Naproxen : I suffer chronic pain and limited... - Pain Concern

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Moonshine15 profile image
19 Replies

I suffer chronic pain and limited mobility due to spinal stenosis and several bulging lumbar discs along with peripheral neuropathy

I have been prescribed numerous medications to no affect, I have now been prescribed Naproxen please could anyone tell me if they have had good results with this medication

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Moonshine15 profile image
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19 Replies
Madlegs1 profile image

It's very effective for pain relief.

Make sure you get it with a PPI to protect your stomach.

Also, it will cause constipation, so be sure to take plenty of liquid and fruits/ dried fruits.

I use one called Vimovo - it is 500 mg of naproxen with a PPI combined.

You can get them separately, but have to take the ppi an hour before the naproxen.

Hope that helps.

All the best.

Moonshine15 profile image
Moonshine15 in reply to Madlegs1

Hi, thanks for your reply I’m on gastro resident Naproxen I’ve only been on it three weeks so I don’t really know if it has reached its full potential yet, but it has definitely caused constipation

Manorlady profile image

Good Morning Excellent l take them but l was told by Dr to take them 2 to 3 times a day they say now its lowered my kidneys .l have Stenosis l take them 1 when needed now they are so strong l only need 1 every few days NOT 2 or 3 a day they are excellent pain killer .

Moonshine15 profile image
Moonshine15 in reply to Manorlady

Hi, thanks for your reply I’m on Naproxen 500mg to be taken twice a day with food, I’m hoping they are going to work as I’ve tried just about everything else including fentanyl patches

Konagirl60 profile image
Konagirl60 in reply to Moonshine15

Fentanyl patches didn’t help your pain? What strength were you given?

I had a severely pinched nerve and they are the only thing that helped me a little. I was given the lowest dose and I was never offered any dose stronger.

Good luck with Naproxen. It didn’t help my nerve pain.

Moonshine15 profile image
Moonshine15 in reply to Konagirl60

Hi thanks for your reply, as far as I can remember I think it was 50mcg raised from a starting dose of 25 mcg but I was falling asleep all the time but they did nothing for the pain

Konagirl60 profile image
Konagirl60 in reply to Moonshine15

I’m glad you stopped using the fentanyl patches if they didn’t help your pain AND they sedated you. Everyone responds uniquely to medications.

Is the Naproxen helping?

Alloagirl profile image

Hi Moonshine, it’s funny how some meds affect people. Naproxen did nothing for me. I have spondylolisthesis with some stenosis, the naproxen made me quite ill and did not do anything for pain. But that is me. Co codamol works better for me. I take it twice a day. Only problem constipation. My physio reckons the exercises will work to reduce the pain, three months on and nothing so far. I hope the naproxen works for you.

Moonshine15 profile image
Moonshine15 in reply to Alloagirl

Hi thanks for your reply, it’s a vicious circle isn’t it it’s hell to try and walk through the pain but makes it worse if you just sit in the corner

Doraflora profile image
Doraflora in reply to Moonshine15

Hi Moonshine15. My hubby finds the same: when the pain gets really bad he feels like sitting down, and he then does sit with a hot water bottle on his back for about 30 mins then it gives him a second burst of energy.

He does try to remain as mobile as he can, but sometimes he has to follow what his body tells him. It’s not easy, is it🙄

Moonshine15 profile image
Moonshine15 in reply to Doraflora

Hi Thanks for your reply it seems the only way I can get any relief is by laying on my back but who wants to spend all their time in bed

Doraflora profile image
Doraflora in reply to Alloagirl

Hi there. My husband has a degenerative spine condition/spinal stenosis. He was given exercises to do by the physio, but atm they’re causing him too much pain to do. He does find our static exercise bike helps much more.

He’s seeing the physio again next Tuesday and is currently taking a codeine tablet twice a day and 2 paracetamols 4 times a day (as his GP recommended).

His best friend atm is the hot water bottle (he finds cold temperatures really ignite his pain big time)

He’s also going to invest in a heat pad/belt once we get back from holiday. And he’s looking forward to sleeping in our new memory foam mattress once we get back.

We’re currently in the Lake District and this time have done not very much walking compared to previous times. But the change has been nice.

Onwards and upwards!

KM1986 profile image

Hi there. After 12 years of being on opioids for endometriosis i was prescribed naproxen and find it really good. Its not as good for me as opioids but it does help. I only seem to get 2-3 hours relief from it though and that's the down side. Also causes me nausea and reflux even with omeprazole.

Madlegs1 profile image

Just to add to my earlier contribution -- I find one Naproxen 500 lasts me about 24 hrs plus.

So it depends very much on depth of pain, pain tolerance etc.

The constipation will not go away-- that's why I try to take it as little as pain allows.

Definitely drink loads, try prune juice and tangerines and dried dates and figs.

Also walk as much as possible.

Good luck.

Alloagirl profile image
Alloagirl in reply to Madlegs1

Hi, you are right. I do drink loads of water. Eat high fibre foods and have prune juice and fruit and veg. Still need laxatives. The cocodamol plays havoc with my stomach but it helps with the pain and allows me exercise and walk as the physio wants. Take meds twice a day, occasionally a paracetamol in the evening when pain seems at its worse. Just hoping exercises reduce the pain and I can cut down the pain meds. Thanks.

GnRfan profile image

I tried Naproxen ,but they didn't help my pain. I also have a friend who they have worked wonders for. I suppose its all down to how your body takes the medication. I hope your pain eases for you xx

Nick2U profile image

I have stenosis and myofascial pain syndrome which made it too difficult to remain at work where I was standing all day and collapsing whenever I got home. I have had problems in the past with Naproxen but that was because I forgot to take it with food which caused me to find dark stools that resemble coffee grounds, a sure sign of stomach or intestinal bleeding. I have taken it successfully since then with a meal, or my favorite ice cream and have no bleeding. Naproxen is a powerful NSAID that helps reduce the inflammation causing the pain. It works best by taking it regularly to keep pain from flaring up but found eventually I could space the doses further apart—just not so far apart that the pain comes back. I take a Tylenol 4, 300 mg of acetaminophen and 60 mg of codeine, which sounds similar to cocodamol, and like everyone else I have to take extra fiber and water since the codeine will practically shut down my intestines. I have also had some success by taking black seed oil (cumin seed oil) instead of Naproxen on a regular basis to prevent inflammation. The taste is way too strong for me so I put the oil into the largest capsules so that I get about a teaspoon each day. Best wishes to you.

1vern0n profile image

Hi Moonshine15, I have recently been prescribed Naproxen for my spinal and knee arthritis when I got to a stage where my combination of Amitriptyline and Co-codamol were not as effective. I find that it has taken the edge off but not stopped the pain. As for constipation , I occasionally use Laxedo sachets which are a stool softener and not as harsh as laxatives. I hope you find a combination or better still, a single medication to help you.

Hope it helps you Been on it years now does help although everyone different

I get it for inflammation inflammatory does help pain though

Paracetamol helps the other pain meds work better

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