Blogs in July 2016

Whether the problem is an outdated electrical system or one tampered with by an inexperienced DIYer, electrical code violations put your home and family at risk. Discover some code violations that often occur and have your home inspected by a reputable electrician to make sure none of them are...Continue Reading

When the terms “heat wave” and “extreme heat” find their way into the headlines on a daily basis, it’s not surprising to see many families looking for ways to prevent higher electric bills while maximizing their AC units. To help give you and your air conditioner some relief, we wanted to share...Continue Reading

Put the safety of your home first. Did you know the leading cause of property damage in the United Sates is fires started by electrical problems? Take accidental electrocutions into consideration. Most of these incidences are the result of inadequate home wiring. Do not make the mistake of...Continue Reading

Does your home have knob and tube wiring? These open wire systems were added to homes with the first wave of residential electrical installations of the early 1900s through the 1940s, though...Continue Reading

Last updated: 9/12/2023

Some people have a bad habit of leaving the lights on when they exit a room. Some even forget to shut off the lights before they leave the house. Is this a big deal? Find out how much...Continue Reading

The weather is heating up, and with it, so is the load on your electrical system. Don’t let the stress pile up. Protect your electrical system – and your wallet – from the stresses of summer with the help of these simple tips.

Take a Load Off

Is your electrical system bearing...Continue Reading

Do you have any old two prong outlets in your home? These have only two wires running through them: a hot wire and a neutral wire. Two prong outlets are not grounded, which can leave you unprotected from stray...Continue Reading

Having a ceiling fan in the most-used rooms of your home is a great way to stay cool while saving on your air conditioning bills. If you’re hoping to replace your outdated light fixtures and fans, rest assured that ceiling fan installation can definitely be a DIY project — as long as you feel...Continue Reading

Is your ceiling fan keeping you cool but leaving you in the dark? Don’t worry, you won’t have to replace your whole fan just to get the lighting you need.

Many ceiling fans come with an inadequate, single bulb lighting on their ceiling fan or lack a light fixture altogether. Adding a ...Continue Reading