Thank you to our volunteers!: It's volunteers' week... - PMRGCAuk


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Thank you to our volunteers!

Fran_Benson profile image
75 Replies

It's volunteers' week this week and we want to thank all our volunteers who help across the charity.

Here, on our forum, a big thank you to   PMRpro and DorsetLady who spend a huge amount of their time going through all the posts and replies and answering questions.

Also thank you to our support group organisers, helpline volunteers, patient research participants, people who send out our information packs, Christmas cards, organise events, fundraise and so much more.

We really couldn't do it without you #volunteersweek

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Fran_Benson profile image
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75 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer


PMRpro profile image

We try our best 😇

If you meant to link us, you either forgot to select from the list or it didn't work (more likely knowing HU!)

Fran_Benson profile image
Fran_BensonPartner in reply to PMRpro

I noticed it didn't work but had to rush off to do something else!

Fran_Benson profile image
Fran_BensonPartner in reply to Fran_Benson

First time round it didn't show the list. Second time round it allowed me to link you but not DorsetLady!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Fran_Benson

Now I am getting paranoid...🤦‍♀️

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Fran_Benson

What's more important than us pray? but as you said, we read everything 😊

Fran_Benson profile image
Fran_BensonPartner in reply to DorsetLady

Finally got it to work :)

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Fran_Benson

Actually, I've noticed it being a bit finicky lately. The list sometimes only appears at one particular stage of typing the name and then disappears again, if you miss that, you can mess about for a while.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Fran_Benson

We'll let you off. Though what could possibly be more important than us? Hope it was worth it ...

herdysheep profile image

Hopefully HU will allow us to thank all who keep us going. Huge thanks 😘

Sharitone profile image

Yes, thank you all bigly😀

123-go profile image
123-go in reply to Sharitone


Longtimer profile image

I wouldn't have managed over the years without the volunteers on here, they know who they are!....have had to go on other comparison.....Thank you very much...

Charlie1boy profile image

A big thanks from me too. I’m off pred now for nearly two years, but was helped tremendously by this Forum. Wouldn’t have managed without it.


DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Charlie1boy

Yes, but you also have to remember you are returning the favour now…. What goes round, comes round…😊

Charlie1boy profile image
Charlie1boy in reply to DorsetLady

As long as it doesn’t come round again, 🤪

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Charlie1boy

I didn’t mean PMR, I meant advice…but you knew that anyway 😊..

Charlie1boy profile image
Charlie1boy in reply to DorsetLady

Yes, you’re on my wave length! Am always wary re advice, and generally stick with my experience. It was always much easier at our Coventry meet ups, but they’ve unfortunately stopped now.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Charlie1boy

That's a shame - no demand?

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Charlie1boy

Yes but your experience will help others… if only to know they aren’t alone.

Did Coventry close due to lockdowns… ours did, and never seemed to get going again…until just recently under new organiser.

Charlie1boy profile image
Charlie1boy in reply to DorsetLady

Basically, exactly that. Lockdown was the culprit, and we just didn’t manage to get off the ground again - mainly with numbers. We had to cancel a meeting with Dasgupta at the start of lockdown, and that was to be for the whole Midlands area; a great shame. And then, our very conscientious organiser felt she’d had enough - quite understandably.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Charlie1boy

May also depend on size and type of meetings… ours were always very informal and relatively small… much like the county!

But I would image if you are running a busier one with speakers to arrange, it can become too much at times…

Charlie1boy profile image
Charlie1boy in reply to DorsetLady

No, we were very informal, and I found the meetings were really constructive.

I think, to be honest that it was primarily a numbers issue. We did discuss this, and never could understand why more people didn’t come.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Charlie1boy

Maybe distance to travel/regularity? Who knows... for me , ours was about 22 miles away, but only every 3 months... so not a problem.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Charlie1boy

Maybe worth seeing if a few would like to meet just as a small coffe group? Can't hurt to ask on the forum.

Charlie1boy profile image
Charlie1boy in reply to PMRpro

Basically, that’s how we ended up. There were four of us left - all travelling a fair distance, and having a coffee and chat.

As a Northerner, I guess we would have done better up north! Seems it was less easy to motivate people here.

It was good while it lasted. 😁

Conundrum profile image

yes, huge thank you for always being there providing sound advise and comfort 😊

prunus profile image

I am very grateful to both of them but without the benefit of PMR pros medical knowledge I would not be as well equipped as I am today.

Mfaepink1973 profile image

Sending a big thank you to PMRpro and DorsetLady (and also SnazzyD and Sheffield Jane and others who give advice regularly ) for all the time you give to answering our questions and giving such good advice. I wish some of our GPS would come on this site as a lot of them seem to be uninformed or misinformed

Zak61 profile image
Zak61 in reply to Mfaepink1973

I shared the site with the "Clinical Practitioner" at my GP practice and in particular the link to the DSNS taper. Thanks to you, we're doing that together. (7/6 week 3 - doing OK!)

