Increasing T3 Roseway Labs: Just wondering if... - Thyroid UK

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Increasing T3 Roseway Labs

Ness83 profile image
36 Replies

Just wondering if anyone using Roseway Labs for Thybon Henning T3, after 6-8 weeks on the first dose (currently on 5mcg) and after blood tests, did you increase the dose yourself or wait for the prescriber to increase your dose after a follow up consultation? I'm due a follow up in another couple of months but was told I can contact them before that if needed.

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Ness83 profile image
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36 Replies
crimple profile image

Ness83 when I first treated myself with T3 from EU I started with 5mcgm, then checked my bloods with Medichecks home blood test and added another 5 mcgm and continued in that way. I am a poor converter and at the time in 2014 T3 was very expensive for NHS due to price gouging by manufacturers. I eventually fessed up to my GP, once I knew that T3 was what my body needed. I was lucky to be referred to a sympathetic NHS endo who was happy to prescribe T3.

I would never have known about T3 and its importance for good health if I hadn't found this site. I increased the t3 over about a year as I was very scared I would over treat and get the jitters .I now take 15 mcgm alongside 112.5mcgm T4 and try to keep both T4 and T3 around 70% through their range.

I find it truly shocking that so many of us Thyroidies have to resort to treating ourselves because the medics don't understand how the thyroid works and are wedded to TSH numbers. Mine has been stuck at 0.005 for at least 8years!

Hope you make good progress.

Ness83 profile image
Ness83 in reply to crimple

Thank you very much. It is so frustrating isn't it? We are driven to self medicate. Like you have said, thank goodness for the wonderful people on this forum, I have learned so much since joining. Thank you so much for the information.

jand123 profile image
jand123 in reply to crimple

Hi Crimple, how did you find a doctor to prescribe it? I moved from Ireland to the UK last year and have problems getting a UK prescription. Pharmacy won't accept my Irish doctors' prescriptions and say it's not available here. I import from Germany with duty refund s every time! Dorset region reject it completely. Where would I find a UK doctor to prescribe please?

crimple profile image
crimple in reply to jand123

jand123, when I fessed upto my GP they referred me to a local Endo,. Fortunately for me the Endo was know to prescribe T3.I didn't see the endo just a registrar but had done my research and also showed them my blood results. Whilst my TSH is 0.005 my T4 and T3 were nicely in the ranges. GP then wrote private scrip and Thybon Henning from Germany cost £30.BeforeBrexit the local CCG accepted me for NHS prescribing, I didn't even have to ask!!! You would need to ask your GP for an Endo referral. TUK has a list of recommended people but be wary of going private unless you are happy to payfor your meds. Look at Roseway labs comments on here too. Good luck

jand123 profile image
jand123 in reply to crimple

Thank you, living in Ireland you pay for meds anyway, but would be nice to get them prescribed as I retire soon and these expenses all add up!

BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to jand123

Please will you pm me which pharmacy in Germany you use to dispense T3? The German pharmacy I used refused to dispense after brexit. I'm wondering if this has now been resolved.

inthedoldrums profile image

I am not on Thybon but I have my T3 compounded by Roseway Labs.

I was a bit confused by the set up initially and didn't realise that a repeat prescription was left live on email and so I made a follow up appointment quite early to reorder. During the appointment it was suggested to increase the dose. I think I could have just increased it myself but felt it would be better to discuss with her first as she might not like me to make that decision without her knowledge since she holds a degree of responsibility, I guess, but that is just my feeling.

I am just slightly ahead of you time wise and am on 7.5mcg per day at the moment and looking to increase again quite soon.

Best wishes to you for it all to work out.

Ness83 profile image
Ness83 in reply to inthedoldrums

Thanks so much for your reply and sharing your experience. I wasn't very clear whether the prescriber meant I could increase before my next appointment as she mentioned going up to 15mcg but that would probably be the limit.

Italiangirl123 profile image

I too use Thybon Henning from Roseway. Initially they tried to sell me their own compounded T3 10mcg but I requested Thybon Henning 20 mcg on the basis that I could split it and it was less expensive! I started with 5 mcg and after a week or two increased to 10 mcg. I have had one repeat prescription but for the next one will need a consultation. Have to say their service is brilliant and straightforward. Since starting on T3 I have had no occasion to visit my GP so as yet she doesn’t know I’ve taken matters into my own hands…

Ness83 profile image
Ness83 in reply to Italiangirl123

That's really good to know thank you. I have been really impressed with their service so far.

Kowbie profile image
Kowbie in reply to Ness83

Sorry to butt in but if you go with them do they contact your dr please

Ness83 profile image
Ness83 in reply to Kowbie

They don't contact your GP. They take the details of your GP in case of an emergency, hope that helps.

