EDMESH | HealthUnlocked


2,021 members349 posts

long covid, ME/CFS

upcoming #UniteToFight2024 conference on May 15th and 16th, dedicated to advanci...

Traveling and worsening of symptoms

Hi. I’m new to this forum but have had asthma and hyperthyroidism so have been o...

Does this sound like CFS? I really need help, I’m struggling.

Hi everyone, I’ve suffered with fatigue for as long as I can remember. It’s a ...
Amber83 profile image

Not cfs??

Hi! So i recently went to a neurologist. She said I couldn't have CFS because I'...


Hi everyone, I have just recently be told I have Chronic Fatigue syndrome. Whe...
Gealtachta profile image

Muscle / breathing pain

Thank you for your welcome I read some posts from yrs ago so my info may not b...

Bellaowl re Covid vaccine interaction with CFS

I’v read some of the posts. Re vaccine and long Covid. They are doing a study i...


Hi. I’ve had CFS since 1972 following glandular fever in 68, followed by E.coli ...

Undiagnosed, Please help

Starting with neck pain, I went to visit a chiropractor. The day the pain went a...
Tannette profile image


Hello all I have been having a particularly rough time recently dealing with my...

Pain clinics

Just been referred to a pain clinic in grmbsy at Hugh's. Anybody else go there i...


One of the Most Underestimated Health Care ProblemProtection For Chronic Pain Pa...

What actually is rest?

I still work and have been advised to take lots of rest breaks to recharge throu...
Suzlj profile image

A free full week's fatigue super conference from the Optimum Health Clinic for people with CHRONIC FATIGUE, ME AND FIBROMYLAGIA

Hi everyone there is a free week's conference which is everyday for 1 week with ...


After years of a toxic environment at work I finally took voluntary redundancy. ...
mysmugcat profile image

I have set up a petition to abolish the current Atos/ Capita, Pip and Esa assessments that do not recognise fluctuating conditions

I have set up a petition on Change.org.uk. link below! http://chng.it/v76rwLSH ...

Hello I’m new

Hello I’m new here. M.E sufferer for almost 4 years. Looking to connect with peo...
Cazxxx profile image

CPAD and insurance harrassment

Hi I am new here and have had chronic fatigue for 2 years now. I got it as a res...
miggles25 profile image

I am new here

I have ME/cfs and multiple auto immune conditions. I am looking for help to supp...
Caro7 profile image

Still no answer

Got to see Gp finally today ! I have had every test done on me now I think I hav...
Gazzer12 profile image

New to forum

Hi all! I'm new to this forum and just wanted to share my story and see if it is...
Rheadster72 profile image


Hi I have had CFS for nearly ten years. A question I want to ask is I was under...
Jan87 profile image

Supplements or any medication

Hi I am really struggling again with tiredness and constant viral infections. Do...
Suzlj profile image

Dizziness with ME

Has anyone else had problems with severe dizziness that is unbearable when I’m s...
Amandakins profile image


How do people deal with negativity I have a lot of it myself as I get down why I...
sumdum profile image

First appointment

I have my first appointment next month with the cfs clinic in St Albans. Can any...
cjp1985 profile image


I've been suffering Tenesmus since April. It disappeared pretty much in October ...


I am in the process of getting tested for pots as well as my me/cfs does anyone ...
sumdum profile image

Cfs, altitude sickness similarities

Reading a mountaineering book I was struck by how similar cfs is to altitude sic...

NICE new guidelines

Should help us
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