Frozen transfer tips : Hi everyone... - Fertility Network UK

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Frozen transfer tips

Lemons1986 profile image
33 Replies

Hi everyone.

I am preparing for a frozen transfer after my fresh transfer failed in February.

I had wanted to wait until my cycle was back too normal .

I had become disillusioned with all the acupuncture and reflexology and just all the things I’d stopped doing because of TTC for 3 years . Now I’m 2 weeks out and thinking maybe it’s too late to restart .

Has anyone continued to wxcervise in the 2 week wait? Anyone had experience with prontogest and anyone had just a few sessions of acupuncture or reflexology before the transfer ?

I just feel so deflated and after pgt testing this is our only embryo . I’m exhausted with the journey of TTC and just resigning myself to another failure and another round of stims.

I’m trying to be positive but it’s hard .

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Lemons1986 profile image
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33 Replies
Natasha2012 profile image

Have you thought about probiotics ? Depending on if you are cycle before I would try a scratch if you haven’t already . These two things I did prior to my successful transfer. Sending lots of positive energy - I know how hard it is to keep the faith xxxx

Lemons1986 profile image
Lemons1986 in reply to Natasha2012

Thank you I really wanted a scratch but my consultant says I should not unless I fail again . I am trying so hard to keep the faith xx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi. Perhaps acupuncture. Keep away from strong smells, and don’t forget the pineapple core. Apparently helps with blood circulation and helps prevent clot formation. Good luck. Diane

Lemons1986 profile image
Lemons1986 in reply to DianeArnold

Thank you that’s a great tip! I had no idea about the pineapple core!

Eloquentia profile image

Hi! I am really sorry your fresh transfer didn't work. It is such a soul crushing journey. I did 3 fertility reflexology sessions before my successful FET. I also took oral and vaginal probiotics (Biogaia and Canesflor) and baby aspirin. Didn't exercise during the TWW but did go on walks with the dog. Very best of luck! I hope you get a sticky one.

Lemons1986 profile image
Lemons1986 in reply to Eloquentia

Thank you so much I have done acupuncture but really loved reflexology . Yes I plan on maybe just walking the TWW are u excercising again now?

Eloquentia profile image
Eloquentia in reply to Lemons1986

I didn't exercise much during the first trimester of my pregnancy because I had a large subchorionic haematoma and they recommended reducing movement until it resolved itself by 12 weeks. I did more walks in the second and third trimester. Back to normal now but not much time for exercise with a 9-month old. Very best of luck!

Lemons1986 profile image
Lemons1986 in reply to Eloquentia

Oh gosh that must have been scary! Thank you for your reply xx

Eloquentia profile image
Eloquentia in reply to Lemons1986

It was very scary. They told me that these are common with IVF pregnancies and even more common for ladies taking baby aspirin. I was told to stop it immediately.

Sja1981 profile image
Sja1981 in reply to Eloquentia

Interesting about the probiotics, I have HPV and am worried about creating a healthy environment.

Do you know what a scratch is? It's mentioned above x

Eloquentia profile image
Eloquentia in reply to Sja1981

I think the probiotics definitely made a difference in my case. I know about the scratch but have not had one. You can find helpful information about the pros and cons of the scratch and other IVF add ons on the HFEA website. xx

Jayde101 profile image
Jayde101 in reply to Sja1981

are they allowing you to go ahead with ivf when you have hpv? When I have hpv I was told by my clinic I would need to clear it before starting which I did x

Sja1981 profile image
Sja1981 in reply to Jayde101

How did you clear it?I'm wondering about dietary changes.

My clinic said no bother and fine to go ahead....

So what am I meant to think eh....yeah I thought it would be best cleared.


Jayde101 profile image
Jayde101 in reply to Sja1981

I researched and it said that vitamin c helps to clear it so I started taking that daily I had hpv for 3 years so I’m going to assume that vitamin c works because it cleared. If your clinic thinks it’s fine then I’m not sure hun every clinic’s different my clinic definitely won’t do ivf until I had a clear smear test with a letter to prove it x

Greenleaves1 profile image

Hi - I'm a week away from starting my period/starting my meds for my FET.

I've been living pretty normally. From the day of my period I plan on making a few changes though:

- Cutting back on caffeine.

- Eating 2 Brazil nuts a day.

-Taking 6g l-arginine.

-Drinking 250ml beetroot juice.

-Trying to get as many steps in daily.

- Acupuncture on the day before and of transfer.

-Reducing carbs.

I've also taken some time off work to keep stress at a minimum.

It's my only frostie so I'm trying everything I can.

Lemons1986 profile image
Lemons1986 in reply to Greenleaves1

Thank you this is super helpful . I am about two weeks out . It’s my only frostie as well - I just couldn’t live like before xx

Sja1981 profile image
Sja1981 in reply to Greenleaves1

What does the beetroot juice help with?Yes I'm eating nuts too and trying to get in more steps.

I'm taking all kinds of supplements as I just turned 43, had 9 eggs at my April scan which I'm optimistic about x

Greenleaves1 profile image
Greenleaves1 in reply to Sja1981

9 is brilliant. Beetroot juice helps with lining and blood flow apparently. It's rotten but if it helps I can persevere lol. Xx

Lemons1986 profile image
Lemons1986 in reply to Greenleaves1

I might just give that juice a go. I hate beetroot tho!

