Solutions needed to manage nerve pains ( Post ... - CLL Support

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Solutions needed to manage nerve pains ( Post herpetic neuralgia ) after shingles .

Oldscores1 profile image
28 Replies

I was diagnosed of CLL in 2021. Had FCR as first line treatment. Was on remission for about a year before relapse. Currently on Ibrutinib since 5 months now.

I had shingles on my left leg about 3 months ago. Was treated with Acyclovir. The sores and blisters have gone but the nerve pains( especially around my knees and thigh) have been hellish.

I have been on Co codamol/DF 118 and pregabalin since but the pains are still there.

Anyone with a useful info on what to do? Any idea when the pains will stop ?

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Oldscores1 profile image
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28 Replies
SofiaDeo profile image

The literature states gabapentin is also effective in cases of post herpetic peripheral neuropathy. Perhaps trying that will help? Patients do react differently to different meds.

Oldscores1 profile image
Oldscores1 in reply to SofiaDeo

Thanks for your response. I will seek the Hematologist opinion on Gabapentin.

noeagaman profile image
noeagaman in reply to Oldscores1

I have been taking Gabapentin since about 2010 for nerve pain and it really helps. If I lay off of the pills for a while the pain comes back so I know that it works for me. My doctor tried Lirica for this first and I had a bad reaction to my sight.


esn1967 profile image
esn1967 in reply to Oldscores1

Chiming in...I've been on gabapentin for nerve pain since 2018. At first I was taking a dose of 1800 mg per day but I'm down to 600 mg per day.

Sepsur profile image

As a result of having peripheral neuropathy after a long ICU stay, I was prescribed magnesium & vitamin b & d

B vitamins are known to promote healthy nervous system function. Vitamins B-1, B-6, and B-12 have been found to be especially beneficial for treating neuropathy. Vitamin B-1 helps to reduce pain and inflammation and vitamin B-6 preserves the covering on nerve endings. B-12 is also essential for proper neurological function and a B-12 deficiency can actually cause neuropathy. B vitamins can be supplemented or can be found in eggs, seafood, fortified cereals, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and poultry. 

Oldscores1 profile image
Oldscores1 in reply to Sepsur

I actually tried the B vitamins for about a month and then stopped. Maybe am rather impatient.

Also, are you free from the neuropathy pains now as a result of the prescription you mentioned?

Sepsur profile image
Sepsur in reply to Oldscores1

Nerves repair ( if they can repair and aren’t damaged beyond repair) at 1mm a day - so any form of help will take time.

I couldn’t feel my toes & tops of feet - whereas the soles of my feet were hyper sensitive - tiled floor felt like a pebble beach 18months later, I had full normal sensation

Oldscores1 profile image
Oldscores1 in reply to Sepsur

Thank you for the response. I guess patience is the only option left now.

Sepsur profile image
Sepsur in reply to Oldscores1

I’m only talking about what was explained to me - I hope it is helpful BUT we are all different - what’s good for the goose ain’t necessarily good for the gander - still it’s worth mentioning to your medical team.

AussieNeil profile image

I commenced using gabapentin as prescribed by my GP, then switched to pregabalin, when my CLL specialist said he found it worked better for his patients. I needed 150% of the recommended daily dose to mostly manage the pain. If you decide to try changing to gabapentin as SofiaDeo suggests, be aware that there is a seizure risk if you change your dose suddenly and there is no agreed best method to swap. The recommended options are to reduce one over a week while increasing the other, to wean off one over a week and then gradually increase the dose of the other (who could stand the pain? ) or do an immediate swap. I opted for the first approach.

As to how long before the postherpetic pain will end, some have to live with the pain for the rest of their lives. Some end up with permanent nerve damage (neuropathy), others have permanent sight and hearing loss. That's why I recommend the Shingrix vaccination to hopefully reduce these risks, which are significant and increase with age.

I'm still taking pregabalin daily after developing shingles back in July 2022. Thankfully I've been able to reduce my dose, because pregabalin suppressed my platelet and neutrophil production.


Oldscores1 profile image
Oldscores1 in reply to AussieNeil

Thanks for your response. I have been having low neutrophils and platelets as well, could pregabalin be contributing ? I thought it was caused by Ibrutinib alone ? I had to suspend the pregabalin and pain meds as am not getting much relief from them

I had to be given a shot of Pegfilgrastim to boost the WBC/neutrophils. The platelet count from my results over the weekend is less than 100 even though am on Eltrombopag for two weeks plus now.

