Lansoprazole post NSTEMI just wonderi... - British Heart Fou...

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Lansoprazole post NSTEMI just wondering if I still really need to take it??

K9ndo profile image
17 Replies

I am now 9 months down the line from my NSTEMI event. Blood results all good, lost some weight due to reduced fat diet and exercise. I am feeling great post stenting, I seem to be tolerating the meds ok no real issues apart from increased flatulence.

I was just wondering if I really need to take the Lansoprazole which I presume is to prevent stomach ulcers when taking low dose aspirin as a blood thinner. If I always take the aspirin after breakfast do I really need the Lansoprazole?? , or are there other long term benefits I’m not aware of?

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K9ndo profile image
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17 Replies
BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

PPI'S are prescribed to protect our stomachs from the tablets we take mainly Aspirin

Like any tablets they can cause a few people to have side effects or cause them other issues but when prescribed these I always think the Doctors must outweigh the benefits against any negatives

Is there a reason why you do not want to take them ?

Some members will reply they don't take them others will reply they do but if you feel this is something you do not wish to take then you need to speak with your Doctor and see what they suggest is best for you :-)

Let us know how you get on :-) x

K9ndo profile image
K9ndo in reply to BeKind28-

Hi Thanks for your thoughts, I have no reason to want to stop taking the PPI’s, I seem to be one of the lucky ones that have little or no side effects, hence should be beneficial. I will however discuss post completion of my 12 months of Ticagrelor with my GP. 😊😊

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to K9ndo

:-) x

Wooodsie profile image
Wooodsie in reply to BeKind28-

Hi, you are back 😀 x

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to Wooodsie

Hello :-)

Not really just have a look now and again shall we say I am part time :-) x

Taviterry profile image

After my TAVI my surgeon insisted that I didn't need to take Lansoprazole, my GP insisted that I did. After two months of bloating and violent flatulence, I started using it, with a distinct improvement within days. Nine months later, I'm taking it every other day. I BELIEVE there are various symptoms of stomach ulcers and excess stomach acid and if any of these manifest themselves I shall resume daily doses . I also UNDERSTAND that Lansoprazole can slightly reduce the efficacy of my Clopidogrel anti-coagulant and B12 and Magnesium levels.

These are my own personal feelings and I do not recommend them to others. The default advice is to ask one's GP, pharmacist or consultant but with my surgeon and GP disagreeing ...

There was similar post to this recently

My views on this are included, but the short version is that if you want to try coming off PPIs as a trial do it under the supervision of your GP perhaps as a progressively reducing dose. Dependant upon what other meds you are on it may be successful, or it may not. But if you are taking low dose dispersible aspirin a switch to enteric coated will improve your chance of success, for the expenditure of a few pence more per month.

abc1_2-3 profile image

I had been on Lanzaprazole since my MI 4 years ago, after a meds review in February the practice farmacist took me off it. By the end of March I had such bad acid reflux I was convinced the next MI was happening, though only at night while lying down in bed. Saw my GP (a new on to the practice), she was horrified I'd been taken off it. She went on to explain anyone taking aspirin, no matter how low the dose, must be on a stomach protector

Murderfan58 profile image

I used to take Lansoprazole for acid reflux but after being on it for a year had to come off it due to it reducing my folic acid and sodium levels to much. I take Gaviscon when needed as advised by my GP.

I hope you have regular blood tests to check your for any deficiencies.

I take the following to make sure I am not deficient in anything as well as PAF small hole in the side of my heart have a rare hereditary neurological condition called hereditary Hyperekplexia gene mutation SLC6A5 type 3.

Cod liver capsule

B12 I don't eat meat

Folic acid

Vit C

Combined calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K

1 of each everyday.

Recently had full blood tests including fasting cholesterol and all my levels where normal range and my cholesterol 4.4 more good than bad.

No idea if this is of any help

Lowerfield_no_more profile image
Lowerfield_no_more in reply to Murderfan58

If you were prescribed a PPI for reflux disease and have been forced to come off it how do you control your reflux disease symptoms? I was on max dose Nexium some years ago for reflux disease, then after a year or two trialled a half dose, which went well, but when I tried to halve the dose further my reflux symptoms returned and so I went back up again, and that's where I have been for nearly 15 years.

Murderfan58 profile image
Murderfan58 in reply to Lowerfield_no_more

I control it with cutting foods out of my diet which I know trigger it . It was trail and error our months. Plus making sure I have 4 drinks of just water. And make it up to 8 drinks with tea and fruit tea. And Gaviscon when needed which isn't everyday. I don't smoke or drink .

Teddy2022 profile image

I had an Nstemi and subsequently a stent fitted Feb 22. I stopped the Lansoprazole about a year ago. I take all the usual heart meds including aspirin and also Mirtazapine, Pregabalin, and Ursodeoxycholic acid and have no problems with my tummy. To me it’s just one tablet that I can do without. Also don’t want stomach ulcers.

july2020 profile image

Personally I started having issues with lansoprazole after 12 months. Esomeprazole has suited me better but now getting issues, so looking at coming off PPIs and moving to using a H2 blocker.

I have had different opinions from the various doctors at our practice given the long term use side effects of PPIs but ultimately it is my choice.

As I understand it, PPIs are there to reduce the risks of side effects from aspirin but they, of course, have their own set of risks.

Your journey may differ and you will need to talk to your doctor about their use in your case.

pete109 profile image

I too was prescribed Lansoprazole by my GP not by my cardiologist, seems to be standard procedure for GP’s, after doing some research on Lansoprazole there are side effects and Lansoprazole and other PPI’s are meant for short term use only, usually a few weeks, as in take it when needed, also asking other people who are taking low dose aspirin if they take it or another PPI, they said no, so I decided against, a year post stents, no problems, if you have been taking it regularly you need to taper the dose amount otherwise apparently you can get reflux.

Qualipop profile image

I'm allergic to lansoprazole so I take famotidine which works differently. I had my aspirin changed to a coated version which dissolves in the gut rather than the stomach but even so I still get bouts of extreme stomach pain., possibly from my statin. I have had peptic ulcers in the past. It's a question for your GP.

Survivor1952 profile image

Before my HA I suffered from acid reflux on occasion, usually during the night. It used to wake me up.

Post HA and surgery I’m on Lansoprazole and I’ve not had any issues since. It would be nice to cut down the number of tablets daily but I know which I prefer.

polenta profile image

I was never prescribed a PPI with my heart meds, but I am in the US. I always eat a little something with all of my meds and have been on 5 heart meds and a 81mg aspirin for 10 years with no stomach issues. I do know that they are not for long term use, UNLESS you have ulcers or stomach issues, and I would try to get off of them IF you can. Depending on how long you have been on them, you may need to wean off of them slowly as they can cause acid issues and make one think you need them. You can find info about the potental side effects of long term use through research. Take care

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