Blogs in April 2015

By: Jason Lee

Ever look at old family photos? You remember, the faded picture with the brown couch, wood panel walls and yellow(ish) shag carpet. Most people look at the photo and see these things and the smiling faces of the family. We look at these photos and are taken...Continue Reading

If the lights in your business are on their way out, making a change to your ballasts or bulbs may offer you tremendous opportunity. There’s a lot to consider when selecting the right ballast and bulb combination, however, and the decision you make today will affect your business for years to...Continue Reading

Your lights and appliances are working fine, so that means your wiring is too, right? Not so much. Seldom inspected after installation, the wiring in your home may need an update, especially if your home is more than 40 years old.

Why update wiring?

Installing sufficient wiring...Continue Reading

By: Maddie Ogletree

Your spring renovation isn’t complete without a functionality update for your electrical outlets. Standard outlets just won’t cut it anymore when it comes to powering your home and electronics....Continue Reading

Are you sporting the latest in mobile technology? Smartphones, tablets, and various mobile devices are all the rage these days, going out of date faster than the milk souring in your fridge. And while you’re likely spending a lot of money keeping up with them, it’s a good bet you haven’t...Continue Reading

Electrical outlets are likely found in every room of your home, which presents a constant safety risk if you have small children. According to the National Fire Protection Agency, approximately 2,400 children each year suffer...Continue Reading

Across the U.S. approximately 4,400 people are injured and an additional 400 die each year resulting from electrical hazards annually. Add in electrical fire, and you have what results in an estimated $1.6 billion in property damage each year. Could these accidents have been prevented? When it...Continue Reading