Medication Side Effects : Hi everyone... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Medication Side Effects

Brianboru profile image
17 Replies

Hi everyone

Currently I am definitely not at my best and while accepting my age at 86 and it still being “Winterish” I am inclined to blame the bad side effects from the 6 medications I am on and which seem now to be getting the better of me.

The effects are Straight from the patient information leaflets mind you,

Fatigue , confusion, affected vision, mood changes , even depression, insomnia and lack of appetite among others

They possibly keep me alive but the quality of life at the moment is rubbish.

Is anyone else out there also significantly plagued by these inconvenient side effects .


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Brianboru profile image
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17 Replies
BobD profile image

I'm only 79 but have all that even without drugs. LOL 😁 Apart from lack of appetite which I could do with!

Brianboru profile image
Brianboru in reply to BobD

Hi BobD Sorry to hear you have similar problems and without the induced side effects ??? Very strange. Let’s hope you can find a way to rid yourself of these problems. Things are hard enough at times !

BenHall1 profile image

Hiya Brian,

Sorry to read of your side effects. To be honest, I have experienced some of those side effects with various medications I am on at various times. I am on 6 different meds at the moment ( aged 79, 80 in September ) ......... my meds are

1 Ramipril

2 Atorvastatin

3 Felodopine

4 Nebivolol

5 Finasteride

6 Edoxaban

However, I must say I DO NOT experience ... affected vision, mood changes , or depression.

I do experience very poor sleep but this I can identify with pain from a torn tendon on the left shoulder rotator cuff ........ even with pain killers. I also have a massive loss of appetite ( no great problem there 😂 ).

I am wondering what medications you are taking ?

Try and stay bright and cheerful. Hopefully, others may offer their thoughts to.


Brianboru profile image
Brianboru in reply to BenHall1

Hi Ben

My meds are :







I keep reprogramming when to take them daily depending on my plans that day.

BenHall1 profile image
BenHall1 in reply to Brianboru

Hi Brian,

I take the following in the morning

1 Ramipril

3 Felodopine

5 Finasteride ( not a heart drug, just prostate )

6 Edoxaban

I do take another medication which is I suppose a supplement, Bioquinone Active Q10, supposedly aimed at offsetting the impact of Avorstatin.

I take the other two, Atorvastatin and Nebivolol as my evening meds. I'm no way a Pharmacist but I have found them good value for money when I've been on certain drugs for many years. and I have consulted them as to side effects. In two cases last year they ( in consultation with my GP ) have changed my meds. I'm afraid I don't trust GP's that much when it comes to advising on medication .... I have found Pharmacists much, much more knowledgeable.

Again, just wondering out loud - if you might gain some benefit from making an appointment with your local major Pharmacist ( like Boots ) and asking for a review of your medication, particularly if you've been on it for quite a while. Maybe they might advise against ( as you say ) keep reprogramming when to take them daily depending on my plans that day. Many drugs often prescribed today like consistency, consistency and even more consistency in order for the patient to get the best benefits.


Brianboru profile image
Brianboru in reply to BenHall1

Thanks for that John.useful info !

Brianboru profile image
Brianboru in reply to BenHall1

Thanks again for your reply. It all helps to cope with the problem.

Rambler398 profile image

If your GP practice employs a pharmacist they may be able to help.

Have you had a digoxin level checked? Toxicity is common especially if kidney function is impaired.

Referral to a geriatrician in your situation may be worth discussing with your GP. They are the new generalists of internal medicine, replacing the old general physicians, a specialty now sadly defunct.

Brianboru profile image
Brianboru in reply to Rambler398

Thank you Rambler. I will ask if we have a geriatrician on their books. I need a few answers that do not seem available from the GP

Buffafly profile image

Hi Brian, I have an excellent book written by a geriatrician which has a chapter on medication. One of the main points was that older people are often overdosed on medication because they need smaller doses. Also there is the ‘cascade’ effect where meds are added to counteract the side effects of the previous meds! Looking at your list I suspect you have heart failure as you are taking nearly every medication to treat HF known to man (ok exaggeration) so, sadly, the meds may very well be keeping you alive, also the symptoms you mention are also symptoms of heart failure. Still, I think it would be helpful to discuss your ‘mini pharmacy’ with a pharmacist. Our health centre has one attached and if I query my meds my GP just says ‘talk to a pharmacist’ 😂 Otherwise try to get a review from your cardiologist.

Best wishes ❤️‍🩹

Brianboru profile image
Brianboru in reply to Buffafly

Many thanks Buffafly for this reply. It all makes sense to me ! I do have heart failure and wear a pacemaker. I try to listen to my body as much as to a doctor or cardiologist and I concur with what you say. I will try to resist a forthcoming increase in one of the six meds when it gets proposed.

Brianboru profile image
Brianboru in reply to Buffafly

Hello Buffafly,

You mentioned an excellent book by a Geriatrician in your reply to me. Can you tell me the name of the book and it’s author. I need to monitor what my own body tells me as well as any cardiologist. Advice from this book I feel will be beneficial. Thanks.

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to Brianboru

’The Book About Getting Older’ by Dr Lucy Pollock. The subtitle is (for people who don’t want to talk about it)! I can’t recommend it highly enough, so full of good advice but easy to read. Of course it is a general book but it’s worth having just for the chapter ‘Goldilocks Medicine’. I hope it’s helpful to you.

Brianboru profile image
Brianboru in reply to Buffafly

Hi Buffafly

The book has arrived a day early !

It’s a thicker book than I was expecting !

380 pages of useful information (I hope !, )

Pity I didn’t have this earlier when all we had was rain .

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to Brianboru

I think there’s more coming ⛈️☹️ Do let me know later what you think of it.

Brianboru profile image
Brianboru in reply to Buffafly

Will do ! What I have read so far is encouraging . She sounds a caring person .

Brianboru profile image

I have ordered the book you recommended, today, it should arrive by Saturday this week. Many thanks again.

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