Newly diagnosed: Hi all... Well at long... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Newly diagnosed

Crazyangel40 profile image
15 Replies

Hi all... Well at long last ive finally found a doctor who doesnt make me feel like im going insane or the pains all in my mind... im a 55 year old store manager and over the last 6 months my pain and fatigue has got worse and both myself and friends and family could see my deterioration. I finally got diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and was put on fluoxetine 20mg which didnt seem to do much. I have now been changed onto duloxetine 30mg so hopefully that helps. Im starting to find every day a struggle... i wake up exhausted, pain across my chest, back, neck, shoulders, ribs and am at the stage where all i want is to give up work and stay home... any advice would be a great help xx

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Crazyangel40 profile image
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15 Replies
Q0pain profile image

Hi Crazyangel40,I'm same age and suffered from one pain after another for over a year and still no firm diagnosis, the doctors seem to get tired of seeing me even though I've seen them physically 4-5 times this year. The last consultation I had made me feel like I don't want to see any of these doctors anymore. I took voluntary redundancy because I couldn't cope with pain and felt I wasn't giving my best to the job. I tried looking for work again but it has been no joy... Anyway, I hope the physiotherapist can suggest something to help me. I've been waiting for an appointment since September.Perhaps your GP can refer yo to see one. All the best.

Crazyangel40 profile image
Crazyangel40 in reply to Q0pain

Thanks for your reply. I hope you get your physio appointment soon and it helps. Good luck x

Dinkie profile image

Hi and welcome to the club nobody wants to be in. All I can say is be kind to yourself and give yourself time to adjust to the new you.

If you are struggling at work remember you are protected under the equality act 2010 and are entitled to seek reasonable adjustments at work. This would involve seeing an occupational health professional who would then prepare a report with suggested adjustments. I went through this process and although I resented it and didn't want to go through it, I have remained in work for 12 years with additional support. I can have more breaks if I need it, I have a parking space outside the front door, adapted uniform, a special chair etc.

Have you tried seeing a chiropractor, I find mine invaluable in maintaining some mobility and the massage helps loosen the tight muscles in my neck, shoulders and back. However it took me a while to find one who understood fibro. Epsom salt baths can help relax the muscles. I also use hot water bottles, heated wraps and a tens machine. Gentle exercise, whilst I understand it's the last thing anyone hurting wants to do, it does help. Some practice Tai Chi and some just take a gentle stroll, both have their place in helping us feel a bit better.

Ask your GP for a referral to a fibro clinic such as the one Guys and St Thomas's run. It's only one appointment but during that time you will see several specialists and together they put forward a plan of action for your GP. Alternatively there is the pain clinic route and/or CBT.

Hope this helps. Don't be afraid to ask questions, we have all been newly diagnosed at some point. No question too silly to ask as you can be sure that someone has asked it or thought about asking it before.


Crazyangel40 profile image
Crazyangel40 in reply to Dinkie

Thanks Dinks for your reply and advice. I will look into the things you have suggested x

SLRK profile image
SLRK in reply to Dinkie

Please could you tell me what type of chair you have for work.I have seen an occupational therapist and she recommended a different chair ,a year on and my employee has still not provided me with one. They say I have to find one.

Dinkie profile image
Dinkie in reply to SLRK

Hi, it depends on what your profession is. I have a top of the range draftsman's chair. I need a swivel chair on wheels that is high up so that I can turn easily and reach all the products I need to fulfil prescriptions. Chairs are very individual and it may take some research on your part to try a few and find one you find comfortable. I went through 3 chairs very quickly as I tried with the higher end breakfast bar type chairs and they definitely didn't work!

hi lovely

I feel your pain, I have been suffering for over a year now still waiting for full diagnosis, I have been taking tramadol to ease my pain, I was on duloxetine but didn’t do much so I came off it, naproxen doesn’t do all just causing me bad tummy, I take tumeric with black pepper and devils claw that helps a bit with inflammation, I gave up physical work over a year ago, couldn’t do it anymore and I’m only 35 so is hard but health comes first, try cold or warm showers for me personally cold helps with pain more than warm, I want to do ice baths eventually but you have to build up to this.

I use tens machine as well when is bad, also I think fibro is classed as disability in this country so if you really struggling you can apply for some help from the government. Hope you will have more “ good “ days other than “ bad “ ones we just all have to go through this and we know how hard it gets, stay strong

Crazyangel40 profile image
Crazyangel40 in reply to MartynaMalinowska88

Thanks for your reply Martyna... am looking into what benefits etc id be entitled to as i havent a clue but am struggling at work x

Lucys-mum profile image

Hi Crazy angel, I am 70 and have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia for about 15 years. I get aches all over and pains in my legs and get up feeling as though I haven't been to bed. I was put on Duloxatine earlier this year 30mg. It helps a little with the aches but not the pain. It does help my depression which I have struggled with since I lost my husband nearly 2 years ago. What I do find that helps the pain is homeopathy. Rhus Tox. If you don't know anything about homeopathy then you need to read up on how it is taken etc. The best thing would be to find a good homeopath (you will find a register online). As everyone is different it is a matter of trying what suits you. I have had fibromyalgia for 20 years but it took a while to have it diagnosed. It was after a traumatic event. I also take Paracetamol and sometimes ibroprufen every day.I hope you find something to help. 🤗💕🎄

Crazyangel40 profile image
Crazyangel40 in reply to Lucys-mum

Thanks for your reply. Im hoping to find something that helps x

Elaine200756 profile image

Hi Crazy angel, I was prescribed Duloxetine 30mg a month ago and I find it has helped me with my fibro symptoms. I'm now taking 60mg. Hope it gives you some relief too 🤗

Crazyangel40 profile image
Crazyangel40 in reply to Elaine200756

Hi Elaine, thanks for your reply. I have my fingers crossed it helps x

Elaine200756 profile image
Elaine200756 in reply to Crazyangel40

Me too xx

Debsdelight72 profile image

Hi Crazyangel40,, I'm not far behind you, age wise

I was caring for my Hubby on carers allowance until we both ended up on P.I.P, How will you rest inbetween your shifts enough for another day? Then the next and so on.The question is , Can you afford to go onto benefits? or have another means of surport? I'm not being nosy I'm just putting it out there, If you are too exhausted and in a lot of pain you start to make mistakes,( I know I did)If you see your HR and maybe you can do your work on a part time basis maybe? I'm sure they will help you

You alone can make the decision, It sounds like you already have,

I hope you find your own answer and I wish you well.

Take care


Crazyangel40 profile image
Crazyangel40 in reply to Debsdelight72

Hi Debs, i dont think id be able to survive on benefits although i dont even know what id be entitled too. Im a store manager so theres no chance of going part time but there can be quite a lot of physical work which i find im struggling with now. Jyst unsure what to do x

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