Sja1981 profile image
Sja1981 in reply to Greenleaves1

If you mix with apples, some natural sweetness, it might make it a bit nicer?!

9 yes I'm optimistic but I don't know their quality 😣

HollyT7 profile image

I had acupuncture the day before and three days after. With my first I just had it the day before. Both resulted in my little boy. Frozen transfers seem a breeze! I couldn’t believe how less invasive it all was xxx

Lemons1986 profile image
Lemons1986 in reply to HollyT7

Thank you I had it for months and it was so much money and then I got to disheartened . I have kept meaning to start again but now I am 2.5 weeks out .

Twiglet2 profile image

I’d say your wee embryo is already made and is tested, you’ve done all you can at this stage 🤗 I’ve had cycles where I’ve eaten all the recommended things, been really healthy, probiotics etc and I’ve had cycles where I’ve just lived my life (in moderation) in my opinion it makes no difference to the outcome (especially for a frozen transfer) the one and only successful transfer I’ve had (out of so many I’ve lost count!), other than the McDonald’s fries old wives tale on the way home, I did nothing different (except relaxed a lot more than usual which includes long walks with the dog for me) so if acupuncture or reflexology etc will make you feel better I’d say go for it but I honestly believe if that wee embryo is the one then it’s gonna stick 💜🤞🏽 best of luck to you! Xx

Lemons1986 profile image
Lemons1986 in reply to Twiglet2

I love this reply. I also have had the odd nights out and lived a little again. Seeing so many people of all ages get pregnant without all the supplements, the abstinence and being happy made me think this should not be so miserable. I am not drinking now even tho it is not stims but I am just taking my usual supplement and exercising xx

Systema23 profile image


Can’t offer any insight into exercise during the 2WW I’m afraid. But during that time I ate pineapple, drank pomegranate juice and took aspirin every day.

As a way of offering you sone hope, I only had one embryo to pgt test and implant and am currently 41 weeks pregnant so what they say about it only taking one is true.

Try and keep your cortisol levels low , sending you lots of baby dust xx

Lemons1986 profile image
Lemons1986 in reply to Systema23

Thank you so much . I do not plan on training during the 2WW although I did stop last time and did not make a difference so I may do light lifting. Interesting about the aspirin and the pineapple - what is the reason for this? Amazing news congratulations I hope I am as lucky!xx

Systema23 profile image
Systema23 in reply to Lemons1986

So I read taking aspirin woukd

Help with implantation and thin the lining of the womb. Once I got a BFP I have continued to take it as it reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia if taken by women iver35 and my midwife actually advised to increase my dose to 150mg per day. She also said it would be more beneficial if taken at night.

It didn’t work because I do have pre-eclampsia 🙈

The pineapple I read a post on here that says it aids but I don’t remember the reasoning. Perhaps someone else can enlighten you on that.

And thank you.

Doodlebug23 profile image

Agree with everything said above. I also made sure I kept my feet warm - warm feet, warm uterus. I drank lots more water - apparently it’s the last place water reaches. I also rested but made sure I did 10 mins gentle movement each day in the 2ww - keep blood flowing.

I think a big thing it to try and be relaxed and stress free. My clinic said to me have a glass of wine the night before transfer to relax! After transfer they also said don’t test early abs relax - cortisol spikes won’t do you any good.

I had acupuncture the day of transfer but my clinic said they only offer it as it relaxes you. I also had 2 (planned 3 but time ran out) reflexology sessions. 1 before and 1 after transfer. Really relaxing but she also said she was working on the part of my foot related to fertility - and I corps really feel it!

Lastly and I really think no means least. BE POSITIVE. Negative thoughts only attract negative energy. What good do they do? I read a short book called the secret. May sound a bit out there but what’s to lose right? After 4 failed transfers I was really starting to feel hopeless and down so I thought why not just try?

Good luck with your transfer. Sending lots of 👶🏼 ✨

Lemons1986 profile image
Lemons1986 in reply to Doodlebug23

Thank you . I am really thinking reflexology as well. I need to be positive - just if it fails and I have allowed any hope I worry i will spiral . Thank you :)

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to Lemons1986

I really enjoyed reflexology.

I know it’s hard to get hopes up only for it to fail. I just banished the negative and let the positive in every so often. Distraction worked best for me.

Dorekhani profile image

HiOne thing is most important

Stay positive and stay away cortisol because it disturbe everything.

Pineapple core eat from the day of transfer and 3 days after transfer and Brazilian nuts 2 whole 2 weeks wait

Keep your feet warm.

Eat healthy.

I don't know whether it works or not but worked for me in my only successful frozen cycle, after returning home from hospital I ate fish and chips.

Best of luck for your transfer.


Lemons1986 profile image
Lemons1986 in reply to Dorekhani

Thank you. I think I may have to try the fish and chip thing! what is the reason for the pineapple core? and nuts? x

Cb1993 profile image

I opted to not do PGT testing based on research showing it’s not always accurate. Healthy embryos are disposed of because of this. If you were to do another retrieval I would opt out of that.

Just think positive and don’t overthink. I had my very first FET on April and remained calm and positive. I did not work out during the tww I only went on brisk walks. My transfer worked and I am now 14 weeks 🥰 I pray good luck to you and I hope it all works out. I know how difficult this journey can be.

Best wishes ❤️

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