very hard time today…need support - Anxiety and Depre...

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very hard time today…need support

Daisy425 profile image
15 Replies

today I woke up not feeling well. Where I live we’re going through a heat wave. The day before I was outside quite a bit, and I went to a concert so I didn’t get a ton of sleep. I went to breakfast with a friend and then napped for two hours. I felt better and drove home from my boyfriend’s house to mine (about 1.5 hours). When I got home I started feeling not great again. Very tired and just blah. I put in laundry and did a few things, and now I’m resting in bed for a little before forcing myself to get more done around the house.

On top of this I leave for a cruise on Sunday. I went on a cruise years ago with my family. Now I’m going with my boyfriends. I am comfortable with them. However I’m nervous about getting norovirus on the ship and rough waters. We are cruising from NYC to Bermuda. I also went on a trip to Nashville last year for three days with friends and I struggle so much with my anxiety. It was awful. After that I attended outpatient group therapy for about 6 weeks, and continued to see my own therapist. I’m just worried the same thing will happen and I’ll be stuck in the middle of the ocean throwing up from the waves or Norovirus. I feel dumb for even agreeing to go on the cruise but my boyfriend and his family really wanted me to go and there’s a chance his sister is getting engaged. I just feel stupid for saying yes and like im setting myself up for failure.

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Daisy425 profile image
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15 Replies
Alpakka123 profile image

Hi Daisy,

I did that route back in 2000. If I remember correctly, it took a week to get there.

I hope you'll be able to have a good time. You don't know if you'll get sick or not, so try not to worry about it (SO much easier said than done, though).

Well done for keeping active despite not feeling well!! That is so not easy to do. You are doing your best and that is great!

Have fun on the cruise!

Daisy425 profile image
Daisy425 in reply to Alpakka123

we have two days at sea, three days in Bermuda, then one day at sea to get back. I’m honestly considering cutting my losses with the money and not going

Alpakka123 profile image
Alpakka123 in reply to Daisy425

Oh, wow. A lot less than what I remember, then.It is up to you whether you go or not. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

BlueAgave profile image

Hey Daisy425. Give yourself a break. This heat is no joke! We are always in a heat wave where I live, although I think you're a bit warmer right now. Anyway, the heat takes it out of you especially if you're not use to it and spending more time outdoors. So take a rest.

As for the cruise, I think you will probably feel fine once you're on it. Anticipation is the worst, your mind is just thinking about anything negative that could happen. Just think of the fun you can have. Like I had responded before, have a kit to take with you with comfort items, including hand sanitizer.

I totally don't blame you for thinking about not going, I've done it plenty of times. Just don't want you to miss out on making good memories. Either way, I support you. Get some rest now and hydrate. Stay cool!

BlueAgave profile image
BlueAgave in reply to BlueAgave

By the way, what concert did you go to? Hope it was fun 😁

Daisy425 profile image
Daisy425 in reply to BlueAgave

Thank you so much for your kind words. I saw Niall Horan. Have you been on a cruise? I was doing somewhat okay with managing my anxiety until I started looking up Norovirus on my cruise ship and I saw people on Reddit posting about being in the infirmity with an iv drip

BlueAgave profile image
BlueAgave in reply to Daisy425

Oh no! That's terrible. I went on one cruise, I got so anxious that I stayed in the cabin until the last day. I wasn't sick or anything. That was the beginning of my anxiety relapse that happened about 3 years ago. Now I haven't successfully traveled for 3 years.

Daisy425 profile image
Daisy425 in reply to BlueAgave

I am so incredibly sorry to hear that

Artistfriend profile image

This heat can be a pain, its been affecting me more than i expected ugh

You always seem to manage and get through things even with anxious feelings and thats the challenge of it, to know that youll be ok no matter what.

You probably wont get sick on the cruise but i know its the fears that scare you. You have to do whats best for you, theres no shame in taking care of yourself.

Teaching profile image

Just know that these thoughts may not come to reality. It's what anxiety does to us. I'm glad you are going with someone you are comfortable with. I wish you a safe and stress free trip.

moxoni237 profile image

Hi Sorry to hear about you’re anxiety changing the negative thought processes can help relate to a higher purpose and understanding how you feel mindfulness helps us known what is happening in the present moment taking some steps to lighten any burdens or overwhelm you are good enough thinking about what gratitude you appreciate can tap into a higher purpose of self achieving and wellbeing letting go of the past reenergising self worth with things have given you satisfaction goodness happy moments believe habits which carry you forward and also may be relaxing and finding calmness not fearful keeping space meditation good for relaxation pursuits activity soothing waves tones tranquility maybe or help ful remedies from the local health store

They are always helpful with information hope you rise above youre concern

Midori profile image

To me, it sounds like you overdid things in the heat of the day. Plenty of water, and keep out of the sun on the cruise, sun hat and plenty of fluids, or you could end up with heat stroke. I think you have gotten Heat exhaustion, which is an earlier stage. Don't forget your sunglasses and plenty of sun lotion with a high factor.

Cheers, Midori

TangledUpIn profile image
TangledUpIn in reply to Midori

I second Midori and would add, drink something with electrolytes, i.e. Gatorade.

Weatherwoman profile image

Unfortunately, have these same type of fears re. Norovirus in restaurants, crowded places, travel, etc. Just hearing there might be an outbreak, or of an outbreak starts the Anxiety. I do go out, though, to restaurants, and other places, but the Horrible thots. are there. Haven't been on a cruise, and don't think I would be able to handle that! Have gotten Much worse with illness fears since the Pandemic. Still wearing masks when most people aren't anymore. Now, I hear there is an outbreak in our area of Covid, and Anxiety really bad. Have OCD, by the way, and illness fears! Have been in therapy upteen years, and tho., sometimes, the fears are lessened, and know what tools to use, still the fears prevail --Don't do "Dr. Google," otherwise that will truly ruin you. Have to Face one's fears, I know, but It's SO difficult!

Daisy425 profile image
Daisy425 in reply to Weatherwoman

You are so brave! It is so hard to face fears!! I made the mistake of googling

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