HelenDaisy profile image

you are all a lifeline, and hugely appreciated. I’m so glad I found this site. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Abcd123455 profile image

big thank you from me too, amazingly supportive people x

Thiago1396 profile image

A HUGE thank you from me to all volunteers on here. And to many others who have posted their issues, for volunteers to answer. This wonderful group has help me and thousands, manage these two diseases far better than we could without them. 👏👏👏

Washbrook profile image

This is a great forum. I don’t say much, but the advice I gave gleaned is invaluable and has kept me going. A huge huge thank you 🙏

ChrissieHW profile image

And a huge thank you from me as well for all the support I’ve received- invaluable!! 👍

Kiwisufferer2019 profile image

I would also like to thank this amazing forum for all the help and advice I have received, to the people who give their time and knowledge so freely, it is much appreciated from the other side of the world, in NewZealand. We have nothing like this. My only regret is I didn't find you before I did. Thank you all


Pippah45 profile image

Heart felt thanks from me too you have all made the journey so much better than it would have been without this Forum! I know how low I would have got without your help. THANK YOU

Almostaweed profile image

Yes, big thanks to DorsetLady and PMRpro for helping us understand PMR and find a pathway through it.

Bridge31 profile image

Wonderful people. Their dedication to helping us all is fantastic. 🦋🌸👏🌸🦋

Miacaro45 profile image

Not all has such knowledgeable and caring individuals. We are so fortunate. A big thank you.

Kendrew profile image

There will never be the right words to express my gratitude and appreciation for all the support and advice I've received regularly from a consistent group of people here (you know who you are) You make this condition so much easier to deal with, tirelessly & repeatedly reassuring & supporting us, and that is priceless.

Thankyou so much.

Rubha profile image

really appreciated ….thank you.

Thank You So So much to the Volunteers. I am so very grateful. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

AshPen9 profile image

I was lucky to find this forum soon after I developed my autoimmune condition, and it has been such a great help. Not just with the basics, it has been like having your hand held. So supportive and always someone out there for you when you need advice or just feel miserable. Thanks to all of you very kind people.

Doraflora profile image

a huge thank you to PMRpro, Dorset Lady and all the other lovely people who give us all so much support in everything. It means such a lot to me personally knowing these people are there for us. Thank you 😘

sampete profile image

A huge thank you to all who have helped me over four years with their advice, especially PMR pro and Dorset Lady. Can't believe some of the things I would never have known had I not been on this site, including all the pitfalls of doing things I shouldn't do. So once again a huge thank you for all you do. 😘💐

Hulotsholiday profile image

A huge thank you from me for all the advice and support I’ve received over the years. Your help is immeasurable and truly appreciated. 👏🏻

Numptybrain profile image

A huge thank you Dorset lady and PMR pro you’ve been so helpful and supportive.

Wendy xx

Positive__ profile image

Yes, please can I add a huge Thank You to DorsetLady and PMRPro (and SnazzyD and all the amazing people who offer help and advice). Thank you for being Fantastic and Wonderful! 👏 I do really marvel at the considerable time and effort DorsetLady, PMRPro and all volunteers take to welcome everyone so warmly and tirelessly and kindly offer so much help. I am amazed at your kindness. 😘 It has really meant so much to me. Thank You. 💐

S4ndy profile image

This site has seen me through some very tough times. Will be forever grateful for all the kindness and fabulous advice. Thanks to you all xxx

pegpowell profile image

I too have been helped, starting 2016 with another forum that introduced me to PMRpro, and shortly thereafter with HU. So many conversations interspersed with medical trials for all the different ailments we all come up with. Thank you so much for all you do.

Sophiestree profile image

I often think of the HUGE commitment volunteering on this site takes. I have done a few things over the years but find it overwhelming and end up having to stop. It is a credit to you all that you take the time to share and the expertise in the knowledge is better than a lot of medics I have come across, and trust me, as someone who is drowning in the medical profession in my family, I really mean it.

Vide profile image

Massive Thank you to all of you for the support and hard work and special effort I'm sure we all agree that we couldn't get through this without you all ❤️❤️❤️ xxx

Sumojo profile image

To all the volunteers at HealthUnlocked I send my thanks. This site for PMR

has saved my sanity. I learn something new each day. You’ve stopped me feeling alone as I know no one else with PMR. You’ve given me confidence in knowing my own body and the strength to tell the medics to butt out, that I now know more than they do about this condition.

