had the same reaction.

I was on both like you, full dose of duloxatine but didn’t seam to help so they put me on amitriptyline too. It works so well for others but unfortunately not me.

I hope you have a good gp who you can discuss it with. It’s finding out what suits you. There are more meds out there and other things that help. Vit b12 injections have helped me, plus medical massage every 2 weeks. Unfortunately it’s the cost.

I do have a lot of prescribed pain killers though too

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Polly1999

Hi Polly,I also take Dihydrocodiene but they are weaning me off that now saying it's no good for chronic pain but it's the only medication they had ever made a difference to my pain as I can't take anti inflammatory meds due to stomach issues and asthma. I'm really feeling the pain more now though that I'm weaning off it and I'm scared I'm going to be left without anything else in place. I mean the duloxetine more helps with my sleep, wouldn't say it does all that much for my pain to be on that alone. I hate not knowing what's in the future and it's messing so much with my mental health 😢

Do you claim PIP? If not why don't you get a claim in to help with the extra costs. I've just recently sent a form in, should have sent it years ago really but I put it off to long and now I'm at the position where I need it to live now I'm out of work and that's another thing that gets to me 😔

Psulli profile image

Hi, yes I suffer with sore mouth, tongue and gums, I take Amitriptilyne but have got dose down to 10mg at night.

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Psulli

Hi Psulli, I only take 10mg at night time too along with 120mg Duloxetine. I'm going to ask if I can have a trial if just having the Duloxetine on its own and see how I get on with that. More people are saying they have trouble with Amitriptyline rather than Duloxetine and some no sure gums at all but we all react differently don't we. I just don't feel the need to have both meds anyway when they are both prescribed to do the same x

CheetieCat profile image

Hi, I've taken Amitriptyline for years and suffer with extremely dry mouth and tender gums. Have lost several teeth due to grinding and dryness so ended up with partial plate which has made the gums even worse.

I use the softest brush and toothpaste supplied by the dentist and try not to rinse it all away, better to leave in as long as long as you can. Occasional mouthwash but not every day as too sore on the gums. No gum disease but they do always feel swollen and sore.

I would say if it is meds then it's probably the amitriptyline, I take mine for neuropathy too. Tried cymbalta years ago, now duloxetine I believe but had a horrible reaction so unfortunately I'm stuck with the amitriptyline for now. Best of luck🍀

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to CheetieCat

Thanks CheetieCat, I think it's the Amitriptyline now too. I feel you, it's horrible isn't it! There is always something else to deal with isn't there 🙄 I almost feel like giving up at the moment, I'm having a really bad day and just don't know what to do, I'm so fed up. What kind of life is this 😐

CheetieCat profile image
CheetieCat in reply to misspicky82

I know, it gets you down sometimes doesn't it but "what disny kill you makes you stronger"so they say!Lol Hope you're having a better day 😊

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to CheetieCat

Yes sorry lovely I was being soft yesterday! It would have been my father's birthday but he passed away 9 years ago and so I was letting everything get me down. I'm sorry I offloaded on you. I have had a better day today and now just resting. Hope you had a good day xx

CheetieCat profile image
CheetieCat in reply to misspicky82

Not at all, you really didn't 😊 It doesn't matter how long it's been it still knocks you down, mine has been gone 29 years and I still get days like that. Glad you're feeling a bit better xx

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to CheetieCat

You do don't you, I say it doesn't matter how long it's been, it never changes the way you feel. Sorry to hear you lost your father too and thank you Cheetie, it's been nice to talk to you xx

Pricey110 profile image

I take duloxitine but have no mouth issues if that helps

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Pricey110

Thanks Pricey

Brighteyedbabe78 profile image

Hi there, I had a lot of gum problems and lost a lot of teeth due to duloxotine. There is a FB page called "cymbalta hurts worse" which gives you advice and information regarding duloxotine and people's stories of this drug. Hope it helps.

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Brighteyedbabe78

Hi, sorry i did not reply yesterday I completely missed my email. Not been having the best of time recently. I'll definitely look into that FB group and see what people are saying. Thanks lovely x

Dianne2008 profile image

hi. I sympathise with you as I too suffer with sore gums and mouth ulcers. No professional person seemed to be able to help then one day I was told by a fellow suffered to use Benefiber and thankfully that helped.

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Dianne2008

Hi Dianne, what is Benefiber, is that like a mouth wash? Which medications are you taking? X

Smilesalot profile image

Hi misspicky82,My gums hurt when I brush my teeth but they bleed during the night on to my white pillows🙄.

I only take duloxetine. I also take Trazodone Gabapentin Carbamazapine, risperidone lorazepam Zopiclone morphine for now. Ibs meds and injection insulin.

Is this ur first time of sore gums? Maybe try a softer toothbrush. I get one with silver infused from Amazon.

I really hope you get it sorted out hun

Hugs Dawn 🤗

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Smilesalot

Oh wow Dawn, you're on so many meds! My gums don't bleed really, they are just very red and sore! I've heard Duloxetine can cause bleeding gums. Suppose it's hard for you to decifer which medication it is with you being on so many, how do you cope with all the side effects? Xx

Smilesalot profile image

To be honest as long as I'm stable mentally I don't think about it.I'm not happy pain wise as I have a lot of flares . The duloxetine so far haven't helped with pain 🙁. I had a good morning but the weather changed now I am not🙄.

Anyway hun, have you tried a mild mouthwash ?


I really hope you're pain lessons!!

I didn't think you were supposed to have duloxetine and amitriptyline together ??? Do they work ?

