Blogs in August 2018

Last updated: 9/12/2023

Curious about how best to prepare for your new electric car? Mr. Electric can give you some ideas about charging your electric car at home. Learn more.

Can you charge an electric car at home without special equipment additions? Electric...Continue Reading

Thanks to zero emissions and no fuel costs, 2017 saw a record number of electric vehicle sales, with this year’s sales expected to surpass those numbers as more American buyers seek the dream of a vehicle that doesn’t strain their pocketbook at the pump. But does the reality of an all-electric...Continue Reading

Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are becoming increasingly popular. Popping up alongside you on roadways, and silently idling - and surprising you - in parking lots, they leave many Americans wondering just how these electric eccentricities propel themselves along so efficiently and soundlessly...Continue Reading

Last updated: 9/12/2023

Electric vehicle home charging stations are an important part of your EV purchase, so it’s important to learn all you can about this facet of your new automobile to ensure a safe, fast, reliable charge. Charging your voltage-powered vehicle by plugging into a...Continue Reading

When it comes to choosing replacement light bulbs, everyone knows CFLs and LEDs offer a more efficient, longer lasting lighting option. But given the choice between the two, fluorescent light vs LED, which one comes out on top? In this battle of the bulbs, Mr. Electric will help you decide which...Continue Reading