UTI Treatment: Can someone please tell... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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UTI Treatment

3rdNettydoon profile image
20 Replies

Can someone please tell me what antibiotic might be best fo a water infection. I'm so worried about a bad reaction since that's what I got with taking Nitrofurantoin.Thank you.

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3rdNettydoon profile image
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20 Replies
PaintLadie profile image

You can take D-mannose and blueberry and cranberry juice. D-mannose helps bind the bacteria and the blueberry and cranberry juice help flush it out. It is what I was advised to do at the herb store in my area and it works great.

Thrones12 profile image

Hi Netty best thing to do is try neutralise your urine by making lemon juice and water drinks and just sip on them most of the day..

I can’t have many of the antibiotics now but what I found after a lot of trial and error was that it was atrophy that was mimicking water infections.

Have you had a specimen sent to the labs and a positive result back?

I never once had a positive result back even though I have kidney stones so you can imagine how scared I was, I’ve passed quite a few in my time.

If your results are coming back negative for uti infections then assume it’s vaginal atrophy you have and get something like Yes lubricants or ask your gp for some vaginal cream or pessaries for atrophy,it’s very common and one of the joys of getting older..B12 treatment also helps considerably with atrophy anywhere.I went through years of hell with one antibiotic after another till eventually it got to a situation where I was reacting so badly to them all I can’t have any of them now and dread when I really do need them,it was torture when I got flare ups of HPylori because that needs to be treated with triple therapy ie two different antibiotics and a ppi ,that was quite a challenge lol.

Try the lemon and water just don’t make it too strong it will neutralise your urine and making weeing a lot easier best of luck x

Narwhal10 profile image

Oh bless you 3rdNettydoon,

The BNF does say that Nitrofurantoin should be prescribed with caution in PA/B12D and Iron Deficiency Anaemia. I hope you recovered reasonably quickly and reported on the MHRA’s Yellow Card Scheme.

Like Thrones12 has said a positive specimen result but you know your body best and UTI’s are swines. PaintLadie suggested D-mannose which I have used in the past and again, as Thrones12 has said flushing them out.

Unfortunately, for us women our bladder, uterus and bowels are in the pelvic area and when one is upset the others tend to become too. I do hope you find something that works for you.


P.S. I spend a lot of time in my bathroom and lots of time running to it.

Wheat profile image

hello 3rdNettydoon, I dread having antibiotics for uti's so you have my sympathy. At the first sign I use d mannose and cranberry tablets. So far so good. Lots of water to flush out too.

Ive also heard recommended 1/2 teasp. Bicarbonate of Soda 3 x daily for 2 days. A friend has taken Sodium Citrate.

All best wishes to you, x

Nackapan profile image

Lemon barley water helps .Lots if it.

The barley soothes the urethane

The lemon flushes germs out.

My mum. Has suffered for years with cystitis and utis .

Tried all sorts .

Cranberry actually irritated her bladder ?

EiCa profile image
EiCa in reply to Nackapan

I wonder if I overdid it. I used cranberry pills for cystitis and my bladder painfully swelled after two days.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to EiCa

Difficult isn't it ? 😕

grumpyold profile image

Amoxycillin is a broad spectrum antibiotic which cured a UTI I had. It was actually prescribed for a pending tooth abcess but cured both problems.

I was given a course lasting a week for the tooth, whereas courses for UTIs are generally only for 3 days for women. (Seven days for men, I was told, because their urethras are longer.)

A week of Nifurantoin cleared another UTI I had, which was still present after the standard 3 days.

Orchard33 profile image

I agree with Thrones. For UTIs prevention is vital. Ask your doc for topical HRT, Ovestin or similar, which counteract the vaginal atrophy. I've had a year of no UTI since I took it regularly and continuously.

MorningMist profile image
MorningMist in reply to Orchard33

I was prescribed pessaries but worry about taking them for ever, as I assume you need to. Even though the dose is supposed to be low enough as to be virtually risk free. What were you told about it?

Orchard33 profile image
Orchard33 in reply to MorningMist

I, too, was hesitant about long term use but did my research. I decided that the benefits far outweigh the down side. And taking antibiotics is very bad for me unless absolutely necessary.

MorningMist profile image
MorningMist in reply to Orchard33

Yes I agree about the antibiotics. We’re all concerned about gut health and b12 absorption and then one course of antibiotic blow it all apart.

MorningMist profile image
MorningMist in reply to Orchard33

Did it cause bleeding? That is my main concern?

Orchard33 profile image
Orchard33 in reply to MorningMist

No. The amount of HRT is minuscule and local.

Thrones12 profile image

morning all. I’ve had 5 clear years of no utis or similar symptoms because they weren’t actually utis anyway,no positive testing just mimicking utis. The uretha gets very narrowed with the atrophy and it causes so much inflammation in the undercarriage that many ladies are suffering so unnecessarily. There’s plenty alternatives to antibiotics unless it’s a proven infection then you make your choices.. dmannose and cranberry are not regarded as successful choices for many people because of their sugar content.. dmannose is also expensive for your average person. There are far cheaper ways of helping yourself with this. I used to make pessaries from pure organic coconut oil ,just pop the jar in the fridge it solidifies then you can take a spoonful out the jar and mould to shape and pop in as your going to bed. It’s runny liquid outside the fridge and solid inside.. this also helps the uretha and the vag area as it dissolves it runs down so wear a pad or knickers in bed. At the moment I use YES because it’s nice and easy and does what I need,I had bad reactions to the fillers in hormone alternatives,cream or pessaries,everyone is different and you will find something that does the trick for you and ps don’t use toilet roll to wipe after urinating,keep a couple of spare facecloths for this and just wash them as you need fresh ones.

You’ll get many tips from ladies who’ve had this same issue so try find what’s best for you because it’s def not antibiotics unless infection proven. Best of luck. X

MorningMist profile image
MorningMist in reply to Thrones12

Did the pessaries cause skin irritation? I have a prescription that I haven’t started yet as I dislike the idea of taking long term medication. How often do you inject b12? I think I need them more frequently than monthly but hesitate there too. As you say maybe that is also part of the problem.

I have found diluted apple cider vinegar helpful. I tablespoon in a large glass of water. Similar to lemon juice I suppose.

Thrones12 profile image
Thrones12 in reply to MorningMist

Yes I had horrible burning with the pessaries maybe try the cream it’s much kinder and yes it’s a long term treatment. You can also look to dietary additions or supplements which would help the skin areas but realistically I think it’s something that needs treated on a long term basis.

3rdNettydoon profile image

Thank you all for this helpful advice. I'm very grateful. X

Thrones12 profile image

I keep a bottle of water beside me with a shot of lemon juice in it and just take sips as and when I feel like it and trust me,in the morning you’ll not feel that burn or sting so much, it’s great at neutralising that acid burn when we pee because it’s like very fine paper cuts we have downstairs and that’s why it stings so much. Best of luck Netty x

nmayow profile image

I have a B12 deficiency and FND and the FND is bad with UTIs I get them quite a lot where I can’t go for a wee fir up to 6 hours or more my stomach looks like it’s about to explode and I’m taking antibiotics quite a few times it’s not nice at all . I’ve had to have really strong antibiotics but can’t remember the names sorry

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