Lansoprazole irregular heartbeat - British Heart Fou...

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Lansoprazole irregular heartbeat

topbook profile image
7 Replies

I have discovered sometimes I have an irregular heartbeat due to buying a new blood pressure monitor which flags it up.Due to supplies at the chemist running out I couldn't take Lansoprazole in the morning so took around 10pm along with the atorvastatin and Ramipril.

Had no problems all day then after taking these meds irregular heatbeats kicked in. Anyone else experienced this?

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7 Replies
Murderfan58 profile image

I used to take Lansaprazole for acid reflux but was taken off it as it lowered my sodium levels to low. I just have Gaviscon when needed.

I space my tablets out as I don't like taking them all together so at 5am take Amptriplyine,Ramipril and 2 co codamol, 6am Clonazepam 7am Flecainide and have my Apixaban with my breakfast. 4.30-5pm take Flecainide,6pm Apixaban with my dinner , Amptriplyine and 2 co codamol at 8pm and Clonazepam at 9pm. But I found over years this works for me .

I have paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and miss heart beats . After having jaundice in 2017 left me hearing my heart beat in my left ear so I don't need anything to tell me when I miss them as I hear. Have heart flutter and palpitations occasionally. And get breathless at times but my cardiologist told me as long as I don't get chest pain it's nothing to worry about . Should have said in 2020 found out I was born with a small hole in the side of my heart between my heart and lungs . Had to laugh when my cardiologist told me as I had 2 minor ops and 3 major ones all with a dicky heart.

It wasn't until 2019 and moved to the north west had better health care my old GP never sent me to see a cardiologist and my old neurologist never ran the tests my new one had done and he changed my life he put me on Clonazepam and after 32 years of limb jerks and 4 months of siezures within 2 weeks my body was still.

My neurologist had my blood taken and my whole genome genetically tested that's how I finally now I was born with the rare hereditary Hyperekplexia gene mutation SLC6A5 type 3. My whole life makes sense after finding a Facebook group for people with this . It's world wide and there are under 1,000 on there.

But I am not bitter about the lack of care I should have had. As it's better late than never to find things out.

I have been widowed 20 years my fit healthy husband got cancer and died aged 47. He wanted me to life the best life I can but until I moved here couldn't as had both parents and mother in law to look after. But since my move live my life to the full.

Big part of it is finally knowing the 2 things I was born with I am no longer weird but know what's wrong with me. And found others like me . Only wish my husband had lived long enough to find out. We where together for 29 years and married 22. He always knew when we went out when I was 16 he was 18 that I was in constant pain and fell a lot but even when my health got worse when I was 29 it never phased him he just said we alter our way of life to suit what you can do . He kept his word until the day he died.

No idea if this has helped as I tend to ramble but like it in real life. 😁

Scotsman53 profile image

Irregular heart beats are listed as a rare side effect of Lansoprazole. Speak to your GP.

MucicLover profile image

I take 15mg of Lansoprazole once a day, 3O to 60minutes before eating a meal. I have never had problems with irregular heartbeats. I wonder if you are eating afterwards, as you are supposed to do? Or maybe you are taking the Lansoprazole too late in the evening? Maybe you could try having it before your breakfast, lunch or evening meal?

topbook profile image

I do eat after taking the Lansoprazole. I did take it on rising, but the other day I took it in the evening, only because I'd run out thanks to the chemist not having it in stock. I have experienced feeling weird after breakfast which could mean the Lansoprazole. I'm trying to find out the cause and this under the spotlight at the moment.

the-demi-god profile image

Theoretically almost any drug you take will have some kind of side effect most people do not really notice because it is slight. The time of day you take Lansoprazole should not really be an issue different people take it at different times I took it twice per day along with Diclofenac, because it kept my gut from reacting & Diclofenac is notorious for gut reactions and as it so happens the longer you are on it the more likely you are to develop HBP & just guess what I've developed over the last 5 years!!On the other hand I've been on them for 40/50 years these things tend to be trial and error both in dose and time of administration for instance you want to take a diuretic in the morning otherwise you can be up to the toilet half the night. Paroxysmal AF is erratic as you almost certainly know and it is possible one or two of your meds are having a more obvious interaction The older we get the more likely we are to have one Flecainide for instance can have an effect on AF. You said you only really noticed it when the BP monitor flagged it up, so it could be that you are only now noticing the minor changes. You could try keeping a note of what is happening & how you feel & see if a pattern emerges

topbook profile image
topbook in reply to the-demi-god

Yes thank you. I'm keeping a log now of what's going on. I didn't take the Lansoprazole at all yesterday to see what happened. All day long no problem at all no irregular heartbeats. Come 10.15pm I took my atorvastatin and Ramipril and 25minutes later IHBs. That rules out the Lansoprazole then.

Qualipop profile image

BP machines show an erratic heart beat for all sorts of reasons. It may be simple occasional ectopic beats ( palpitations). Have word with your GP who may do an ECG. However random ectopics are notoriously difficult to catch on an ECG. They are usually harmless but do need checking. Does the machine show an erratic beat every time?

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