Shingles vaccine and atrial fibrillation - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Shingles vaccine and atrial fibrillation

Poluneeru profile image
44 Replies

Hi, My GP is recommending shingles vaccine. I am just concerned if it will cause atrial fibrillation. Any one had shingles vaccines with no adverse effects like atrial fibrillationThanks


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Poluneeru profile image
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44 Replies
BobD profile image

Yes back when I "came of age" I still had AF but no effect from vaccine. Best grab it fast! (Mind you I only caught chicken pox at age 35--- thought I was dying--- and you can't have shingles without having had chickenpox. )

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to BobD

Actually you can - my grandson developed juvenile shingles which he caught from his father and neither had chickenpox that we know of but of course they could have been exposed to the virus, certainly my son had as his brother caught it as a child.

CDreamer profile image

Yes, had the new attenuated vaccine in two doses, three months apart because of my medical history. Yes it triggered AF episode but soon passed. Believe you me you do NOT want Shingles so a brief episode of AF is far preferable. Shingles is very painful, had one dose and was quite ill with it even though I took the antivirals within 24 hours of developing the first signs. I have a neighbour who developed shingles, she fell between two stools and was not eligible for the vaccine, which went into their eye and is now threatening her sight. I didn’t go for either the flu or COVID vaccines but would strongly recommend getting the shingles vaccine.

If you don’t grab it when offered you may not get another opportunity.

pusillanimous profile image
pusillanimous in reply to CDreamer

Thank you for your comment I've been procrastinating about getting the Shingles Vac - here in South Africa it is very expensive! and I have been concerned about an 'episode' of AF. because the last pneumococcal one I had (we have them every 5 years here) put me into AF! I had 2 Covids in 2021, with no ill effect, but decided that is enough for the time being as our government seems to have forgotten about it having wasted millions on vaccine which had a very poor uptake. The annual 'flu is due about now, and I'm thinking about it as I find the older I get, the less tolerant of various medications, I become!

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to pusillanimous

My grandmother was in a terrible state with shingles. The pustules on her torso got infected (she lived on a farm and hygiene was a little lax at times, with animals in the house if they needed warming up for some reason, or nursing) and then she got it again a bit later in her scalp and that went into her eye and she lost the sight in it and the eye died and went milky white. I have permanent AF. I'd jump at the chance of a shingles vaccine but I'm too young.

pusillanimous profile image
pusillanimous in reply to FancyPants54

You've made my mind up !

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to pusillanimous

Good. Shingles left my once vibrant and fully engaged farmer gran a broken shell.

CDreamer profile image

You might be interested in this members experience of suffering from shingles - see this post just a few posts prior to yours -

Poluneeru profile image

Thank you all for quick response. I will get the shingles vaccine tomorrow.

opal11uk profile image

Ive had it and all was well so good luck x

Afbiff profile image

I had the shingles vaccine too and all was well

dexter8479 profile image

Yes, I had first dose three weeks ago, didn't set off an episode. But it was very sore, and I was wiped out with tiredness for a day - much more than the covid or flu jags. I read the leaflet, both are very common side effects, and interestingly, it said that people aged 18-69 had a stronger response to the side effects than over 70s. But I'll definitely be taking up the second dose when called. I don't know if I ever had chicken pox as a child, but I've known people with shingles, and it's really awful.

Lupaal profile image

Had it last year with no problems.

OldJane profile image

it was fine for me!

kayberry profile image

yes, I did have the two shingles shots. No AFIB. Eith First shot arm, shoulder and one side of neck developed moderate pain very shortly afterward, which was very unusual for me with vaccinations. I put ice on injection site/shoulder/neck pain which subsided in couple of hours . Wallah!! That was the end of that . Second one, I applied ice soon after receipt… no pain or problems developed at all, No Afib. I am not much for vaccines, but my neighbor got shingles and it went to her eye and there was great fear she would lose her sight; after many months of intense treatment and several visits per week to opthomologist/infection specialist, untold medications per day, she is still not 100%. Get the two Shingles shots!

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image


I wouldn't have one.

I had chicken pox at an early age and then I nursed my 80s Mum with shingles.

You need two shots apart. If 65 here free but if left high cost.

It is tied up with anxiety. I would regard myself as a non anxious person.

cheri jOY. 75. 9NZ

Ppiman profile image

Yes, with my second one due shortly. The vaccine was safe and had no effect on my palpitations or AF. I have read a study that showed one extra effect was that the vaccine protected from the heart disease and stroke that shingles can bring in its wake thanks to its inflammation the disease causes.


Marsland profile image

I had a shingles vaccination with out any problems at all. Shingles is far worse than an episode of AF.

AfibSufferer profile image

Had my 1st Shingles and Pneumonia vaccinations yesterday. No problems with AF so far. Just two sore arms.

Domino49 profile image

I had the one dose shingles vaccine last year. Also had the pneumonia one at the same time. I had no adverse reactions. I decided to after advice from my brother who had really bad shingles, suffering the after effects for more than 12 months.

Silvasava profile image

Had the two dose shingles jab last year, no issues at all apart from a tender arm for a few days. I have DCM as well as Afib

Paulbounce profile image

There hasn't been any conclusive evidence linking the shingles vaccine to atrial fibrillation as far as i'm aware. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other health authorities recommend the shingles vaccine for eligible individuals, typically adults aged 50 and older.

Before receiving any vaccine, it's always a good idea to discuss your concerns with your doctor.

If you're unsure about proceeding with the shingles vaccine, your doctor can address your concerns and help you make an informed decision that's right for you. Remember, the ultimate goal of vaccination is to protect your health and well-being, and your doc is there to support you in achieving that goal.


