Just a quick update, Endo appointment 👿 - Thyroid UK

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Just a quick update, Endo appointment 👿

Polo22 profile image
24 Replies

went to Royal Liverpool Endo dept , was hoping to see the consultant who is on TUK Uk list. Unfortunately this did not happen, the person I saw was less than helpful, see I can be tactful, sometimes. Introduced herself as diabetes consultant and she lived up to that name. The first thing she said was "our Trust does not do T3", Strange appointment, within about 5 minutes managed to have me apologising for being there. Didn't seem interested or knowledgeable about Thyroid issues, par for the course I guess, but she could have at least feigned interest. Pointed out I had been referred due to Gp wanting advice on Thyroid management, after she asked me " so why did you ask to see me", I was actually shocked at the level of ignorance and the patronising attitude. No attempt was made by her to hide the disdain she felt towards me, I tried to give her a clear response to her questions and a clear timeline but to no avail. She was overtly rude and dismissive, repeated my responses to me with a look on her face that was mocking almost. I decided to bite my tongue at this point and just nod with minimal vocal responses as I was at the point were I was not going to be able to hold back and there was a distinct possibility of meltdown. So many things said that made me so angry, still trying to process and just calm down which is why it has took a week to post this. Refused point blank to look at BH blood test results.

So I have bloods forms on first it says under clinical info, high prolactin,,,,T4 dose : na , and requests LFE LH& FSH & Oestradiol PROL2 Prolactin RP Renal Profile, TFT3 Thyroid Function Test,

Second form under clinical info , hypothyroid on T3, On Steroids?: No,,,,T4 dose 150mcg OD, : Musculoskeletal symptoms requests Cortisol, CRP, DESR ESR, FT3, TFT3 Thyroid Function Test, VITDN5 25 Hydroxyvitamin D.

So I'll have the blood tests, if nothing else it will save me some money and who knows miracles might happen and someone might listen.

Any views , hints tips, appreciated. I did explain to her the reduction in meds and that I am not taking 150mcg daily but she ignored me. Oh and did tell me my vit D is at toxic levels ,

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Polo22 profile image
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24 Replies
Polo22 profile image

Just looked at above and laughed at " just a quick update, Sorry. She just kept on about how my HbA1c at 66 was dire , I needed to be started on Diabetes meds immediately , I need to cut my calorie intake and increase high impact exercise, rolled her eyes when I said I don't eat processed foods and struggle to eat lots anyway, looked me up and down and pointed out I was obese, NO SHIT SHERLOCK

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to Polo22

I think I'd be inclined to complain frankly, being rude, patronising and humiliating you about your weight is totally unacdeptable, who do these people think they are? We pay her wages. What a b*%$£h. I'd have told her to stuff her opinions up her own fundament. I'm sorry you had to put up with that 😡.

I might have been tempted to say when she said she was a diabetes specialist "oh sorry I thought I was seeing someone who knows about the thyroid".

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to Sparklingsunshine

"oh sorry I thought I was seeing someone who knows about the thyroid". :) :)

Polo22 profile image
Polo22 in reply to Sparklingsunshine

I was tempted, very tempted, trouble is I was so stressed and angry I might have gone too far, won nothing and ended up feeling shit about losing my rag. Some people just aren't worth it. Least now I know what I am dealing with and can be ready for her next time. I hate it when someone does that demeaning thing to anyone and to put it not so politely, it really does boil my piss. I have spent my whole adult life learning to not go there when it comes to meltdowns, real red mist scenario and have been lucky that no permanent damage was done. So I am going to bide my time, take whatever tests get copies and see if I can get seen by the Thyroid Doc , then put a rocket up her arse. Not burning any bridges until I have a clear route forward, this is not my first rodeo Yeehaw 🤠

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to Polo22

Good plan, get what you want out of her but then complain. I really dont think that a member of the so called " caring" profession should be able to get away with talking to patients in that way. Its nasty and unhelpful.

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to Polo22

Do ursines defecate in arboreal areas?

Lottyplum profile image
Lottyplum in reply to Polo22

It's a wonder you didn't let her have both barrells verbally! Her arrogance is off the scale!!🤬

Rapunzel profile image

Plain. Simple. Clueless. Be'ach.

We need to organise a posse of people who would 'go with' to deal with such nincompoopery. This is what happens when MEN get to influence WOMEN.

Abraham Maslow (not all men are t*ts) gave us Maslow's hammer: If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail

So of course, you have diabetes now. Top buffoonery, you ignorant bint. Don't get angry, fam. Get even.

