My First Breakup: 3 days ago my... - Anxiety and Depre...

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My First Breakup

SlickyBlackmoon profile image
23 Replies

3 days ago my girlfriend of almost 3 years broke up with me. She didn’t even talk to me about it. She messaged me and said she didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore. I asked can we at least talk first and she said no. I felt like things were going great which is why it’s so devastating to me. I have no way to contact her anymore so there is no resolving anything. A part of me wants to try to mend our relationship some how but another part of me knows that I should move on. I am really depressed about it and have had thoughts of suicide. A day after it happened I contacted the 988 hotline and after that I felt a little better. I am reaching out to a therapist today to setup a consultation and hopefully consistently seeing one can help me heal. I hope in time I can find someone else but that will be hard for me because I have difficulty socializing with others.

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SlickyBlackmoon profile image
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23 Replies
kenster1 profile image

sorry to hear that at least you are seeking some support closer to home and here as well.Can you write to her maybe if you cant reach her another way.

SlickyBlackmoon profile image
SlickyBlackmoon in reply to kenster1

I could I just don’t know if it will do any good. She didn’t seem to want to talk about it when she did breakup with me. I think I will try though.

kenster1 profile image
kenster1 in reply to SlickyBlackmoon

if you don`t try you`ll never know and if you don`t get a reply it`s best you move on from her.

SlickyBlackmoon profile image
SlickyBlackmoon in reply to kenster1

Ok thank you I will try.

gajh profile image

Hello and Welcome. I am glad you came here for support.

SlickyBlackmoon profile image
SlickyBlackmoon in reply to gajh


gajh profile image
gajh in reply to SlickyBlackmoon

Do you want to talk?

SlickyBlackmoon profile image
SlickyBlackmoon in reply to gajh

Sure I’m just a little awkward at times.

gajh profile image
gajh in reply to SlickyBlackmoon

That is ok. Do you want to talk about that or just something else to take your mind off of it. Totally up to you.

SlickyBlackmoon profile image
SlickyBlackmoon in reply to gajh

I kind of want to talk about my thoughts

gajh profile image
gajh in reply to SlickyBlackmoon

I will listen. What are your thoughts?

SlickyBlackmoon profile image
SlickyBlackmoon in reply to gajh

Well I’m really heart broken after the breakup and how she did it felt like our almost 3 years of being together meant nothing. We didn’t even talk about it beforehand. She just randomly texts without saying a word to me that she didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore. She still wanted to be friends but I told her that wouldn’t work because of how I feel about her.

gajh profile image
gajh in reply to SlickyBlackmoon

I think it is good that you know yourself well enough to know that will not work for you. Were you able to schedule with the therapist yet or have you not reached them yet? Who do you have for support in your life? Any family or friends?

SlickyBlackmoon profile image
SlickyBlackmoon in reply to gajh

I have a consultation with one today. I have my mom and friend for support.

gajh profile image
gajh in reply to SlickyBlackmoon

Oh good I am glad you have your consult today and that you have your mom and friend for support. I am so glad you are not all alone.

SlickyBlackmoon profile image
SlickyBlackmoon in reply to gajh

I’m glad I’m not alone too. If I didn’t have them I don’t know what I’d do.

gajh profile image
gajh in reply to SlickyBlackmoon

Well now you have us here too.

Hey, I'm so sorry. It hurts as hell. Proud of you for seeking help through therapist, hotline and here. Give her some time. My first and only boyfriend (now ex) broke up with me in march, saying he's not satisfied with this relationship. I reached out to him a week ago. He was cutesy and dropped he's leaving the country. I said how could he just drop that, he said he thought I didn't care, he moved on in his head and thought so did i because it took me long to message. I was scared f him breaking up with me. He made me sick. I reached out to him to tell him, he made me sick, he said goodbye. This guy broke up with me at least 10 times... Give yourself and her a few days. She might try to contact you, also the pressure is high rn and even if you contact her, won't help. Be sincere, no games and avoid what she hated. You can try sending a meme that reminds you of her, at least that's what i do. But do it with clear mind. Take your time to calm. If she's mean, take off the rose glasses, grieve your relationship, ask your therapist and more people what they think. It helped me. Also maybe she broke up with you because of herself not you. I was blaming myself, thinking he broke up with me because i was distant. But i think he broke up with me because he just loves drvgs more than me. And that's not someone to continue fighting for. Maybe she has her reasons. When we girls are distant, we know something is not okay. Our intuition is high but not all have the emotional intelligence to know what exactly is the issue. She needs to figure it out. I know you deserve an explanation. So do i l. Instead i hot blame and cruelty, blaming me for texting too far from our breakup. Like bro you broke up with me, if i text you im playing on thin ice. Thinking about it it's maybe just his own trauma and problems.

SlickyBlackmoon profile image
SlickyBlackmoon in reply to Against_the_current

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. It really helps me cope with mine when I know other people are experiencing similar things to mine.

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to SlickyBlackmoon

You're never alone

Knuewme profile image

breakups are hard, but know this, you find someone waaay better who really deserve you. The breakup will hurt but not forever... Cry as much as you want, try going out and talk to someone, the pain will soon subside.

sad_watermelon profile image

Hi, I am very sorry to hear that. A month ago a almost 2 years old relationship disappeared from my life too. It was also my first breakup, but we ended on good terms and are still friends, even though while breaking up I was always trying to save things and make it work and he only said "I am tired of loving you, so I don't want that anymore". If I can give you an advice, it would be to try and write her (like someone said before me). You could take a piece of paper and write on it everything you feel. I think she should know how her actions made you feel. If you want to move on, I can share with you what helped me. First, making a list of all the things that didn't work in the relationship. Second, (as you did), looking for someone to talk to (it could be friend, family, therapist, here, it doesn't matter). Then I encourage you to start thinking about the future. Everything happens for a reason and that's something I guarantee you. You have so many beautiful things comming for you! And if you are meant to be, one day, when you are both ready, you will fall in love again. And this time forever. Or you will both find true love in someone else. But you will be so happy. I know it's hard right now, it hurts bad and we feel miserable. But I can suggest that you write that letter and if she replies with answers, maybe it would be easier for you. But if she doesn't, then it would be time to really move on, because you don't deserve to be hurting because of someone else. I am sure you are an amazing person and I wish you all the best and a lot of joy and luck. You can write to me any time and I will try to do my best to respond as fast as possible, if you want to talk about something.

lizbig profile image

there might of been some red flags you missed and learning to be happy with yourself is so important..and i use my faith in God so i know i always have someone who loves me forever..cant count on people in this cruel good you move on and ger help ..glad your doing that..i am sure you find someone soon..just guard your heart!!

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