Having a tough time: I’ll try and cut a long... - IBS Network

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Having a tough time

Crazycatty profile image
18 Replies

I’ll try and cut a long story short if possible.

Diagnosed with IBS-D around 12/13 years ago. Also have generalised anxiety disorder amongst other things.

Currently going through a tough time, changing anti depressants currently so I don’t know if it’s me or the meds/withdrawals talking. Am moving from Fluoxetine to Escitalopram. Have a close friend seriously ill which is affected me also and driving my anxiety.

Had what I can only describe as a flare up which started 3 weeks ago. Initially stomach ache and D. GP suggested to keep a good diary and prescribed Omeprazole. Not sure why Omeprazole as I said I didn’t have heartburn or reflux. They did bloods but all came back normal.

Anyway, fast forward 3 weeks to today, IBS-D went into overdrive and had mucus in diarrhoea. Immediately think the worse possible case. (Hello anxiety). GP has taken me off Omeprazole and order stool sample tests and bloods again. Also has prescribed me Metronidazole in case it’s an infection.

Just feeling a bit lost and anxious. I know how much mental health can affect the gut/stomach/bowels but struggling shake the thoughts of serious illness. Sorry to go on, but just wanted to let it out, so to speak.🫠

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Crazycatty profile image
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18 Replies
Fernsmum profile image

Hello crazy catty , reading your post and what you say about feeling anxious , I can certainly say I understand that feeling , and convincing yourself of some terrible fate just around the corner , I think we've all been there and tbh it's not helpful ,more recently I've been trying to think myself down as in if it is something nasty the quicker it's sorted the better etc , I admit I still worry but maybe give it a go and hopefully you might feel calmer, and almost certainly it is just IBS, I say just , as if it's nothing but it's better that than something I can conjure up in my imagination , sorry to ramble , I hope you find some of my rambling helpful .take care

Crazycatty profile image
Crazycatty in reply to Fernsmum

Thank you. My brain is completely fried at the moment, and I can’t think straight. Hopefully starting therapy very soon (privately) to try and help.

Dollymae06 profile image
Dollymae06 in reply to Crazycatty

Hi Crazycatty I am exactly the same but I now have fecal incontinence my anxiety is so high. I am doing talking therapy but not finding it very helpful. Hope you get better results from yours. X

Crazycatty profile image
Crazycatty in reply to Dollymae06

I’m so sorry. Anxiety is the worst feeling, I absolutely hate it. I haven’t felt so anxious before, ever. Mental health team want stomach issues sorting, but GP thinks stomach issues are linked to anxiety as well as IBS. Just going round in circles! I’m now thinking a private gastroenterologist might be the way forward.

Dollymae06 profile image
Dollymae06 in reply to Crazycatty

I am exactly the same I asked for a Colonoscapy but GP refused because my FIT test showed no blood. My stomach problems and my hormones are causing my anxiety. I tried talking therapy but I need Councilling more than CBT. It is a vicious circle physical and mental health. X

Crazycatty profile image
Crazycatty in reply to Dollymae06

Yes, when you add hormones to everything as well it’s horrible. I have PCOS as well they do say hormone imbalances can cause IBS flare ups.

711debbie profile image

Wouldn't you be better off going to a gastroenterologist? I'm not saying they can solve everything, but GOK why your doctor gave you a PPI for diarrhea! You could have gotten started on another serious problem, i.e., withdrawing from the PPI! Lucky you, to get off it so quickly.

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to 711debbie

Omeprazol and other PPIs do slow down the gut transit time so they can be used in IBS-D patients.

Crazycatty profile image
Crazycatty in reply to 711debbie

I know! I was looking at my notes and they said suspected stomach ulcer, but never actually mentioned that to me F2F. I’ll see what my bloods etc come back with and go from there and ask for a gastroenterologist.

711debbie profile image
711debbie in reply to Crazycatty

I'm not a doctor but based on what's happened to me in the past, if they suspected an ulcer, they should have done an endoscopy before putting you on the PPI. You can read all over the internet how difficult it is to withdraw from a PPI. BUT I just checked and quickly read that blood tests can detect problems from ulcers. Anyway, definitely get a gastroenterologist! Good luck!

