Blogs in July 2015

Even though the summer brings high temperatures, don’t let it bring high electric bills with it as well. Did you know that you could find huge savings on your electric bill in your attic? With functioning attic ventilators, savings can be yours. Let the experts at Mr. Electric® help...Continue Reading

Summer is here and temperatures are spiking – is your energy bill? Cool things down with these energy saving tips…

Put a freeze on your cooling bill:

  • Give your HVAC some TLC.
    Change your filter regularly and schedule annual professional
  • ...Continue Reading

Museums have a hard line to walk, exhibiting items for public education and enjoyment while protecting those same collections from damage. Today’s museum also carry the additional weight of safeguarding the future of the environment – as well as their financial future – against the dangers of...Continue Reading

The relationship between weather and energy usage is a never-ending cycle. Spikes and drops in temperature and humidity lead to spikes and drops in energy use (and costs), which in turn correspond with spikes and drops in greenhouse gas emissions, further affecting climate. What does this...Continue Reading