Duloxetine : Hi, a couple of weeks ago... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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canon2 profile image
23 Replies

Hi, a couple of weeks ago I went to get my repeat prescription of Duloxetine and was told once again they have not been able to get it. I was told to call my GP, I had a call back that day & she said there is a shortage, they were struggling to get it. I would have to go cold turkey, I asked would that not be dangerous, she replied no you are only on a low dose, I will review you again in 4-6 weeks and see how you are, we may be able to give you a alternative. Has anyone else had this issue? The withdrawal effects have been horrid.

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canon2 profile image
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23 Replies
JessFM profile image

Oh my goodness, that is terrible. They should let you know in advance that the medication is running low

misspicky82 profile image

OMG I can't believe they've just said that you can go without! What dose are you on? You're not supposed to go cold turkey like that as I know you'll already understand. Poor thing, how are you feeling? What withdrawal symptoms have you done thru so far? Have you tried to ring round other chemist's in your area to see if they have it? I've had to do this a couple of times with my child's medication.

Hugs 🤗

canon2 profile image
canon2 in reply to misspicky82

I was on 20mg twice a day, my pharmacist has many times phoned around, sometimes he has been lucky but unfortunately this time had no success, even he was surprised by my GP's response. I am now into my 4th week, the 1st week wasn't too bad but then I went downhill, feeling sick, very tearful, anxious, snappy (my poor husband) not sleeping & getting what felt like electric shocks in my head. Each day now, I do feel slightly better, by my fibromyalgia pain is not good, suffering with headaches. On the plus side I am not suffering so much with the sweats. Thank you for asking. I will have to see my Doctor soon for a review & I will say how disappointed with the care I have received.

Nelly1 profile image

Hi. I’m afraid your GP is talking rubbish!

I was on a low dose and I wanted to come off it. Even by going to half the dose I had terrible shakes, headaches and felt absolutely terrible. Took me 8 weeks to get over it and completely come off the horrible drug.

Talk to your GP or see another GP within the surgery.

Good luck.

Mobill profile image

I am on 60mg twice daily and I forgot to take mine for 3 days and I was so ill.where abouts are you? I had no problem getting mine yesterday from Boyatt Wood.

Loobielu profile image

Eeek I had dreadful withdrawal coming off mine and I was only on a low dose. Just goes to show how many people are taking them. Best of luck, I would keep ringing pharmacies 🤞 x

Silverstorm profile image

Yes the withdrawal was horrific. That medication is horrible. I now take a natural serotonin supplement instead and feel so much better and not reliant on the medication being available!

Onceabiker profile image

I can only call that drug The Spawn of the Devil. Took 18 months to slowly come off it and when I took the jump to zero my GP told me not to as I would commit suicide. I felt horrendous but three years later I’m still in the world.

It’s hard to do but I got into exercise and that has helped a lot..

Good Luck.

fmlife profile image
fmlife in reply to Onceabiker

pleased to hear not ghost writing😃

Hi Canon2

Sorry to hear of your situation, I am on Duloxetine only 30mg per day but alongside the Gabapentin it works really well for nerve pain. I live in Northamptonshire and have had no problems with refilling my prescription. It may be a problem with whereabouts you are. I have tried not taking them before and yes the withdrawal is awful, I hope they sort you out soon, best wishes.

Yassytina profile image
YassytinaFMA UK Volunteer

That’s awful, having too go threw that , they say if someone comes off duloxtene you have too gradually withdraw and should never stop suddenly, out of your control and I do feel for you. There must be a shortage in your area then as I’ve never heard this before. Yes differently see your doctor and complain, take care xx

Pricey110 profile image

I am coming of mine now dropped down to one tablet a day and have the shakes etc but going to do this for a few weeks then go down to one every other day for a few weeks

Smilesalot profile image

Reading this is f,in scary. I've only just started taking the capsules and to think they could be stopped suddenly eep. I was on venlafaxine before and swapped to duloxetine in one week. It's also an SNRI.I'm taking 60 mg x 2 a day.

Good luck hun and better luck finding a better Dr

Plenty heartfelt hugs 🤗 Dawn

mrdarcy1 profile image

Woooow it's a horrible withdrawal from this drug. I honestly felt terrible like nausea, cramps in stomach, blinding sore headache shivering and shakes.

I was under the impression that it's supposed to be a max of 40/60 a day?

Some people on here are on 120mg a day??? Is that safe with this drug?

Surely they can't allow you to go thru this cold turkey????? How is that permitted?

They give drug addicts medication to help them get of opioids surely they can give you "something to help you"

Honestly I couldn't do it again. I just couldn't

I wish you all the best but this is not right.

