New medication : Just been prescribed... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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New medication

Pinklover89 profile image
15 Replies

Just been prescribed sertraline, any thoughts? Anyone else been prescribed this and what was your experience with it?

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Pinklover89 profile image
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15 Replies
Onceabiker profile image

Hi, I’m on it at a low dose.. After an accident at 24 now at 64 my mind has struggled to deal with life changing injuries and Fybromyalgia for the last five years. I find Sertraline takes the edge off my highs and lows. Some days I’m Mr Centre of the party and other days in the depths of despair and suicidal; the Sertraline keeps me more in the middle and although I’d like to have the high days I will sacrifice them not to have the low days.

Good luck.

Pinklover89 profile image
Pinklover89 in reply to Onceabiker

Thank you, I'm hoping they will help me in same way

2thebeach profile image

Hi. Pinklover 89I was prescribed sertraline last November as I was very low for various reasons. It has helped with that but not anything else as far as I can tell.

As I'm sure you know it is one of the anti depressants prescribed for people with fibro.

I'm not on anything else for fibro. My Dr is supportive and suggests pacing, light exercise especially swimming, walking and cycling (E bike!), healthy diet, mindfulness, socialising. I'm retired so it's easier for me to live this lifestyle now, much harder when working.

I'd be interested to know how you get on with sertraline, I was wondering about posting myself to see if others had noticed a positive difference with fibro symptoms.

Take care.

Pinklover89 profile image
Pinklover89 in reply to 2thebeach

I'm also doing light exercise, I do Yoga and walking and practicing pacing as I find it hard to balance everything! I either do too little or too much! It's like I am on a see-saw at the moment! I will keep you posted to how I get on, I just want the first two weeks in and over with! as I was told by my doctor the first two weeks on it are the worse!

2thebeach profile image
2thebeach in reply to Pinklover89

Yes the first weeks are hard. I had a really bad headache for a month but then it went and I am prone to headaches anyway. I had a review with my GP at 1 and 3 months. I'm staying on it possibly long term. It's definitely helped my mild depression and anxiety. I'm only on 50mg. Good luck!

Pinklover89 profile image
Pinklover89 in reply to 2thebeach

Oh no! I already get migraines! I have to go back to my GP for review in a month's time. I'm on the 50mg too. thanks I'm going to need it!

MistyMints profile image

Hi, I've been on Sertraline since 2015 and it's been a life saver. I wish I'd been on it sooner. As another poster has said, it takes the edge off and dampens the emotions enough to keep stress levels down. Good luck!

Pinklover89 profile image
Pinklover89 in reply to MistyMints

I hope it helps me in the same way. Thanks for sharing 😁

Rob-Fibro profile image

Hello I have been on Sertraline since 2016 and have had few problems at various doses all the way up to 200MG currently on 100 MG and it takes the edge off for me.

Only slight side effects which were short lived is headaches occasionally and slight sexual problems, but these cleared quickly after 6 months and now I tolerate it fine.

Best wishes Rob

Rubydooby22 profile image

Hi Pinklover89,

I have been on Sertraline for some years now and it has helped me very much. Having Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis can make you very depressed over time and sertraline really helped. I've been lucky in that I haven't had any side effects from this medication, but everyone is different.

I would give it a try and see if it helps you. It will probably take a few weeks before you see a difference in how you feel, but I was lucky and it started to help in with a few days. I hope you get some relief from the bad days and the meds help you to feel happier.

Big hugs for everyone who needs one XX


Torti68 profile image

Hi, I was prescribed Sertraline last month and I have never felt so ill because of the side effects. I was only on it for about 3 or 4 weeks. I felt so rough my doctor said to wean myself off it straight away. But I think from reading the other replies I'm in the minority. I really hope it works for you. Best wishes! X

Pinklover89 profile image
Pinklover89 in reply to Torti68

This is what I'm worried about because I always get the side effects of any medication I take!

Torti68 profile image
Torti68 in reply to Pinklover89

Yes so do I but sometimes you have to try new medication to see if it works for you. Trial and error I'm afraid. Unfortunately I had the rare side effects of Sertraline but you could be OK on it. I've got to the point where I'll try anything! Xx

TheBoyAndTheCat profile image

I have been on setraline since i was 18 for mental health they kept upping the dose til ibwasbon 200mg a day which was the highest they was allowed to prescribe I think trying t. Shut mE up coz also gave me anti pyhscotics olanzapine which i didnt need not once was i offered therapy or any other sort of help other that pills. i got alot of healrh problems from the olanzapine now, thanks alot. But in 2021 I stopped many medications as I'd have enough of them but also felt ready to try without I'd been on them both from 18 years old to 33 years old no break. Mind felt great and cpuld think clearly for a change. Last year had a breakdown cut my arm so deep mum called a. Ambulance as it just looked like porridge ive never done it that deep b4 and hadnt self harmed for soooo many years b4 that just so fed up of being stuck in this room pain and so on it was very late wen they got here like 2am I thought sod going out to hospital now plis it was Friday nite loud drunk people am. Hospitals alone smell so strong and so loud machine to my now overly sensitive senses. Anyway they kept saying amitriptyline for fibro and depression as helps with pain but i dint want to late November last year i started back on setraline my choice i ne. I needed something as it wasn't a good time 50mg to start with all of a sudden side effects i never had b4 after all those years on them eventually they passed and after a while i asked to b put up to 100mg once again side effects and eventually settled again im still on them now don't d. Anything for Pain but i found helpful for mood. Why was u prescribed them like for what problem if u didnt ask for them what did doctors say for? More than happy to answer any questions u have about sertaline

2thebeach profile image

Hi How are you getting on with Sertraline as it's been a few weeks now? I hope it's helping you.

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