Free of polymyalgia: Hi I just wanted to tell... - PMRGCAuk


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Free of polymyalgia

Rosshigh profile image
69 Replies

Hi I just wanted to tell everyone that you can finally be free of polymyalgia.I was diagnosed in 2020 and it was horrendous. The pain was terrible but it took my GP a few months to finally decide I had polymyalgia.

I was put on steroids and it was a light bulb moment for me as within hours most of the pains had gone.

My GP did not really understand polymyalgia unfortunately so was going by the rule book as far as reducing prednisolone which did not work for me as it was far too quick but thanks to Healthunlocked I took the advice on tapering from people who knew what I was going through.

My GP eventually realised I was doing it my own way so just gave me prescriptions when I needed them.

I used the tapering guide and advice from the wonderful people on this website. 3 years on I have stopped the steroids and am free of polymyalgia.

I am hopeful that it won't come back but I still receive emails from Healthunlocked and will certainly use the website again as it certainly helped me understand the illness and I wouldn't have been able to taper as well without the help of these wonderful people. I pray that everyone becomes free of polymyalgia but I know I'm one of the lucky ones.

Thank you Healthunlocked ❤️

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Rosshigh profile image
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69 Replies
SnazzyD profile image

Long may it last! Don’t forget to keep Pred on you when you leave the house for a year just in case your adrenal glands forget they now have a full time job.

Rosshigh profile image
Rosshigh in reply to SnazzyD

I still have some but hopefully won't need them!!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Well done , and always good to hear…

Charlie1boy profile image

Excellent to hear you have joined the zero club.

Rosshigh profile image
Rosshigh in reply to Charlie1boy

Thanks. Hope it continues🤞

Lassie2 profile image
Lassie2 in reply to Charlie1boy

Congratulations you must be relieved .I am just at the beginning of my journey and beginning to start the tapering process. Just reduced form 12.5 to 10 this morning and already feeling affects.I guess it takes a couple of days to settle

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Lassie2

See this to work out whether it’s steroid withdrawal or not enough Pred -

But don’t let it go on too long or you’ll need to increase dose - and whilst 12.5mg to 10mg is in guidelines, not everyone can manage it… so just be aware. As you did have a bit of an issue at the start looking at your first post, be mindful.

Lassie2 profile image
Lassie2 in reply to DorsetLady

Thanks for your comments and help. I was thinking of taking your previous advice of not reducing by more than 10% at this stage . Does that sound sensible ?

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Lassie2

Yes very … 😊

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Lassie2

The smaller the steps the better!! Not slower when it works and you feel better in the process.

Lassie2 profile image
Lassie2 in reply to PMRpro

Many thanks

Kendrew profile image

Really happy for you. Good to hear positive news.

Rosshigh profile image

Thanks Kendrew. Hoping it does not return. 🤞

Josie-Anne profile image
Josie-Anne in reply to Rosshigh

Well done and good luck for the future ☺️

PMRpro profile image

Thank you!! And please don't disappear altogether - you can help us by dropping in from time to time and answering pleas for help!

Rosshigh profile image
Rosshigh in reply to PMRpro

Happy to help if I can 🙂

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Rosshigh

That's what we like to hear!!!

JanetGarrettN profile image


N-London profile image

Well done.

I got to zero Pred last September after three attempts. Since then I have had 2 flares which I have killed by short 3-day bursts of 30mg, in and out. Doctor thinks it’s a good plan but says if I get more than a couple in a month I will have to go back on the ghastly stuff. Best news is I have lost a ton of weight.

How strange I too have left shoulder pain that I think is Rotator Cuff. Probably had it for years and the Pred had been hiding it. Not made any better by just moving and dragging furniture and heavy boxes.

HarmonyGranny profile image
HarmonyGranny in reply to N-London

Very useful info. Thanks and continued good health to you.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to N-London

Since then I have had 2 flares which I have killed by short 3-day bursts of 30mg, in and out. Doctor thinks it’s a good plan but says if I get more than a couple in a month I will have to go back on the ghastly stuff

Not really the ideal way to approach PMR - sounds as if your underlying illness is still there, and all you are doing is giving the inflammation time to build back up again between the short bursts of Pred. Agree with doctor, you may well need to go back on it… and even a small dose may be sufficient to deal with it…and if you cut your carbs there is no reason to gain weight.

Looking at profile, you do seem to have a persistent form of I can understand you are fed up with it… but if it’s still there it needs to be controlled properly.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to N-London

You do realise that 3 days of 30mg is more pred than if you remained at 1mg pred long term? And probably the 1mg has fewer adverse effects, Many people find that 1 or even 1/2mg is enough to keep a low level of disease activity under wraps.

