relentless bowel movements : hello, I have... - IBS Network

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relentless bowel movements

GKT1969 profile image
12 Replies

hello, I have posted on this platform before and I appreciate the feedback I have received. May IBS issues though persist. Today I have had close to 25 significant bowel movements not water but thick, heavy stools despite the fact that I consume little food throughout the day. And after 25 bowel movements my colon is still full of stool and the pain and pressure I feel is intolerable. I have been checked,for bile acid, numerous bold and stool work, 3 colonoscopies, two endoscopies, Sitz marker studies. You name if I have had it. I have learned a lot about what I haven’t got but nothing on why I have these constant and relentless stool burden and movements. I am distressed and depressed which I am sure doesn’t help. I am taking amittrialine for depression and that has helped with pain. Has anyone have any advice as to why I have these constant bowel movements or any treatment that helps to relieve some of the symptoms. I try not to panic and be frightened but it’s hard to suppress these reactions. Thank you

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GKT1969 profile image
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12 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

This is clearly excessive. You should talk to your gastroenterologist ASAP. This is no way to live.

Misspomfrey profile image

Surely they should have some idea of why this is happening, it sounds just awful and no wonder you're depressed. If you eat very little then where is it all coming from? In my own case, I can have 3 or 4 what seems like complete bowel movements in one day when I get a flare up especially when I'm anxious. This is not watery either, but proper BMs. I too wonder where it comes from when prior to this I've been going regularly each day till this flares up, with no constipation, but quite normal. Then I'll have one day not going at all after this, then back to normal. Something should be done to help you with this though. Do you use Probiotics? I have recently changed my usual probiotics to some different ones that have less strains and are for Histamine Intolerance. They have made a huge difference compared to what I was like prior to taking them. I have also cut out and reduced High Histamine foods.

Dollymae06 profile image
Dollymae06 in reply to Misspomfrey

Hi Misspomfrey what probiotics have you changed to I am having very similar problems but also have fecal accidents.

HowNowWhatNow profile image
HowNowWhatNow in reply to Dollymae06

I am not on commission (!) and have no connection to this product but I just saw this and came to say I know two people who have fixed their IBS diaorrhea symptoms using Symprove. Such a pity it is as expensive as it is. I don’t know whether it is prescribed on the NHS.

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to Dollymae06

I changed to JeaKen Probiotics with Prebiotics. I wasn't expecting much from to be honest and after a week and no difference at all, I was ready to throw in the towel. But then I thought , I'd paid for them so might as well see the bottle through. Then after 2 weeks I started to feel a significant difference. My BMs became more consistent and regular instead of the usual ' all shapes, sizes and thicknesses' they have become more 'normal' for want of a better word. My mood also changed and my anxiety has eased quite a lot. I'm not worrying the same about it all and in turn my anxiety is a lot better. It might not be all to do with the Probiotics though, I also cut out high histamine foods and cut down on others. Like Tomatoes, Strawberries, mainly. I still have a banana when I go walking for the day and these are from the plantain family and are high in histamines, but i just can't do without one. there's a list of foods on line that are high in histamines and I think this is where a lot of my problems lie. You don't have to cut them out completely, just have small amounts of some foods, but I think tomatoes and Strawberries have been adding to my troubles for years. All in all it's a combination of thing's I'm doing now that has made my life better. I still get the flare ups and IBS won't go away, but I feel now that I'm in control of it and not it controlling me.

I'm convinced these probiotics are helping me a lot now, I've been taking them for 6 weeks or so, 2 a day with water on an empty stomach, then eating about an hour or so later. I tried going down to one a day but I didn't feel very good the next day. I don't know if there's any others to try that aren't costing the earth, these are the only ones I've tried up to now and they aren't too expensive.

Frasina profile image

Find a new gastro consultant as there is likely to be an underlying cause and if colonoscopies are not picking it up then maybe you need tests like a pillcam... IBS can produce excessive BM but 25 seems really high especially if this is may well have some form of IBD/crohn's which does not show up on some tests so I would get a second opinion.

Sparrow58 profile image

25 in one day seems excessive. Is this everyday or is it a build up? One of the side effects of amitriptyline is constipation. It sounds awful and you must be in and out of the loo all day. I have read that raising your feet so you are in a squatting position can help but have not tried it as I am more on the looser side. You say you are not eating alot which is not good for you as you make miss out on minerals. fibre etc. If you do have a gastro I would discuss with them.

GKT1969 profile image

hi everyone thanks for your feedback. Yes, every day I have 15 to 25 bowel movements. Very thick and loose stool. It’s Grim and no one has any idea why I am suffering with this.

Husband2022 profile image

Have your liver bloods and auto antibody blood markers been checked?

GKT1969 profile image

I have had blood and stool tests but not sure if these included antibody markers. May I ask what these test might indicate? I can follow up with my GI and primary care doctors. Thanks for replying

Husband2022 profile image
Husband2022 in reply to GKT1969

I had similar but not as many bowel movements, maybe 10 a day - convinced I had bowel cancer or other bowel issue. I didn’t, but I did have an autoimmune liver disease. In my case the tests were HEp-2 cell autoanb screen test; Cell tissue autoab screen test; and liver function blood tests. And a liver biopsy.

Rabbit2632 profile image

What’s your fecalprotein stool test number and ask for a pill camera to go through your small intestine.

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