Hugs to you (((Polo))) We shall overcome x

Polo22 profile image
Polo22 in reply to Rapunzel

obviously thought she might at least get the connection of poorly/inadequately managed Thyroid condition and metabolism, but obviously expecting too much. ADHD meds and T3 increasing HbA1c and then found out today after checking that the last lot Pure Via I got is wrong one, was Stevia, zero calories zero carbs, now it is Xylitol , 100g is = 100g carbs, sneaky buggers it's alcohol sugars

J972 profile image
J972 in reply to Rapunzel

I friggin love your posts.

Rapunzel profile image
Rapunzel in reply to J972

Never the voice of reason, J. I look backwards and forwards with anger and thus, would be spectacularly useless as a 'come with' for Polo. I'd just stand up and thump em. Acheives nowt but wouldn't it be lovely?


J972 profile image
J972 in reply to Rapunzel

The voice of exasperation, innit.

Polo22 profile image
Polo22 in reply to Rapunzel

I was so close to throttling her, they seem to have no self awareness, or they just don't give a 💩, they seem to have no idea about how close they come to getting thumped, but Yeah , 🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊would be so fab

Polo22 profile image

Indubitably, my dear Watson, 🤣🤭

Hedgeree profile image

Hi Polo22,

Without naming the consultant obviously but I think I've also been seen by them at my appointment last year at the Royal!

When you said she told you "our Trust does not do T3" I was told the same at my appointment when I hadn't even asked about T3!? It was one of the first things she said to me. It was like she wanted to get that in first. I found her manner quite brusque.

Polo22 profile image
Polo22 in reply to Hedgeree

Sounds like the same person, reminiscent of a Harpy ,

arTistapple profile image

I had a friend once who was asked at a gynae appointment how her periods were. Same gynae had done a complete hysterectomy on her only the year before. It was a follow up appointment.

I keep telling every medic I see that I can’t get about, I then get a lecture about exercise and how it would improve my cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, blood pressure, muscle issues. Who is the dimwit? Us or them?

Just totally fed up with the lack of ‘listening’ powers.

I just read today that one of our political parties is going to ensure more NHS work is going to make use of AI to help the NHS recover/cut waiting lists etc. Crikey if they are going to use these dimwits to set all this up, we really are in trouble.

Polo22 profile image
Polo22 in reply to arTistapple

that's what bugs me, when this circus started i said look sort out my thyroid and you won't have to be dealing with Type 2, lipids, obesity, hypertension, but oh no, they want to give statins, anti hypertensives, they tell you to diet, diets don't work. This piece of work when I said I struggle to eat looked at me in disbelief, got the yeah right look, then said but are you active, I responded well I have an exercise bike and a tread mill that I use every other day, slight exaggeration, currently drying clothes on them, her response was but you need to be in calorie deficit , didn't bother explaining that our bodies need enough energy to process T4 to T3 and all the rest of it, be like pissing in the wind

arTistapple profile image
arTistapple in reply to Polo22

Oh Polo22 that’s the best laugh I have had in good while. I can hardly see to write for the tears. “Slight exaggeration”. How beautifully honest.

However their lack of knowledge seems to know no bounds!

Polo22 profile image
Polo22 in reply to arTistapple

my excuse for the bike is it makes my bum, well actually my undercarriage very sore, even invested in a gel seat cover, rough as a 🦡 arse after 10 mins😢

arTistapple profile image
arTistapple in reply to Polo22

Needs must and all that! I am thinking about getting some gel pants for my skinny husband.

I have a weights bench. It’s handy for setting out my piles of paperwork. I have a ‘skiing’ machine which is useful for hanging alsorts in my garage.

Honestly I would just like to go for a simple walk in the country but it’s very painful and then I have used up about three days worth of energy and all the ‘knock on’ effects that means. I just can’t use my energy in this way or my life (as it is) quickly spirals out of control.

Look after that issue with your undercarriage!

J972 profile image

I had to go back and double check that you actually wrote ‘Liverpool’ rather than my nearest hospital on the east coast because this be’atch (thanks Rapunzel !) sounds depressingly like the endo my daughter saw earlier this year. 🤬

Polo22 profile image
Polo22 in reply to J972

There are some really ignorant but arrogant Docs out there but why do most of them seem to also be complete T*T's and keep earning our disdain, I mean they need to give it a rest 🤦‍♀️

Lottyplum profile image
Lottyplum in reply to Polo22

...or arrested for off the charts ignorance that is funded by my taxes!! 😱

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