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My e mail was hacked Suggestions for good e-mail programs?

PJBinMI profile image
13 Replies

About two weeks ago my e mail address was hacked and I can't get into my e-mail account! Yahoo has taken over frontier but doesn't have some of the features I really appreciated. There doesn't seem to be a way to enter addresses and have them saved and easily accessed.

A close friend died last week and his funeral was yesterday in the town I lived in for 20 years, too far for me to drive there. I've used my new e mail account to send notes to his wife, but I've not heard back from her. We're close friends, too.

I seem to be stable getting low dose Taxol infusions every two weeks. My bowel movements are still unpredictable. That and neuropathy with balance issues are my biggest "issues", oh, plus memory issues, though I surprised myself last night by being able to name Alan Ladd when he was in the movie my husband was watching on TV. I often can't do that!

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PJBinMI profile image
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13 Replies
mariootsi profile image

So happy to see you posted. Neuropathy is my big issue too. Hope you get some relief!

PJBinMI profile image
PJBinMI in reply to mariootsi

Thanks. Neuropathy suree makes using the computer a challenge. The neuropathy is better than when I was getting a higher dose every week!

Sharon0122 profile image

lucky to getting to watch old movies with hubby! Especially with Alan Ladd! I loved him when I was young!

Sorry to hear about your friend. My cousin died last month from Brest cancer he was fighting for five years. He was only 64. I was lucky I could go to the funeral in Chicago from Oklahoma but the sad news is I found out travel is not on my agenda anymore.

Very frustrating ro hear your email was hacked. I hope you fear from your friend’s wife soon, I’m sure she has a lot of adjusting to do.

Best wishes for your health and watch all those old movies you can! Memories are a great gift! Hugs! Sharon

PJBinMI profile image
PJBinMI in reply to Sharon0122

Thanks! I'm so sorry about your cousin's death! 64 is young now! Chicago has some really good cancer centers so he probably had access to those.

I got a great chuckle about your Alan Ladd comment! I loved him, too when I was a kid. He seems like a totally different person now that I'm an adult. LOL

Hugs back to you, Pam

Sharon0122 profile image
Sharon0122 in reply to PJBinMI

My new love is Killian Murphy, those eyes get me every time! ❤️

Bettybuckets profile image

Hi PjB- such a trooper… I can understand that it would be hard not to be able to communicate when you want to when you are sick! That on top of everything else with the jeopardy and physical stuff is a bummer… I must be similar to me wanting to talk but my voice affected by a tumor… we just want to be in touch with our loved ones and if we aren’t up to being there in person the next best thing is phone calls and emails and texts… and to suddenly not have that especially at this point in our lives would be devastating….

Seems like a lot of work but maybe you could, write to each important contact with a cheery note and a new email address? What a pain but the alternative of not being able to update your friends is not acceptable. Good luck and let us know how you go.

PJBinMI profile image
PJBinMI in reply to Bettybuckets

Thanks, Betty. One problem is that my original e-mail kept addresses and I just had to type in a name and the address appeared. If yahoo has something like that, I'm not aware of it. I'm really grateful to for all that I can do........

13plus profile image

I’m so sorry you got hacked. Such an upheaval as it’s so much a part of our daily lives now ! I would open a Gmail account, they have much better security features than Yahoo does (do not know Frontier) .

And I’m also saddened to hear of your friend’s death. Is it possible that his wife is not coping so well and that be a reason for her not responding yet? It might be better to call and talk directly? Or leave her a message (also a chance to see if she got your new email address!) .

It’s good to hear you’re doing ok on the Taxol, issues aside! My family grabbed a chance to go away while I’m doing ok and had a wonderful week away in Costa Rica(!) but instead of feeling refreshed I’ve got lingering extreme fatigue ever since we got back a week ago! There’s always something it seems.

I hope you can make easy contact with your friends again very soon

PJBinMI profile image
PJBinMI in reply to 13plus

Thank you! I'll look at gmail. My daughter sent me the addresses of my old long time friends and several of them have gmail A week in Costa Rica with family sounds appealing! I've thought about going on a cruise and inviting our daughters and their partners and kids along. But I can't really plan things so far out (in time) because I have good days and bad...... part of living with this lousy cancer!

13plus profile image
13plus in reply to PJBinMI

I know, it is challenging planning ahead. We booked it all very last minute and I did skip my last couple of doses for the week (naughty me!) because I knew otherwise my feet would not allow me to do the hiking we had planned, that I so much wanted to do!!

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to PJBinMI

It's extremely difficult to plan. I hate it. My traveling days are over.

Chamisa profile image

I use Fastmail ( and have for at least fifteen years—- maybe longer but I can’t remember for sure when I signed up for it. I pay for it but it’s very reliable and secure. They’re based in Australia but they have redundancy built in all over the world. It’s their only business and they focus on it. I have gmail and yahoo also but I don’t use them.

PJBinMI profile image

I've never heard of Fastmail. The idea of using an Australian company made me giggle! My mother lived in Australia for a year or so when she was 12 or 13. Her Dad was an engineer who worked on projects in lots of far away places but most of them were just days or weeks projects and not years.... My computer occupies more of my time than before cancer, when I was working and had a more normal life! Thanks for sharing this!

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