OvaCare | HealthUnlocked


2,037 members1,116 posts

Stage 4 OC with Liver Metastasis

Any guidance or anyone with Cancer metastasis to Liver? My mother has stage 4 Ov...
akhilsalwan profile image

Mother Diagnosed with Stage 4 OC - Recurrence, now Liver traces

Hi everyone, looking for advice/suggestions: My Mother currently fighting stage...
akhilsalwan profile image

Pelvic Pain and spotting 9+ years post hysterectomy

Hi my mum had a full hysterectomy following a diagnosis of Stage 1C clear cell O...

Am I posting to the right forum

Has anyone in Ireland with a reoccurrence of ovarian cancer. I’m Braca 1 positiv...
Lighthearted profile image


Has anyone had stage 2 cancer, have the brca 1 gene and 3 years later have a reo...
Lighthearted profile image

Cancer drugs and chemotherapy

in July my doctor call and told me my results come back and the cyst and my ovar...
Esole profile image

Whats the next step?

Hello, Only found out about Ovacare yesterday, through a friend. Diagnosed durin...
Pixiepurple profile image


has anyone heard from Hidden I had heard she was going through major issues and ...

Treatment wait length- Public Health System Ireland

Hi all, I'm waiting on a scan appointment for suspected Ovarian Cyst and I'm in...
MadMadam profile image


Hi, just diagnosed. Waiting to have debunking surgery. Can anyone give me an id...
edel1972 profile image

Daughter at risk

My daughter is 30 When she was a child we went through genetic testing at the ...

newly diagnosed with ovarian cancer

Hello. I’ve just had my second chemo and I’m finding it is taking me longer to b...

Intrusive thoughts

I finished my series chemo (first time I've had it) almost a year ago. Great new...
Jax68 profile image

Ways to connect

Is there a more up to date way to chat to fellow oc patients in Ireland? Thanks,...
Squindee profile image

Olivia - The ovarian cancer patient pathway, Olivia, is an interactive tool.

I wasn’t aware of this resource. It would be better to view it on a tablet, rath...

Cyclophosphamide & Niraparib

Hi ladies, It’s been a tough week for me. After 6 months of Taxol there is no ...
Hidden profile image

burning diarrhoea

Did any of you have burning diarrhoea after chemo? If so, did you find a way to ...
Hidden profile image

Ask the Experts: managing symptoms and side effects" by Dr Louise Hanna

Target Ovarian Cancer are hosting a session on Friday 1 July, 2pm–3pm under the ...

Metastatic ovarian to 2 lymph nodes

Hi Ladies-- I haven't written in a while but it's been hectic. I am on cancer #...
Rlenesue profile image

2 week referral ovarian ??? Cancer

Have my consultant app 13th any idea what will happen please had bloods n scans ...
Ramsbird profile image

Stress incontinence

Am sure its linked to ovarian cancer
Ramsbird profile image

App 13.april

Will know more then
Ramsbird profile image

Tested for ovarian cancet

No symptoms or pain just stress incontinence also.foynd a anterior wall prolapse...

Advice 1rst recurrence

Hi, I was diagnosed on Dec 2019, high grade fallopian tube cancer in stage 1, ha...

Hernia Repair

Debulking & Hernia Repair: Has anyone had a debulking surgery followed by herni...

OvaCare receiving a global impact award

We are delighted to let you know OvaCare is receiving a global impact award from...
Ovacare2 profile image

Sad News on loss of 2 OvaCare members

It is with great sadness that we let you know about the loss of 2 of our wonderf...
Ovacare2 profile image

Ovarian mass laparascopic surgery

Please read my profile as I feel all my issues are there.thank you

Raised CA125

Hi everyone. I'm just wondering if anyone can share a similar experience to mine...

Treatment others have been having

I am presently on Avastin post chemotherapy which I completed in September ...
Setdance profile image
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