Loyd profile image

oh many thanks! Has given me hope - I’ve finally got down to 2 mgs after many fails and going super slow now. Well done you!

Rosshigh profile image
Rosshigh in reply to Loyd

Well done. Slowly is the answer 👍

Oigami profile image

Congratulations on getting pred free. What is the tapering guide/advice? I am down to 9mg a day and want to taper down 1mg a fortnight or 1 mg a month if possible.

Seekingasolution profile image
Seekingasolution in reply to Oigami

It’s referred to as DSNS and is probably in the FAQ section. Stands for dead slow nearly stop. Devised by a clinician. Basically when you feel ready to try reducing , ie current dose is doing the job, you cut by 1 mg for one day of the week then back to usual dose for the rest of the week. Week 2 reduce by 1 mg for 2 days of that week etc.

when you get to a low dose do the same but 1/2 mg. Etc.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Seekingasolution

The DSNS taper wasn't devised by a clinician, it was devised by me together with another patient who had used something similar below 5mg when he struggled. It has been approved by Prof Sarah Mackie, a UK PMR expert, who used it in a clinical study she was doing some years ago,

What you describe there though is not the DSNS taper, it is DL's easy taper.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Oigami

See links for options we suggest- devised by patients - decide which is best for you.

You need a monthly taper at the very least- any quicker is too hasty. It can take at least 2 weeks to know current dose is sufficient- and you don’t want to reduce if it isn’t.

1mg a month may be okay initially , but many find that once below 5mg it’s better to reduce by 0.5mg a time.

Rosshigh profile image
Rosshigh in reply to Oigami

Dorset Lady will advise better than me but once you're below 10mg it's a case of 0.5mg a month and sometimes 6 weeks depending on pain. It is frustrating but patience is the answer.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Oigami

1mg a month is possibly OK at 10mg, by the time you get to 5mg that is already 10% and far better to switch to 1/2mg steps - and even better over longer than a month. It isn't what you want to do - it is what your body and PMR will LET you do. They call the shots.

krillemy profile image

congrats! Thank you for sharing this. It gives me so much hope!!

Seekingasolution profile image

great news. I managed 3 months then had a flare after a too vigorous physio appt. Back to tapering! Did you try anything else other than tapering which might have helped ?

Rosshigh profile image
Rosshigh in reply to Seekingasolution

Not really to be honest. Used Dorset Lady's tapering plan but just did it very very slowly 0.5mg every month and if I felt any pain I kept going at that for another few weeks. It's frustrating but patience is the key.

HarmonyGranny profile image

Wonderful news. May your good health continue.

456again profile image

I was diagnosed May 2022 and took my last pred mid April 2024. So far so good, I do have arthritus pain but can separate that from the pmr but hope to at some point speak to rhuemy and get a blood test to confirm.

Rosshigh profile image
Rosshigh in reply to 456again

Well done. It does seem to take a while to feel better after being on pred for a long time but fingers crossed for you 😊

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Rosshigh

Yes but that may well be due to your adrenals getting back to being fully functional…and for some they take a lot longer than expected.

MrsPMR profile image

It is great to hear a positive story - congratulations and good luck! Long may your good health continue.

Rosshigh profile image
Rosshigh in reply to MrsPMR

I am hopeful so fingers 🤞

paintpots profile image

Thats so good to hear. I was diagnosed in 2019 and have been pred free for 3 months now. My story is remarkably similar. The only way was to go the DSNS route, my doctor was as yours, not very informed and this site was a game changer. I told my doctor I was going very slow but would be off the pred eventually. She was happy to let me take charge and other than a couple of flares early in my illness it has been a gradual .5mg reduction every 8 weeks for 2 years and more. Now I feel so happy to be off the pred, if only I can get off the omaprazole! I still need one once a week buy slowly slowly, I will be off them as well.

Rosshigh profile image
Rosshigh in reply to paintpots

Well done you. This site is the best thing I ever found as no one understands but people who are going through it. I am still on lansoprazole but that's for a different thing. Onwards and upwards for you 🤞

Orangecakes profile image

Super news, congratulations, and fingers crossed for you. Take care. Thank you for sharing your good news. 👍🤗

Tiggy70 profile image

Well done! It’s good to hear a success story. I’m 4 years in with PMR but having a bumpy ride and still on 8.5 mg Pred. You give me hope 🌸

AmberGamble profile image

Such encouraging news for those of us at the start of our journeys. Congratulations!

