New and looking for some advice - British Liver Trust

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New and looking for some advice

Painterlass profile image
7 Replies

Hello. I am trying to find some information for a family member. He took a break last August and left his job as long dustance HGV1 driver. 6 months later, went back to old job, lasted a week and his boss said, you're not well, sort your health issue out. So in March I took him to A&E and what we thought was an IBS /blockage turned out to be Ascites and liver disease decompensated. Big shock. He had his tummy drained, in hosp 5 days, discharged with Spiro, thiamine, lactalose, renapro. He lives alone since divorce last summer. I work full time and live 8 miles away. I'm also supporting my 87 yo mum at weekends. I took him to see gastro doc 2 days ago. He's upped the spiro dosage and he had bloods done. He wants to go back to work, says he feels fine. But we don't seem to be able to find out if he's ok to drive, either his car or as HGV1 driver. Have checked DVLA website for medical conditions to report. No mention of liver disease decompensated. I think we're in shock. He's never taken any chances with alcohol and driving as its his livelihood but doc said damage has been done to always having a couple of pints weekday evenings but overdoing it at weekends, for 40 years. Then last 6 months of not working, coming through a marriage break up, anxiety, every days he was drinking a 2.25 litre box of wine, just cos he could. But, he wants to get back to normal now and go back to work. Any help on the driving question would be gratefully received. Thank you.

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7 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

Unfortunately he will have to notify the DVLA of his alcohol issue and health condition and they will assess/determine his fitness to drive. Various aspects of alcohol related liver disease/liver disease in general do require notification to


Painterlass profile image
Painterlass in reply to AyrshireK

Hi Katie

Thank you so much for your reply. I will check out that link. Not sure what he'll do if he can't drive/work. I must stop googling as its all very depressing and scary. I'm so glad I've found this forum.

Many thanks again.

Richard-Allen profile image

I'm sending you a private message. I hope this is of some help.

DaveQ67 profile image


I can share some first hand experience of this. Apologies if long winded.

Firstly, has his Dr told him to notify the DVLA?

This is the most important part. If his Doctor or police hasn’t told him to notify the DVLA, he DOES NOT need too.

I see he’s not working. If he gets a new job, they may ask for a medical. This is where he might have explaining to do with blood work. After 45 you need a 3 yearly HGV medical. It will depend on his employer.

If he has been diagnosed as alcohol dependent by a Dr and it’s on record., should medical records need obtained as part of new job. You are automatically suspended from any HGV for 3 years, during this time he must show abstinence.

He will also loose his car licence for 1 year. IF diagnosed dependant.

I cannot stress enough the importance of this being / not being diagnosed. Even then, if he has been to his GP and reported his drinking, it will all depend on what the GP has put down.

I was an 18 year Fire fighter, I required a class 2 HGV for my post.

I told my GP and work I needed to address my drinking. Was 5 weeks sober when seen by alcohol support, never diagnosed as dependant ( although I was) another GP who didn’t know me ticked the dependant box when contacted by DVLA. My Gp was off.

I was only requested to contact the DVlA by my work in order to ensure compliance, should my absence be highlighted in an audit.

My HGV was suspended for 3 years, I got my driving licence revoked for 1 year, which turned into 2 years after cirrhosis diagnosis.

I fought this in court and I’m still doing so as initially my licence was a 6 month ban and 12 month HGV ban as initially diagnosed as alcohol misuse.

The DVLA are hellish to deal with, unfortunately this will purely depend what is on your Gp report. I will add I never drove under the influence and never cautioned/ charged. The minute I asked for help I lost my job due to the licence going. My wife and home, my wife used the fact of my looking for help to stop me seeing my kids. It was horrendous and still battling to see my kids.

I will always tell anyone, seek advice before going on record of admitting you have a problem. They say it’s the hardest part.

Nonsense!!! I lost everything on the back of it!

Painterlass profile image
Painterlass in reply to DaveQ67

Hi Dave.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I really hope everything is resolved for you soon.

My relative hasn't seen his GP since last Oct who did tell him he needed to cut back as his liver test results were on the high side. Then March the specialist at hospital discharged him into care of GP but he couldn't get appt. Receptionist said be guided by specialist who he was due to see 6 June. He's been living on savings since. I went with him to this appt and asked about driving. Gastro doc said no reason why he can't go back to HGV1 work if he feels well enough. I asked about DVLA and he said, if unsure, perhaps give them a ring.. so all a bit vague and hence my query.

His HGV expires Sept this year and he will need a medical so I will share your experience with him.

Many thanks and good luck to you.

DaveQ67 profile image
DaveQ67 in reply to Painterlass

I cannot stress enough. If he has stopped drinking. Is feeling okay.

Do NOT divulge any info to the DVLA without instruction.

If it was me to do it over. I would focus on health. Leave my medical to the last minute then do it.

The reason being if a blood test comes back abnormal. The DVLA then go to your GP reports. This is set in stone.

This will include hospital stays, they again will want to dig deeper. There will be no hiding the information. Trust me I’ve been through it.

Not only will it be his HGV but his car licence too. It won’t just be a job being effected by having HGV licence. Try getting work when robbed of your car too.

I’ve finally got my car back and starting a new career. The problem is what happens to someone going through liver health issues due to alcohol when you continually loose more. The bottle looks like the answer. It’s a vicious circle.

Sorry to paint a grim picture but this is the reality.

I wish your friend nothing but good luck. I can only tell you of my own experiences.

Everything rests on your Gp and what the blood tests look like. Perhaps if he asks for blood tests privately. Depending on the outcome I would seriously consider a new job avenue in order to keep my car licence.

Painterlass profile image
Painterlass in reply to DaveQ67

Thanks Dave. Really appreciate your experience.

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