Low Blood pressure concern: Hi I have... - British Heart Fou...

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Low Blood pressure concern

baltibob profile image
9 Replies


I have been lurking here for a bit since my cardiac arrests in February. I'm recovering really well, but for the last few days, my blood pressure has been low for long periods of time ( a few hours) making me very light-headed. Typically my blood pressure is low in the morning (about 90/65) and then picks up to about 110/?, but over the last few days it has been staying at around 90/? for long periods, sometimes a bit lower.

I am taking 1.25mg of both bisoprolol and ramipril amongst others, all in the morning (apart from statins at night), but it was suggested to me at the cardiac rehab clinic on Friday that I take ramipril in the evening to spread out the blood pressure lowering meds, and that the ramipril would work better in the evening too., so I changed my routine yesterday. They all suggested having some water if my blood pressure is low, but I also need to limit my fluid intake to 1.5-2L as my left ventricle is at 30-35%.

Should I be concerned about long periods of low blood pressure, and what are good things I can do to try and raise it?

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baltibob profile image
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9 Replies
cotonh profile image

My husband is on similar medication and has also had sustained low pressure over the last three days - very similar to yours. Somewhere on here it was suggested that the warmer weather can contribute to this happening. We had one day a fortnight ago when it fell much more that this but then crept back up again. My husband feels really tired on these sustained lower blood pressure days and unable to do the walking he had been trying to keep up. He has had the light headedness too. He takes bisoprolol and ramipril at night. Keep us posted with what you find out and we will do the same. His was 84/62 yesterday morning. It fell to 55/42 at lunch time and then we stopped measuring and he rested for the remainder of the day. Today it was 79/58. His Ramipril was doubled last week so we wonder if this is partly contributing. Left ventricle 23% when last measured...

CatLady246 profile image

I am on ramipril and was told to take that and statin in the evening. My BP was 60/40 some days so the GP reduced my ramipril to 1.25 from 2.5. .

HeartyJames profile image

Sorry to hear that..

Same here goes as low as 75/55 but usually averages 90/70 EF 35%. They lowered my entresto and took me off epleronome but now back on the latter. Pre syncope, dizziness is frequent and yes it stops you walking. I also find the more exercise I do, the lower it gets a few days after. Just be careful when standing up and at night if going for a wee. You do not want to fall. My legs seem to give way beneath me. My readings are higher when at hospital but they do it after walking.

They say have reduced liquids for you , but for low BP you need 2.5 litres a day, especially when warmer, so I suggest you speak with rehab to get them to recheck. after my heart attack - 3 years ago - they had me on fluid restriction but was not really necessary - more precautionary - so check that..

Regarding water. If your ankles swell then you will need to limit or breathlessness increases as fluid can occur in lungs. Got to find the right balance. I would take more fluid.

baltibob profile image

Thanks all for the replies and support. Some of your bp's are even lower which must be a worry.

Yesterday was a bit better but I don't think my bp got over 100/70ish. This morning first thing it was about 85/61, but just now it was about 115/85 which is much better and typical for me at this time of day. Maybe changing when I take the ramipril has helped. I will keep monitoring it and try to drink a bit more water, perhaps smaller amounts throughout the day.

cotonh profile image

Congratulations! 115 /85 so much more comfortable to bear in every sense of the word. My husband was 105 / 69 this morning. It is colder here as well as wet!

Interesting what someone said about exercise leading to lower blood pressure a day after doing more, that does seem to be a possible pattern with my husband .

Qualipop profile image

I'd definitely speak to your gP or cardio. When I was on bisopralol it dropped my BP so much I couldn't even get out of the chair.

Cavalierrubie profile image

l have low blood pressure and l am told that unless it causes me symptoms not to worry unduly. Bisoprolol can lower blood pressure so l am unable to take this regularly and have it as pip for AF. If you feel unwell with low pressure get medical advice but do also look at medications. As you can’t up your fluids you could try caffeine, strong tea or coffee. Don’t have hot showers as believe it or not they lower pressure. If you are worried ask for help but for some of us low blood pressure is normal. There is a good video on YouTube from Dr Gupter about it and it is very reassuring if you can find it.

Maxwall47 profile image

I've had Low blood pressure since my third covid injection it went down to 77/66 the hospital took me off the bisprol because they thought it was them what making my blood pressure low I'm also on ramipril I take them in the morning because they ten to make me pee a lot

baltibob profile image

After changing my routine to take the ramipril in the evening, I did feel a teeny bit better. But one evening I forgot to take and and the next day I felt great, and my bp was a bit more normal.

I'm going to talk to the cardiac team tomorrow and see if I can take a half dose. I'm taking the capsules at the moment, so would have to switch to the pills and cut them in half - I hope this will be possible.

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