Heart Valve Voice | HealthUnlocked

Heart Valve Voice

366 members93 posts
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Aortic valve replacement 1 week ago

Good morning. I am 63 years old and am 8 days post op. I was born with a bicusp...


I am a fit 64 year old and now need a Aortic Heart Valve replacement, l am scare...

Hi, My names Jim

Hi, My name is Jim, when i was 17 I had a car accident and the result was 2 x sp...
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Unicuspid arotic valve replacement

hi I’m Leah, I am 20 yrs and I had bicuspid arotic valve since I was born I star...
Williamsleah profile image

Mitral valve prolapse

I found out that I had mitral valve prolapse just before a minor operation back ...

mitral valve repair

hi folks I had a mitral valve repair 2 years ago it came out of the blue I had b...
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