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Prostate Cancer Network

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My AS is coming to an end. Moffitt recommended that I address my cancer. Leaning...
twoodogs profile image

PSA Rising

RP 2 years and four months ago. PSA went from <.02 to currently .27, Testostero...
Gulfrider profile image

Targeted Biopsy

I live on the east coast of North Carolina. I’m looking for top choices of medi...
Scvol profile image

After Orgovyx

Age 76, diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in December 2021. PSA was 8.6, b...
BubbaC profile image

Recent diagnosis questions & concerns, please respond to any that you can

Ten questions/concerns, not necessarily in priority order: Prostate Cancer was ...
G6AS profile image

PSA continues rise...PSMA remains good

To briefly review, now 69 years old, had RP at Hopkins in Feb 2018. Gleason 4+5...
Nittany profile image

PSA 8 months after EBRT

I need some reassurance. I tend to worry a little bit so please let me know if t...

Ultrahypofractional RT and ADT for Int. Risk PC

I am a 60 year old recently diagnosed PC with a PSA of 11.3 and ultra sound bi...
Hidden profile image

Post radiation and low(er) testosterone

Hi, Just wondering if anyone has had similar experience. I had radiation for pr...
TonyTx profile image

A question about hot flashes

I ended my Eligard shots about 2 months ago. I still get hot flashes. Are hot fl...
Eadgbe profile image

why so many my dad posts ?

I often wonder why so many my dad posts ? Maybe because my dad died at 63… and I...

My prostate journey and testosterone side effects

I have been following this website for over a year now and have learned so much ...
PT49 profile image

SBRT fiducials

Do most RO's use fiducials for SBRT or is there another way for them to see the ...
twoodogs profile image

Side effect of Lupron

We have a quesiton about swelling foot and ankle after Lupron injection and wond...
kiyo profile image

Need advice/experiences re:incontinence post-RARP at 76

Hi everyone~ Well, my hubbie's RARP in Chicago on 5/13 went well as far as no s...
AliceinW57 profile image

Signifficant PSA LEVELS

I'm an 81 year old man who has had an enlarged prostate for several months. PSA ...
apttony profile image

provenge before metastasis

Is there a current Cancer Center that is a leader in immunotherapy Would there...
Vortex12 profile image

Blood in urine

Hi all. This is my first post here. I had a robotic radical prostatectomy three...

Does urinary frequency/urgency diminish after cessation of ADT?

I’m on the last month of a one year course of Orgovyx/Nubeqa for 4+3, 4.7PSA (no...
SongofFred profile image

Hypogonadism, heat flushing, and testosterone replacement

Hi all, It is almost a year since I had my external beam radiation for Gleason...
Smarks42 profile image

PSA is back

I was 51 yr old diagnosed with Prostate cancer state 1 with a PSA 4.7. Gleasons...
LBbeachbum profile image

PSA level from 4 (Dec 2023) to 22 (present)

Hello, I am posting on behalf of my father. He tested a level of 4 PSA back ...

Looking for medical oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering.

I was diagnosed one year ago with two very small tumors, one on each lobe. Glea...
bubularich profile image

First PSA post surgery

Hello, Just had my first 3 month PSA test post surgery. <0.01. Good news but n...
Granolaberry profile image

Hot flashes?

On ADT and suffering?...
Don_1213 profile image

High risk Decipher score, what now?

Hello, Im a 61 year old man, IIB, T2c, no mo, classified as unfavorable intermed...
Surfer33 profile image

Off piste

5 weeks post SBRT 5 sessions for low risk intermediate, I have family, 3 daughte...
pd63 profile image

Manuka honey does it help

I have locally advanced prostate cancer, finished treatment rt/ht 2016,psa at th...
Radars profile image

How long should I expect SE after Eligard.

I am 6-7 weeks out from my last monthly 6-month Eligard shot. I am still experie...
Eadgbe profile image

Need info on blood in urine

Diagnosed with prostate cancer 4 1/2 years ago. Had prostate removed Sept. 2019 ...
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Newly diagnosed? On Active Surveillance? You've got brothers here! What's next after surgery or radiation? Imp...

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