Fernsmum profile image

Good luck what ever you decide

heartmatters1 profile image

I feel your frustration - my anxiety is through the roof at the moment. Dr says I am experiencing health anxiety & has recommended talking therapy too, which I have referred myself to. However, after numerous GP & hospital appointments & blood tests (which only shows raised calcium levels) they have said nothing is wrong with me, but that doesn’t tell me why I feel so poorly all the time, stomach all over the place, weak, shaky & cold sweats & generally unwell - is this all in my mind?! 😵‍💫

Don’t be sorry to go on & don’t bottle it up. Take care 🤗

Crazycatty profile image
Crazycatty in reply to heartmatters1

Exactly how I feel. Can our minds/brains be so powerful to affect our digestive systems like this. The brain and gut are linked , so if you’re experiencing anxiety this can cause problems for the gut. I think I struggle to believe that as a reason.

angelwings52 profile image

Oh I know how you feel, it's a vicious circle with stress and IBS. I can highly recommend hypnotherapy, I've got PTSD and my IBS was horrendous, and the hypnotherapy was the best thing that I did, no more stress based flare ups. I would suggest a talking therapy (psychotherapy) not CBT, to help with stress as well. You could also try eating a bland diet for a while and see if that helps, hope you feel better soon.

Crazycatty profile image
Crazycatty in reply to angelwings52

I never thought of hypnotherapy, thank you for the suggestion, I will look into it. I spoke to a therapist today and start with them next week on a trial basis and see how I go with that. I’ve cut out caffeine and dairy at the moment, which is hard as I love coffee and yogurts, but I was finding after having both I was rushing for the loo.

Luisa22 profile image

Unfortunately, yet another example of Omeprazole (or any PPI medication) being given inappropriately.

I am shocked at how easily these meds (which reduce stomach acid, can make digestion more difficult especially for older people whose stomach acid can be too low and dodgy anyway, can sometimes encourage the development of SIBO, and can make IBS worse) -are given out like sweets, whether a person says they have reflux/indigestion symptoms or not. Then patients are often left on them long term.

It actually makes me wonder to what extent GPs are under the control of the drug companies and not actually thinking like "doctors" any more.

Sorry, just had to let that rant out.

Then they give you Metronidazole, which yes, will help any infection if there is one. but will surely mess up your microbiome. A messed up microbiome will almost certainly make IBS worse.

I haven't personally tried this out, but I have heard by researching probiotics, that Saccharomyces Boulardii is a good probiotic strain to take when the microbiome is under attack from antibiotics.

I can't say whether it's infection or not, obviously, and hope the antibiotics will help you if it is. But to me, that sounds like a bad IBS flare up. Anyway it's good you got the stool samples and blood test done.

Believe me, a bad IBS flare up can get us all worrying, or feeling like we're half dead already. It's so unpleasant.

How's your diet? For me the only way to calm a bad D flare up is to go on an extremely bland diet, and low fibre, and not eat one thing which has any possible triggers in it until my gut calms down, then gradually start to introduce small amounts of the foods that normally suit me, like steamed vegetables etc

Crazycatty profile image
Crazycatty in reply to Luisa22

I was prescribed Omeprazole before looking at my medical history when I had a similar flare up around 11 years ago. I remember then not having reflux or acid, it was just the toilet trips and stomach ache. Looks like I took it for a few months and then stopped. I was a lot younger then though and maybe didn’t have the information I have now about what IBS can do. I think I do need to research probiotics, there are so many out there it’s hard to know which to try. Whilst my GP was good at getting the blood test and stool samples arranged I think they have very limited knowledge of IBS. I’m trying to remember if I ever saw a gastroenterologist but I don’t think I have, the GP diagnosed me after testing me for everything else. My bloods have come back already and seem normal, so no infection I don’t think. Waiting on the other tests - which obviously drives my anxiety. Must say, today so far I feel ok. My IBS symptoms seem to be worse in the AM and by the time I’ve had my evening meal my appetite is back and I’m not rushing to the toilet - I also feel less anxious. There has to be a link.

Pte82 profile image

Crazycatty, investigate an iodine deficiency as a possible contributor for your PCOS as well for contributing to your anxiety. Have your vitamin D level checked. Please research the brain-gut connection. The brain is connected to the gut via the vagus nerve. Activated vitamin B1 (thiamine) is needed for many functions, search on Hiding in Plain sight : Modern Thiamine Deficiency, and it has difficulty passing through the blood/brain barrier as does magnesium needed to activate it and vitamin D. There is a form of thiamine called thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide (TTFD) that easily passes through the blood/brain barrier as does magnesium threonate. Use a B-complex with TTFD as B vitamins work better together. Also search on SIBO Thiamine in addition to anti-thiamine factors in foods and medications that lead to the risk of thiamine deficiency. Your gut would benefit with fermented foods and a reduction of carbs and sugar for your microbiome to become balanced. The probiotic saccharomyes boulardii is worth checking out. Always consult your health care professional before using any supplement.

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