Handloomweaver profile image

Congratulations!!! That's wonderful news, and so encouraging. All the best

Miacaro45 profile image


KingWilf profile image

That’s great news, thanks for sharing and giving us hope. I agree this site is the best source of information and support, as everyone on here knows what we’re going through. All the very best to you, long may it continue 🤞

Pondweed profile image

Such encouraging news Rosshigh. Your path seems similar to mine. I was diagnosed with PMR in May 2021. Thanks to the advice and excellent guidance on this forum, which I read every morning, I am nearly down to 3.5mg. I have stuck rigidly to D.L's (thank you)14 week taper and always look forward to reading PMRPRO's responses. My doctor just let's me get on with it, saying that 'you know your body better than anybody'. I am able to order Gastro-coated Prednisolone and feel confident that by the New Year I will be Pred and PMR free....a time for celebration 🍾. I am very grateful to everyone on this site...definitely a life-line and game changer!

tangocharlie profile image

Woo hoo! So pleased for you, your post will have given many people much-needed hope that for most people, PMR does eventually burn itself out. Do hang around, at least from time to time, to inspire people when they are struggling. And also let your GP know how helpful this forum and the charity were in supporting you and that it's there for others who get PMR or GCA

Rosshigh profile image
Rosshigh in reply to tangocharlie

I will check in from time to time and did tell my gp about the charity and website. I have passed on the information to a few people already so all good.

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlie in reply to Rosshigh

Excellent, we need to educate GPs about PMR and GCA, every bit helps

YorkieShowBreed profile image

I exact same thing happened to me in 2018. My doctor knew nothing about PMR but I took him a printout page of this site on the second visit and he googled it right there in his office. Like you he wanted me off pred as fast as possible but I held fast to the reducing protocol and he eventually let me get the pred I needed. I got down to 1mg after 4 yrs and then 0 in 2002. I have no pred since, but I still get slight shoulder pain and neck pain on occasions and take a couple of aspirin and that helps a lot. I’m 73 and in good shape, so this is all a blessing. I wish you the best with your journey in life and hope for you a pain free future. I am originally from England but lived in the US since 1978, and my grandmother back in the 50’s had some strange illness that put her in a wheelchair. I believe it was PMR but she had no pred or her doctor didn’t give her any, I don’t know, but thank God they gave it to me.

Rosshigh profile image
Rosshigh in reply to YorkieShowBreed

That's interesting about your grandmother poor soul. I hope you continue to be free of pmr too 🤞

Wizards profile image

Welcome to the zero club. I've been off for over a year. I still keep prednisone in my purse and especially on holidays.

Again congratulations

lkcreedon profile image

Congrats that's wonderful. I top diagnosed in 2020 (May). Still working on it. Light at the end of the tunnel is what I hope for 🤗

Rosshigh profile image
Rosshigh in reply to lkcreedon

I hope you manage it too. Fingers crossed 🤞

lkcreedon profile image
lkcreedon in reply to Rosshigh

Me too. Thanks so much 🤩

BabyRuby1 profile image

me too! 2. 5 years on prednisone, slow taper. But after a year I went on a healthy diet to strengthen my immune system….it worked! Here’s a picture of what I have for breakfast. I have a great Vitamix machine that mixes it all together.. I add berries, half a lemon including skin (skin has most nutrients) and half a green apple (lowest in sugar), and sometimes half banana….mix it all together n a good blender….add water and ice…it got me healthy and off prednisone

It’s been 5 months and doing great. My legs are still weak since I couldn’t exercise for two years, but I’m building strength slowly…

Healthy protein powders
Rosshigh profile image
Rosshigh in reply to BabyRuby1

That's interesting. Will have a look at that 👍

Iamfedup profile image

Hate to say but my Consultant says I am in remission

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Iamfedup

Off pred entirely and no symptoms? Or on pred and no symptoms - which is medication induced remission and a whole different ball game!!!

Iamfedup profile image
Iamfedup in reply to PMRpro

Off Pred and no symptoms for nine months

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Iamfedup

OK - we'll let them off! Long may it last!!!!!

Iamfedup profile image
Iamfedup in reply to PMRpro


DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Iamfedup

Their crystal ball must working overtime again….

Paulagcl profile image

Bravo!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks! It's great to read a hopeful post.

HeronNS profile image

Wonderful! Thank you for sharing.

Whitner profile image

how wonderful for you Rosshigh! I’m down to 1/2 mg of prednisone a day and my old aches and pains have returned but I’m not feeling PMR pain. It’s great to hear it is possible to get completely off prednisone!!

Rosshigh profile image

Yes that's why I decided to tell people as it gives people hope that it may go away and you can get off the steroids.🙂

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