I'd talk to another doctor and ask for something to help you with withdrawal. 🤯🤯🤯

Polly1999 profile image

I had a terrible time coming off it and so did my my mum. Mum was told by her doc to do 60mg one day and none the next. She’s an amazing woman who lost my dad when we were children and been through so much. It’s the only time I’ve seen her go this bad. I rang the docs as I knew it was dangerous. Luckily 20mg is the lowest dose we had to do before coming off it. I struggled so please be kind to yourself. I did have a bad time with Duloxetine and amatriptyline anyway which is why I came off them so perhaps coming off them was worse for me than others.

I hope they can sort you asap.

Elaine200756 profile image

Oh, my goodness canon2! That's shocking and it must be so scary for you bless you. It's unbelievable that a doctor would respond to you like that and let you go through horrible withdrawal symptoms when you are already suffering with fibromyalgia. Where is this woman's compassion and humanity?

I feel fairly certain that she could do something to help you get through the withdrawal without so much suffering. It's disappointing to hear that she has basically just left you to suffer on your own.

I'm on Duloxetine too, and I take the maximum dose of 120mg to manage pain from fibromyalgia. This news that it's in short supply is alarming to say the least. I bet you feel helpless and abandoned. My heart goes out to you, honestly.

I'm sending you lots of love and hugs, Elaine xx 🤗❤️

Geriinaz profile image

Goodness, it looks like lots of us are under the spell of Duloxetine. I started taking it over 20 years ago. When I started taking it, I felt shakes, nausea and "brain shocks". The doc told me a few days and it would settle in. It did, but I was concerned about taking something that caused such dramatic effects. I cut my dose in half (from 60 to 30 mg) on my own, and although I had the same feelings as when I started taking it, I stayed with the decrease. Unfortunately, here I am, 20 years later and I would LOVE to stop taking it altogether. I have several sources of pain, and I am frightened to add more distress to my system by by stopping it.....so I stay with it. It is (I think) an effective medication. I started taking it for depression, but it also works to relieve pain. Knowing what I know now, I would never start taking it. Good luck to you all😊

canon2 profile image

Thank you so much everyone, it has really helped me, knowing so many of you are willing to take a moment to share your experiences means a lot. Like I mentioned I am now into week 4 and it's getting slightly better. When I see my GP I am going to express my disappointment in the level of care I have received.Best wishes to you all

Janeshelley profile image

I had a similar experience very recently when my GP rang me to review my annual meds prescriptions.

She suggested I stop taking beta blocker called Propranolol 40mg twice daily which I take for migraine prevention (I have 5-6 per month with a duration of 2-3 days each time). Also to stop Ceririzine 10mg (for year round allergies & hayfever etc. Also to stop OMEPRAZOLE 20mg twice daily (that I take for indigestion).

I asked if I should start by reducing the dose over how many weeks. She replied that was not necessary and to stop straight away.

Well, she is the expert, so I did what I was told. The first and second day I was fine. In the morning of the third day my heart started pounding really fast. Then my head started throbbing. I felt dizzy and faint, felt sick, hot, had diarrhoea and I had a headache. I could hardly stand up. I though I had the start of flu and went to bed for a few hours.

When I woke up I felt even worse so I phoned my surgery, explained everything to receptionist and 10 mins later I got a text from the same GP just saying ‘resume taking meds’.

It wasn’t until 3-4 days later I felt a lot better and realised it must have been ‘cold Turkey’. It was a terrifying experience and really feel for anyone experiencing the horrors of ‘cold Turkey.

When I looked it up online, for all three meds it said: DO NOT STOP TAKING STRAIGHT AWAY, always ease off over 6 wks or longer!

canon2 profile image
canon2 in reply to Janeshelley

I am sorry to read your experience, it's shocking how things are becoming in the NHS. It seems it's all about cut backs never mind the well being of the patient. I have now written a letter to the practice manager & I hope to see a GP soon. I am now into near the end of week 4, having good and bad days but more good ones. So hopefully I will soon be over these awful withdrawal symptoms.

MiaMiaowMiaow profile image

Hi Canon2, sorry to hear about your situation, however, have you tried an online pharmacy? - Boots have a service (based in Manchester I think) which can send you repeat prescriptions though the post, and would imagine they would probably have a pretty large stock of all the sickly sweeties if anyone would.


Or maybe try: royalmail.com/health/pharma... - got a leaflet through the post the other day. Might even start ordering online myself as the bag is getting pretty heavy now!

Good Luck!

Speak to your GP about medication for withdrawals. I was on that poison at 120mg a day for years and the withdrawals were horrific even when I was weaning off it very slowly. I only managed due to also being on pregabalin and valium to help me sleep at night as it also affects your sleeping. Hope your GP helps you out as I wouldn't wish these withdrawals on my worst enemy. Good luck xx

fmlife profile image

can they print a paper prescription so can visit another pharmacy out of area?

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