I'm 46 and found out this year that I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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I'm 46 and found out this year that I have cataracts.

Tjoceans profile image
18 Replies

Apparently, FM can cause early stuff, too.

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Tjoceans profile image
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18 Replies
Dizzytwo profile image

Hi, I have the beginning of cataracts but am quite a bit older than you. After seeing an eye specialist a few weeks ago I learned it's not just an aging thing. People as young as 40/50 can start with early onset of cataracts though we may not be aware of it.

So having fibro is not necessarily the reason for having cataracts at an early age any one can get them xx

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to Dizzytwo

Definitely not just an aging thing which I can attest to as a person who has had one eye done and will have my second operation in the next 3 months. Tjoceans this is not too do with fibro and just the joy of my genes or more likely other modifiers like my eye operations when I was young. Eye trauma and other conditions can provoke early onset cataracts but it can just happen.

Nipper11 profile image

My daughter has the same problem and your age . however they told her that it takes years to develop as to when an operation would be considered 🤔 to correct. .The Optician or doctor should be able to give you the best answers to your questions. They advised my daughter that the cataracts are very common and easy to correct. Hope going forward you get fixed.

Take care 🙂 xx

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to Nipper11

Mine developed relatively quickly and went from detection to disabling me within about 18 - 24 months. Certainly I should have got my operation earlier than I ended up getting it.

Nipper11 profile image
Nipper11 in reply to desquinn

Oh god so sorry to hear that bless you. Hope you get all the problems sorted 👌 . There must be different conditions linked with cataracts. Which we are not aware of. Xxxc

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to Nipper11

Thank you. There are lots but early onset appears to be mostly related to previous trauma or your genes. Certainly that was my understanding when I researched it. When I was being seen I was about 20 years under the average age of others.

Welshcatlady profile image
Welshcatlady in reply to desquinn

Sorry to hear that desquinn , hopefully you will have your 2nd op when it's due. x

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to Welshcatlady

Fairly confident of timescales as have the pre assessment done.

Welshcatlady profile image
Welshcatlady in reply to desquinn

That's good, hope it all goes well for you.

Hi Tjoceans

January 2023 I developed a “full thickness macular hole” in my left eye.

Consultant advised me contributing factors were probably dry eyes, age and corrective laser surgery years ago.

This required surgical intervention and I had a vitrectomy last September. After a long recovery period I’m now waiting to be signed off but him.

However a consequence of the surgery can be the early onset of a cataract! At the last check it’s there and starting to make an appearance but not too serious s as yet. It will also require surgery at some point.

Do I think fibro has anything to do with it? No I don’t I think this is just the luck of the draw and genetics.

Be kind to yourself and be directed by your optician.

Sending hugs 🤗🤗🤗

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnowFMA UK Volunteer

The timing of the cataract onset can be influenced by genetics. There is however no evidence to suggest fibromyalgia "causes" cataracts. Eventually, as long as we live long enough, we are all going to need surgery to remove cataracts. That is a fact of aging.

Skylane2 profile image

for 30 years the organization I belong to took yes surgeons to Mexico to do cataract surgeries ( free) to the workers who had no sunglasses. Working outside without eye protection allows cateracts to grow at an alarming rate. One man had been blind for 20 years and after his cataract surgery he was so excited until he saw how his wife had aged (20 years remember) Who are you? You’re so old!”) he forgot he was 20 years older too. It’s a difficult thing to lose your vision ( I had the surgery) but normally it starts to fade ( a growth over the lense of the eye) around 60 years old. Wear sunglasses. Good ones and you can slow down the cataract growth.

Miacaro45 profile image

I had my first cataract at 40 and the second one 12 years later. My ophthalmologist was quite surprised. Personally, I blame it on genetics (like most of my health issues). Babies can be born with cataracts.

Tjoceans profile image

Oh my! I'm so glad so many responded. It's hard to feel cared about when no one believes you that FM can take over.or believes it exists. Thank you all for sharing things how you said them. I'm just having this doom and gloom feeling all the time now, because my life is so different and I don't enjoy it anymore and sometimes I think I never will again.My mother was a nurse working in nursing homes and so I basically grew up in them. I would be sleeping in the lobby. I'm not ready for that yet.

Thank you all for getting me to see outside the box that it can be other things.

RufyRhubarb profile image

I had my first cataract operated on in my thirties and the second a few years later.I recently read that osteoarthritis can cause eye problems like cataracts(as well as CFS/ME and Fibro I also have Erosive Osteoarthritis and Generalised arthritis).My cataract surgery so much improved my every day life I would advise anyone to have it if they need it

Midori profile image

I have had my cataracts removed and implants put in, but I was naughty and scared, and didn't get it done until it was at a drastic stage.

OK, it wasn't pleasant: I've never liked my eyes messed with, and I have been shortsighted for 68 years, but getting them done was the best thing! I can now see without specs! it is amazing!

Doesn't take long; for me it was a local anaesthetic, and the improvement is almost instantaneous!

Good luck!

Cheers, Midori

Paige1999 profile image

i had cataracts in both eyes and had them both operated on over the last 2 years. First one was done very quick and painless. But for some reason the 2nd one was done by s different surgeon and i have to say it was brutal. But im glad i had them done

Sarahvit profile image

I was told by my eye doctor that I have early onset cataracts (59 at the time). Another eye doctor said that early cataracts tends to ripen faster. Three years later they are not “ripen” or progressed enough to need surgery yet. About 3-4 days ago a conversation came up on aging. The 💡went off and I realized that some people look great on the outside (look young for their age) but feel old on the inside while others look old on the outside but feel young on the inside. These are the two extreme where most fall somewhere in between. When I was 40 a lady who looked much older took me under her wing because she knew I was scared and crying to be in that situation. Well the next day after we both got out of that place we talked on the phone only to realize we were both the same age! Sorry for rambling on but genetics, nurture and environment plays a role in what manifests in our bodies.

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