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Boatmama profile image
13 Replies

hello, I am mother of 2 boys, 6 and 7 years old. The younger is hyperactive, a lot of fun and gets very angry when offended. We are full time travellers and do boatschooling. My husband and I teach them separately (one with each) and take one week shifts. The one who is on the week shift with our younger is always struggling hard. It takes a big effort to get him to concentrate: he moves around, he sings, lies backwards, puts his feet on the table, laughs very loud, drums with his hands on the table, etc, he really tests our patience, but once he concentrates, he’s brilliant.

We are just starting, he is in first grade but we’ll try to keep going without medication (even though some days I end up crying).

When I was a child, my brother was diagnosed with ADHD and dislexia and was on Ritalin. I remember feeling I had lost my brother, my friend, my partner in mischief, he became so serious, irritable, boring and not hungry.

I know that if our son had to attend regular school, we would have to medicate him. But I wonder if Montessori schools might be better?

Changing subject: SCREENS

Our children never played screen games but they did watch TV ( Netflix or Disney) from dusk for 2 hours approx. Lately we realized how anxious and addicted to it they became so we cancelled every night tv and only allow it once a week and we watch something we can all enjoy, documentaries or good kid’s movies. At the beginning we (my husband and I) felt we lost our quiet evening time, but we all got used to it and now they are drawing, painting and playing. The living space got more messy, but hopefully better for their development. It’s been only a few weeks without tv, we’ll see…

Anybody else out there living off grid with a hyperactive child?

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13 Replies
Onthemove1971 profile image

It is wonderful that you have join us on this journey to raise children with ADHD. Sorry it is such a change trying to teach your son.

I know there are many different types of homeschooling, there are closely connected to a teacher program options, on-line programs and then totally on your own. Just curious do you have a pre-made curriculum you are using?

When families decide to try medication it takes a while to figure out the best type of medication, when the best time to take the medication is and what the right dose is.

We were relieved when our Child Psychcharist told us that when everything is dialed in 60% of the symptoms of ADHD go away.

I once heard a adult with ADHD he felt like his body was a "Ferrari on rollerskates".

I hope you find some solutions so learning becomes easier for you and your children.

I also think it is important to not compare how your brother was in the past to what someone else could be like. Each person is very different.

Best to you and know we are always here to support you.

Imakecutebabies profile image

Our hyperactive son has never had much screen time. He's watched like 2 movies in his life and he's now 8. However, lately he has been asking to try some of our old video games, and when we occasionally let him, he's super quiet and focused while playing, but then is NUTS after he stops, like all the energy he wasn't spending has been stored up for immediate use.

Nancy1949 profile image

My grandson who is ADHD goes to a Montessori school and he is medicated. Before meds he was in the principal’s office 3x a week. Once he got on meds he has never been in the principal’s office. Children in a Montessori setting are required to behave just like in a traditional school, so meds are needed to achieve that.

Boatmama profile image
Boatmama in reply to Nancy1949

Thanks for your reply, it’s good to know, I’ll keep it in mind

jolinn profile image

It sounds like you all are doing well. I hope you are enjoying homeschooling, even though it can be difficult (as any type of schooling can). I think that getting kids outside can be as good as medicine, as well as focusing in on their personal interests and weaving conventional school subjects into those interests. As children grow older, their hyperactivity usually starts to lessen. I believe in letting children have a childhood and not pinning them down to worksheets and other banal type of learning (and giving them medication to be able to do this type of work). Listen to your children.

WYMom profile image

Our daughter is on Adderall and her personality is unchanged. She does notice she can focus better though, and sometimes requests to take it when she has a test or activity.

BridgetBaker profile image

Hey Boatmama, What an amazing lifestyle you have, and so perfect for your kids who will be insatiably curious about the world.

We tried a lot of holistic and pharmaceutical options for our boys. I would say that not all pharmaceutical medications work the same for each person. In New Zealand we have Ritalin and Rubafen. The doctors say they are the same but they had completely different effects for our little guy. Rubafen made him angry, Ritalin settled him and brought out his sweet side. And I've heard the opposite stories from other families.

Our son now goes to a small school (9 kids in his class) and despite the more passion-based learning he still needs natural and pharma support.

We have also found a herbal supplement that has worked amazingly well at settling him even further. He's been on it about two years now and his teacher says he's like a different kid. Happy to share more details if that's of interet.

We also limit screens and if they have some they're stopped at least two hours before bed. I know what you mean about losing the quality time with your partner. It's such a hard juggle aye!

Boatmama profile image
Boatmama in reply to BridgetBaker

Hi Bridget for sharing. Lived in NZ for a few years and loved it ❤️

What’s the herbal supplement?

GrandmainIA profile image

Not off the grid but homeschooling a child diagnosed with ADD. We use Brillia. It's homeopathic and we don't "lose" him to the stimulants. They were awful and he was more angry and violent on them. I highly recommend checking this out. No prescription needed. Research studies available on their website.

Boatmama profile image
Boatmama in reply to GrandmainIA

Thank you very much for your reply. I hadn’t thought about natural aids. Actually it reminded me that a couple of years ago we used to give the children chamomile tea before bedtime and it did help calm them down. Does anybody know if Brillia is available outside of the states?

GrandmainIA profile image
GrandmainIA in reply to Boatmama

I believe they mail it anywhere. It actually is made in Lithuania but distributed from Arizona.

GrandmainIA profile image

And we do chamomile tea too! He'll have a cup in the morning in class, and it does help.

Grnmtnmama profile image

Check out information on kinesthetic learning. He sounds like he may learn differently than your other child, requiring an altogether alternative approach.

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