Blogs in November 2017

It seems every time we read or watch the news, yet another natural disaster has struck the U.S., ranging from floods and fires to superstorms. It goes without saying backup generators have become quite popular as a result, providing power until officials and aid organization can restore effected...Continue Reading

LED light bulbs have gained traction over the years with a lot of homes making the transition to lighting their homes with these newer LED bulbs. LED light bulbs are more affordable now and boast features you’ll have to see to believe. LEDs are efficient and surpass halogens by offering the same...Continue Reading

As the holidays approach and we 'fall back' to darker days, showcase your home in a new light with the latest in outdoor lighting. From safety and security lighting to accent lighting that allows key architectural and landscaping features to shine, step-up your outdoor lighting game with the...Continue Reading

You can't control the weather, but you can control your generator! Be safe this winter when operating your generator. They are handy pieces of equipment to have around, but be sure you are properly operating them. Not sure if you are safely using your generator? Mr. Electric can help. Check out...Continue Reading