Blogs in May 2019

Becoming more aware of your energy consumption will not only save you potentially hundreds of dollars a year, but it will also lessen your impact on the environment. With more and more homeowners converting their homes with smart technology and more smart homes being built,...Continue Reading

Thousands of people across the country are injured or electrocuted in preventable home accidents every year, many of which occur during DIY electrical projects. While we would never discourage you from doing easy home electrical projects yourself, it’s crucial that you do them safely. May is...Continue Reading

Technology has brought us all sorts of new inventions over the last few centuries. One development that has captured the attention of our current world was first created in 1828. A Hungarian man named Anyos Jedlik inserted an electric motor he built into a small model car, which became the first...Continue Reading

Electrical Safety for Kids

During Electrical Safety Month, we like to refresh our readers on important electrical safety tips that can be used on a practical level, and nothing is more practical than keeping kids safe. Whether you have kids of your own or kids who visit...Continue Reading