Neuropathy Support | HealthUnlocked

Neuropathy Support

1,685 members498 posts
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Moving Forward with Neuropathy

6 years ago my feet began feeling tingly and burning. Now they are completely nu...

Complex regional pain syndrome

Been diagnosed with crps. An
mariootsi profile image

electric tug down leg

Hi, I have just had another back surgery, fusing L5 to S1 and pelvis for nerve p...

Burning heels

My sister-in-law has for a few weeks now had a burning sensation around the edge...

Nerve damage

Since my carpal tunnel, cubitunnel and median nerve surgery 2 years ago, I have ...
mariootsi profile image

new to peripheral neuropathy

Hi I’m new to having the awful symptoms of what I think are peripheral neuropath...
Esme2007 profile image

Amitripalyn Doctor wants me to increase my night time dose to 49 mgs

I get Neuropathy in my arms and lower legs and I feet I also take Ibuprofen my...
Glenkerry40 profile image
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We are a peer support community for people living with neuropathy.

Here we share our experiences, ask questi...

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