Good luck Dawn 🤗

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Smilesalot

No I don't see why I'm on both tbh, I asked my old GP if I could come off the Amitriptyline when I was put on Duloxetine as when I read through the medications, they both do the same thing so I didn't see the need to be taking both 🤷🏻‍♀️ he just said no. I'm seeing a different GP now and hand an appointment in a couple of weeks so I'm going to ask him the same question then at least I can see if my gums get any better if I'm no longer taking Amitriptyline.I do have the start of gum disease now so I use Corsydal mouthwash when they get sore but it's not helping. My dentist says she doesn't believe they are sore because of the gum disease, especially seeing as they aren't getting any better with the mouthwash and she says there isn't enough build up for them to be that sore.

We'll see what happens at the end of the month when I see my GP, hopefully he'll let me trial a break from Amitriptyline.

My body was in so much pain last night, it's slightly better this morning but my upper arms and upper legs feel like they are bruised when I touch them, even the slightest touch! I wouldn't say the duloxetine is doing all that much for my pain, it just helps me sleep better and I'm slightly more settled mentally than I was before taking them. I missed my dose of both last night though due to falling asleep early but I only take my doses once at night, 10mg Amitriptyline and 120mg Duloxetine so I'm leaving it until tonight to take them. I've never missed a dose before now so I don't know what effect it'll have on me but I've got a banging headache. How do you take yours? Have it missed any doses before?

And thank you for responding huni xx

Smilesalot profile image
Smilesalot in reply to misspicky82

Hi misspicky82🙂They're not the same type of antidepressant. I'm glad it's a low dose or you could have got serotonin poisoning.

I take 60 in the morning and 60 at evening. They don't help me sleep. I get severe anxiety for four hours after I've taken it. And again when I wake up. I swapped directly from venlafaxine.

I hope your new Dr lets you slowly come off the amitriptyline .

It must be pills if corsadyl isn't working. I'm sorry ur having these troubles.

Ur having the same pain I am. Except I've got intense pain in my hip with osteoarthritis. I've had to pay for a steroid injection in 2 weeks.

Could be 2 yrs on the NHS.

Good luck seeing ur new Dr hugs Dawn

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Smilesalot

I hope so, I don't like being on so many different medications, I'm on quite a few things now but it's remembering to take them and then I'm on 1 thing because 1 thing causes this and that, it's bloody draining 😔 I'm so constipated all the time too so I'm on a sachet of Laxido every day then there's my insulin to take every time I eat and 2 other injections in the morning and at night. I've been waiting 2 years to get onto an insulin pump but then I hear others are being offered it before I've even been seen to. I've been diabetic for 41 years now, you'd think I'd be a priority seeing as alot of my diabetes complications are related to my insulin not absorbing correctly because my injection sites are all lumpy now.

Isn't it weird how medications affect people so differently 🤔 the duloxetine really makes me sleepy, but saying that, it could be the mix of that and the Amitriptyline. Maybe it might start making me feel like you do if I take it on its own? That must be horrible for you having all that anxiety after taking them, how do you cope with that every day? I find it really hard when I'm having bouts anxiety and I've not learnt how to deal with it properly yet. I've just started CBT but it still confuses me as it's so new.

Do you claim PIP? Maybe that could help with the costs of you going private, that's what it's for, you should look into it if you haven't already? I recently put a claim in after wavering about it for 2 years, I didn't want to be claiming but it's got to a point now that I'm struggling so I've had to just swallow my pride and do it! I just wish I was well enough to go back to work, I really miss my job but it got impossible to carry on with all my health issues.

Big hugs to you too Dawn 🤗 hope your pain settles down and you have a good day 😊 xxx

Smilesalot profile image
Smilesalot in reply to misspicky82

Hi misspicky82🙂,I suggest you look online about what I've said about the meds. I've only gone off what I've read for myself and experience.

My care and bf...best friend. Takes amitriptyline and it makes him sleepy.

I know what you mean about taking so many meds and times.

I've only been taking insulin since 2015.

You have been on it a very long time.

I have a big body so plenty of space to inject.

I have the starting of one on my upper arm meh

I'm in receipt of DLA . I'm worried about going on to pip.

I used to love working in care homes but I can't walk easily to the downstairs bathroom. I fell just before Christmas and couldn't get back up. Lay there three days. My mate was visiting family. I couldn't find my phone. I now have a button alarm pendant and can phone from my watch.

Was in hospital 4 days . They wanted me to stay longer but the shrink got me out. Hospitals are bad for me.

That's a possibility. Ur Dr might have a point so discuss it thoroughly with the new one.

I'm feeling sick again meh.

I half did CBT and psychotherapy. It angered me lol.

Stressed me out.

The anxiety is constantly there but I scramble for extra meds or vomit 😢. I get up at six a.m. Every day as that's when my meds wear off and the anxiety kicks in and it severe. I take extra meds all night to get me to sleep. I saved a lot of Covid time meds and Brixshit meds. I don't have to many left but they are what I take. To calm me down. Desperate , yes.

I'm a prepper in disguise lol😂

Good luck with your meds decision your CBT and PIP. I'm doing PIP when Labour win.

Hugs , Dawn

misspicky82 profile image
misspicky82 in reply to Smilesalot

I meant to say also, I can't believe you were on the floor for 3 days!!! That must have been horrendous for you 😕 I'm glad you've now got an alarm and watch. You don't think of these things until something bad happens do you. I wanted to ask what triggers you with hospitals but I know it's personal info and you probably don't want it all on here but I'm quite new to this and don't know if you can PM xx

Smilesalot profile image

Lol Brexit. We saved food and meds and water. As I hate Brexit I call it Brexshit or Brixshit.Just had a lovely bed bath. Feel fresh and clean😃

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