The whole thing is confusing.

AussieNeil profile image
AussieNeilPartnerAdministrator in reply to Oldscores1

The Pregabalin was fairly conclusively the cause of my thrombocytopenia and neutropenia, but the drops were only mild.

sallylou profile image
sallylou in reply to AussieNeil

I had Shingles vacine 11years ago on the advice of my first CLL doctor. Now I have just been diagnosed with Shingles. My current CLL doctor never said a word about maybe updating and getting another shingles vaccine, I thought I was good, didnt even think about it. Once this over I'm going for the vaccine, they say you can have even if you have had shingles.


Oldscores1 profile image
Oldscores1 in reply to sallylou

Sorry about that. Sometimes, the doctors don't remember to advise

Phillipb profile image

my wife has been living with nerve pain for over 25 years, not due to shingles but an operation on her spine which left her as an incomplete paraplegic. She has been on gabepentin since then but what has really helped her in the last few years has been cbd oil. She uses one without thc so there’s no risk of addiction.

Phiphiminux profile image
Phiphiminux in reply to Phillipb

Hi How is your wife using CBD oil ? Is it on her skin ?

Phillipb profile image
Phillipb in reply to Phiphiminux

Drops under her tongue.

Oldscores1 profile image
Oldscores1 in reply to Phillipb

Wow!! 25 years!!! She is a strong woman. I will make enquiry as regards the CBD oil.

mush56 profile image

I had shingles in 2017 just as I had finished FCR I tried all sorts , but have been on Gabapentin and find these have been the best . Shingles has raised its ugly head again lately with small rash and very tender with clothing touching it so upped my gabapentin and found a great help I hope you find something that helps you as the pain is awful .

Graham2222 profile image

I took pregabalin in a higher dose for a few months. But there is some adverse media comment around the drug at present because of the known side-effects around mental health.

Oldscores1 profile image
Oldscores1 in reply to Graham2222

Has your pains stopped now?

Graham2222 profile image
Graham2222 in reply to Oldscores1

Yes thank you.

mamajb profile image

My adult child has severe nerve pain due to a spinal syrinx. They are being followed by a pain clinic and have tried many different pain killers over the past 18 months. The pain never goes away, but it is being managed somewhat with a combination of pregabalin and ketamine troches. The ketamine was the most helpful by far of all the things tried (tramadol, low-dose naltrexone, buprenorphine patches, belbuca). It doesn't leave them feeling groggy at all.

cyclist123 profile image

I've had a similar case but with indeterminant test results (not enough fluid in the rash pustules for a good sample). Similar skin chafing on clothes and knee pain. I'm going the route of vitamin supplementation (haven't found a magnesium I can tolerate) and non surgical methods to increase circulation to nerves. Good luck to you whatever you try. I'm curious about eltrombopag with a platelet count near 100.

OWLS26 profile image

I have been suffering from PHN after shingles for over 2 years. I take the maximum dosages of pregabalin, duloxatine, codeine and paracetamol as well as a daily lidocaine patch. It takes the edge off the pain. I'm not sure which ones are effective. I haven't add any adverse side effects and I am almost at the end of my venetoclax / co-trimoxazole treatment and this has gone well.

I think a lot of the adverse media comment relates to the drug being used illegally rather than on prescription. The first time I took it and had a few beers people had massive heads and the clouds were purple but since then no impact when having a moderate drink !

Big_Dee profile image

Hello Oldscores1

I had shingles about a year ago. I took gabapentin and bathed in tub of warm water with one cup of Epson salts and cup of baking sodas. The baths resolved shingles eruptions in about a week and nerve pain was gone after one month. Blessings.

Oldscores1 profile image

Wow !! Best news thus far. I should try the bathing with the salt and soda.

SofiaDeo profile image
SofiaDeo in reply to Oldscores1

It seems bathing with various salts was once widely prescribed but fell out of use:

The aforementioned article suggests revisiting the practice, and practioners are investigating & recommending:

I have very dry skin & also like Dead Sea salts. They are high in magnesium like Epsom Salts, but have a few other minerals too. I like the psychological effect of using Dead Sea salt, it makes me feel more like I am at a spa hahaha!

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