Tapanac profile image

I had the shingles vaccine and so had my husband and no problems at all

Worth it as shingles horrible

All the best

Rosemaryb1349 profile image

I had the one dose shingles vaccine just over a year ago and had the pneumococcal vaccine at the same time. Whilst I had two tender arms for a few days it made no discernable difference to my Afib.

Eric48 profile image

I didn’t have any problems after my shingles jab or flu jabs but I did after the Covid vaccination, so now I avoid the boosters and take my chances, so far I have not had Covid!

stroller67 profile image

Hiya,I had my shingles jab and it was fine,no effects or problems with my a.f.,hope this helps.

Desanthony profile image

Had no problem from my Shingles jab. I didn't get Chickenpox or Mumps until I was in my 20's - how I missed all that when younger I don't know? Glad I had the jab as a friend of mine has had Shingles for months now ( he lives abroad and didn't have the jab) - since before Christmas and is very unwell and has been in a lot of pain all that time. I am lucky I haven't had Shingles but my Mum had it on her face and it left her disfigured. My wife had it at a young age (only a matter of a few years since she had had chickenpox) shook it off fast but said it was agony whilst it lasted and continued to have pain in the area of her back where the rash had been for many decades afterwards when she was tired or stressed.

Its up to you whether you have the jab or not but certainly on listening to other people's previous and current experience of Shingles would have it.

Clarrie profile image

I was due to have my shingles vaccine but caught shingles before I had it. I would not wish shingles on anyone and would certainly recommend having the vaccine. I had to wait 12 months after having shingles before I could have the vaccine but it didn't affect my AF.

Vonnegut profile image

Have it! I didn’t the first time it was offered as I had been told the pain in my upper back was the after effects of shingles though I hadn’t been aware of having had it! When I did get shingles the pain came before the rash from that back area and round my body and I couldn’t get an appointment at the surgery for almost two weeks by which time the pain had gone and the rash had appeared and presumably it was too late for an antiviral to be given. Then my paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and chronic fatigue began as a result of the virus!! I have had the jab now as I don’t want to go through anything like that again!! Have the jab as I wouldn’t wish my experience on anyone else!

hausjac profile image

Had Shingrix vax last week. No probs with AF but had the worst sore arm I've ever had from any vax which I understand is common with this one. Never had problems with Covid, Pneumo, holiday vaccinations but this one - ouch. Shingles itself I've had twice, the first time I slept upright for 6 weeks and couldn't wear a bra (sorry), the second time far less but certainly don't want it again especially as when you're older it seems to gravitate to one's face.

Quivery profile image

I had the 2 dose Shingrix vaccine last year, which I believe is the only one used in the USA, but has only recently become more mainstream here in the UK. The first one was fine, just a sore arm. However, the second one, 3 months later, made me feel quite unwell for over 12 hours, with fever, headache, severe tinnitus and general aches and pains, but no AF fortunately. The leaflet does warn of side effects, but I really wanted to avoid shingles which is very unpleasant and may have painful complications which can persist for many years.

Budken profile image

I would get it, if I were you. Shingles is no fun, and with Afib it could be a nightmare. I got mine two years ago. I had no problems with Afib. Warning, it hurts like hell, but that's it.

ainslie profile image

I had both Shingrix jabs around the time I was diag with ectopics and I’m still still checking for AF . By coincidence I asked my cardiologist yesterday if any of the Covid or Shingrix vaccines could kick off the heart issues, he said possibly but it would only have an effect for a few weeks.

I had no other sides from Shingrix, slight sore arm for few days, Shingrix is allegedly around 90% effective in preventing, ie it’s a vaccine that works as opposed to still getting Covid after 7 jabs in some cases.

I had shingles last year it’s no fun for sure, I had it on chest but some get it on face and eyes

doodle68 profile image

I had no problem with the shingles vaccine and AF. I had shingles some years ago and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy so was eager to have the vaccine in the hope I never get it again .

Thomas45 profile image

No adverse effects for me from Shingles vaccine.

Dollcollector profile image

Does anyone know why only people of a certain age can have the shingles vaccination. Why not everybody or every elderly person have it.? I appear to have missed out.

Dodie117 profile image

here in Ireland it’s not available on medical card so have to pay about €400 for it. So grab it and be glad of it

I had shingles in my late teens but I think you can get it again??

ozziebob profile image
ozziebob in reply to Dodie117

Yes you certainly can. Twice for me, so far. 🤕 But I've had the vaccine since.

Dodie117 profile image
Dodie117 in reply to ozziebob

Thanks. I might have to bite the bullet!

Crystalbowl profile image

I am in permanent AF now as far as I know which is asymptomatic and also in heart failure. I didn’t get the vaccine when I got to 70 and then got shingles at 72. I still have pain from it 5 years’ later. Believe me, you do not want shingles. This pain has wrecked my life. I have subsequently had the older vaccine, Zostavax, as I was told the newer one, Shingrix, was not being given in the U.K. although I believe this is now changing as it is supposed to be a more effective virus. The reason I didn’t get the vaccine initially was for another reason not to do with AF.

djmnet profile image

I had the Shingrix vaccine does two years ago with no problems with my afib. You don't want shingles, ever!

sponable98 profile image

Had original shingles vaccine years ago, and update with new 2 dose 1 year ago. No AF episodes occurred after any of the shots. Good luck. Had shingles when I was 30, trust me, you don't want it!!

LJjr profile image

Had the vaccines and no A-fib correlated to the vaccines.

Madscientist16 profile image

Had both shingles vaccine doses with no AF issues.

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