Persistent UTI's, appears only with sexual ... - Women's Health

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Persistent UTI's, appears only with sexual activity without protection

tere126 profile image
3 Replies

History of urinary tract infection I have had this infection for 3 years, Escherichia coli always comes out in the urine culture, except for one time when Proteus came out.

For treatment I have used ciprofloxacin, amikacin, nitrofurantoin, levofloxacin (but there was resistance to it), Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, trimethopin, fosfomycin.

I have polycystic ovary syndrome, the gynecologist explained to me that this generates intestinal dysbiosis and from there also vaginal dysbiosis.

I have already seen a urologist, where I had an ultrasound, uroflowmetry, and many urine tests, where everything went well, only hypomagnesuria. He gave me a very long treatment for stones with potassium chloride, and I take magnesium every day.

I also saw an infectious disease specialist, he sent me a combined treatment of amikacin, plus ciprofloxacin and nitrofurantoin, the latter for 3 months.

I also consulted a nephrologist. I even consulted a dermatologist who attends for another issue, but when I saw that she specialized in treating sexually transmitted infections, I decided to ask her opinion. So far, she has been the one who has understood the situation the most, because I told her that previously, at the beginning of this year, Alex and I decided to do other tests. So we went a few weeks without sexual contact and the infection did not occur, and then we resumed with a condom and everything remained fine, we finished with the usual modality and the infection reappeared.

After this we measure ourselves with a pH tape, both the precum, the semen and the walls of the vagina.

On the one hand, the vagina was quite acidic and the semen was quite alkaline. Well, the dermatologist understood all this and she recommended that I always take probiotics (which she had already been taking as well as blueberry capsules), and use probiotic suppositories, hyaluronic acid gel and also hyaluronic acid suppositories. Everything that she recommended to me has helped me with lubrication, I don't get so irritated anymore.

The last treatment with antibiotics was taken by my partner and I, and even with that I already have symptoms again, 7 days after finishing the treatment.

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tere126 profile image
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3 Replies
janfarrugia profile image

I am not sure I can be of much help as my UTIs are due to radiation damage

BUT - I was out on a prophylactic dose of Nitrofurantoin for months because every time I came off a regular dose the infection returned. But the same thing happened when I stopped the prophylactic dose. I have since been advised not to take prophylactic doses and instead I am just about managing with Methenamine Hippurate and D Mannose

Hope this helps

I'm positive probiotics have caused me to get serious UTIs more than once. Yogurt, sauerkraut, and other natural fermented products never do it.

HowNowWhatNow profile image


Has your partner been treated for this? Might he be a silent carrier? And are you very careful about hand washing?

Hiprex - has saved one woman I know from constant UTIs.

Pessaries of oestrogen are recommended for women of peri age, and that helps a lot with UTIs in trials. I would be asking my dermo to trial a course of these next whether I was peri or not.

Douching after sex (washing) and going to the loo immediately afterwards - is supposed to be very important with UTI prevention.

Sounds like you’ve already tried a lot so will have tried these.

Also wondering if using any lubricants (water based, presumably) would help, too, if not already.