Thank you to all but especially PMRpro and Dorset lady. I have no idea how you continue to answer the same questions over and over again. That you realise although they’re old to you for the person who’s asking its allnew, frightening and the unknown. Thank you x1000.


FleetRose profile image

A huge thank you from me, particularly to PMR Pro and DorsetLady but also to all the other volunteers. I do not know what I would have done without the support, knowledge and advice shared over the last couple of years. I would have been in a very dark place without you wonderful people. Thank you🙏

Evercurious profile image

Ever so grateful for the wise counsel given on this site and the volunteers who provide it!

Nightingales profile image

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your sound competent advice wrapped up with a sense of humour and warm kindness. You make a difference.

Yorksman profile image

Fully support the work done by DL and PMR Pro. Their contribution is what makes this forum so helpful.

How does one become a 'behind the scenes' volunteer?

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Yorksman

See this for starters -

Fund raise,

Start a support group in your area if there isn't already one - doesn't have to be an all whistles and bells one, you can just meet others for coffee and a chat...

Yorksman profile image
Yorksman in reply to DorsetLady

Thanks DL - that link is what I needed.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Yorksman

Doing what sort of thing? On the forum - just be here with founded accurate information and experience. There is a Helpline which I think can be "personed" from anywhere and various support groups if there is one near you. There is always fundraising if you are gifted like that. Contact Fran_Benson or SophieMB at the charity and they will direct you to the right person.

Yorksman profile image
Yorksman in reply to PMRpro

Thanks PMR pro - I thought I was contacting Fran Benson.

In her post she mentions people 'who send out information packs... and so much more'. That's the sort of thing I might be able to help with but need to know what options there are.

DL has sent me a useful link to Volunteering which I will follow up.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Yorksman

You were replying to Fran because she wrote the post - but I don't know if she will read every reply in detail as DL and I do as she only works part-time.

Fran_Benson profile image
Fran_BensonPartner in reply to Yorksman

Hi Yorksman, drop me an email ( if you'd like to find out a bit more about volunteering. We're always grateful for any help.

Greensleeves profile image

Agree PMRpro and DL are absolutely amazing. We couldn’t manage without them.

Thank you so much for all your insight, knowledge, hard work, support and time .

I appreciate everything they’ve done for us all.

There isn’t anywhere else with such an abundance of knowledge.

xx 🥂

Chicama profile image

This forum is a place of tremendous generosity and compassion; your ability to listen and tell those of us lucky enough to have found you the multiple realities of PMR seems boundless.

I owe a special thanks to PMRpro and DorsetLady, for empowering me.

Hope you all are finding new ways of enjoying the beginnings of a glorious Summer.

PS My bio has NOT been updated since last April; I will do that this month. Perhaps my experiences will help others. I’m feeling more myself!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Chicama

good to hear... and yes please do update bio..

Petros-1931 profile image

For so many years of excellent advice, of which there is never too much, thank you so much with admiration for your patience. Xxxx

Raven1955 profile image

Huge thanks from the bottom of my heart to PMRpro and DorsetLady! If not for finding HU many years ago and having their wise counsel, I shudder to think how things would have gone with the PMR. It was a total unknown to me and doctors information was mostly a confusion to me. You explained well and helped show me the path forward. After 8 years I'm now off of pred for a month and so far so good. Of course, any body twitch has me looking at the pred bottle lol!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Raven1955

Fingers crossed - but even if it isn't quite gone, you will probably be fine on a VERY low dose.

123-go profile image

I’d like to add my heartfelt thanks to all our volunteers and particularly DorsetLady and PMRpro whose eyes must be popping out of their heads by bedtime! Then, here they are again the next morning to encourage, reassure and expertly advise 👏👏👏. There are too many others to mention in their entirety but I must name SnazzyD and SheffieldJane. Seeing familiar names on each day’s posts is like meeting up with family and friends and warms the heart.❤️

Thank you, Fran for ALL you do 💐.

Blackcat1M profile image

I would like to say a Hugh thank you to PMRpro and DorsetLady for all their help and advice given to me over the years and also to everyone else.

Brooklyn747 profile image

I'm indebted and humbled by the goodness and hard work our volunteers give to us members on a daily basis. I only hope they are aware we hold them in high esteem as they enrich our lives with sound advice and knowledge of p.m.r. that most doctors lack.

A very big thank you and bless you all.

Tinasleepyhead profile image

It’s difficult to find the words to thank PMRpro and DorsetLady for helping me through my PMR journey.

My eternal gratitude for consistently answering my questions, at the drop of a hat.

Without all your wonderful help and advice I feel I certainly wouldn’t be where I am today.Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Tinasleepyhead

Thank you, but there’s no’s why we are here.

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