Kowbie profile image
Kowbie in reply to Ness83

Yes thankyou that did help I was on another site can’t remember what it was now but it said they would contact gp so came off it thankyou

A2C3 profile image

I use Roseway and the prescriber is so so lovely and helpful I always try and book to see her to discuss any changes before I make them she is usually very open to making shared decisions and she is also getting involved with talking to my GP about my suppressed TSH due to the T3! Like others have said when you get stable they put repeat prescriptions on the system and she tells you when to book next! I went for a good 8-9months before Xmas time without seeing her and getting the repeat but things have gone wrong x

Lovecake profile image
Lovecake in reply to A2C3

Are they fretting about your suppressed TSH? Mine is 0.01 since adding the T3. I see a private endo, but feel I only use them for the T3 (via Roseway as it happens) as I usually tell them what I’m on etc. I am hesitant to go direct to Roseway because of the low TSH. The endo usually says he’s treating a person not a number (my FT4 and 3 are well inside their ranges) but occasionally makes me say I understand about the issues it “might” cause.

A2C3 profile image
A2C3 in reply to Lovecake

yeah GP fretting but Roseway understand re suppression so going to speak to my GP for me x

Ness83 profile image
Ness83 in reply to A2C3

That's good to know, thank you. The prescriber is really easy to talk to and is so understanding.

Beads profile image

With my first consultation, she said to start off at 5ug for a couple of weeks and then if I felt okay to go up to 10ug. I did testing after a couple of months on 10ug, had another consultation and went up to 15ug.

Ness83 profile image
Ness83 in reply to Beads

That's what I'm thinking of doing, were they okay when you told them you had increased the dose?

Beads profile image
Beads in reply to Ness83

Sorry, didn’t explain well. She said to start at 5, for a couple of weeks, then to increase to 10 if I felt okay. I think this is standard practice for them, there’s a few replies along these lines.

If you are confident about dosing, know what your results look like and can monitor your symptoms, then you’re probably sensible and knowledgeable enough to adjust your dose.

I booked a second consultation and, together with results, we discussed and I increased to 15ug. I don’t think I’d have done that without speaking with her though.

Ness83 profile image
Ness83 in reply to Beads

That's really good to know, thank you. I think I do feel ready for an increase, I've given it nearly 4 weeks on the 5mcg so will try out 10mcg and see how it goes.

Slowrunner1208 profile image

I also use Roseway and take. thybon Henning. I was advised to take 5mcg initially and then slowly raise this to 10mcg . This was for a 3 month trial of T3.

Ness83 profile image
Ness83 in reply to Slowrunner1208

How long did you take the 5mcg? Do you split the dose or take all at once?

Slowrunner1208 profile image
Slowrunner1208 in reply to Ness83

Hi, I took the 5mcg for 3 weeks and split the dose initially into 2.5mcg

FoggyThinker profile image

I use roseway, change my own dose as needed slowly and after testing, and she seems very happy with this, I just explain my logic. Agree with others, she's lovely and really helpful; also that I'd rather not be effectively self medicating. Best of luck :)

Ness83 profile image
Ness83 in reply to FoggyThinker

Thanks so much.

vroooom5 profile image

when you start 5 mcg, do you take full dose in morning along with T4 or are you splitting? thanks

Ness83 profile image
Ness83 in reply to vroooom5

I take the full dose of 5mcg in the morning. I asked the prescriber if I should split the dose but as I already quarter the tablets she said it would become tricky to cut it down further and get an accurate dose. I know people do split it into 2.5mcg doses though.

vroooom5 profile image
vroooom5 in reply to Ness83

thank you, I should be able to cut it though as I am prescribed Sigma 5 mcg

Ness83 profile image
Ness83 in reply to vroooom5

That would be a lot easier. I have the 20mcg tablets so difficult to cut into eighths.

joskie profile image
joskie in reply to Ness83

Hi 👋🏻

I too am on this journey of adding T3 to my tirosint 125 mcg ( due to low T3 )

I’ve been prescribed a starting dose of 2.5mcg ( 1/8 of 20mcg Thybon henning from Roseway labs )

Intrigued as to whether any of you have had to reduce your T4 meds if you are on that combo ?

Many thanks

Ness83 profile image
Ness83 in reply to joskie


I am on 150mcg of levo and the prescriber told me not to reduce for now and see how it goes. I definitely don't feel over-medicated so I am going to stay at the same dose of levo for now. I Hope you get the results you want from adding the T3. It's early days but I already feel a little improvement.

joskie profile image
joskie in reply to Ness83

Thank you

Very helpful and positive advise

Much appreciated

At the moment I’m staying on my current dose of T4 too

Fingers crossed & Goodluck to you too

Lovecake profile image
Lovecake in reply to joskie

My endo said to reduce my Levo by 25mcg per day when we added 10mcg of T3. After about a year I needed to put the levo back up because my FT4 dropped to the bottom of the range and I was rather poorly. I can see why some people say don’t lower it. When I upped my T3 by a further 2.5mcg, my FT4 dropped again. I think it’s trial and error as we all respond differently. Good luck 😊

joskie profile image
joskie in reply to Lovecake

Hi Lovecake

Thank you for your advise and makes total sense. I’m sticking with my T4 dose although having a few symptoms that I’m hoping will settle ! It can be a bumpy ride can’t it !

Very thankful I’ve found this site

Forever hopeful

Best Wishes to you too

BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to Ness83

It's possible to cut thybon henning 20mcg tablets into eighths. The way I do it is to cut the tablet in half where its scored. Then cut each half into quarters. (Use these two quarters consecutively.) Cut each quarter into half. Use these two eighths consecutively, then take the other quarter and use the eighths from that consecutively. This way you minimise the margin of error when cutting them up.

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